Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-09-24 05:41:58 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

A Failed Assassination Part 1-Fate Of Marek TP LOG


Matilda- Champion of Redwall

Benar-Abbot of Redwall

Mergleton- rich merchant stuck at Redwall, an ally of Redwall

Anatole- Fighter in Mossflower Defenders

Ormaz- horde leader and insane beast

Spoofed assorted horde beasts and guards....


Today, it's raining again. Not as much as when the horde first arrived, but mud is everywhere, a nuisance to any beast not atop the walls or indoors. The horde has continued to encircle the Abbey constantly. There is no escape, Ormaz thinks to himself as he surveys what he knows is soon to be his latest acquisition. Redwall Abbey, standing tall and unchanging beneath the stormy sky. From his position amongst the horde, he stares unblinkingly at the wall as if his withering gaze could cause it to crumble. "But I don't need to break the wall," He murmurs to himself. "Only the beasts inside."

Anatole is on wall duty as he looks back and forth. Wall duty is boring sometimes but he did say he would do it.

Matilda is on the walks, speaking with a few guards, letting a couple go down and another come up to the wall top to take over.

Benar steps outside of the Abbey, the abbot has his hood up against the rain and starts to walk up the stairs toward the wall. His two ever present guards are following him but the Abbot dislikes being outside like this... but Matilda says it helps Morale when he appears on the walls to talk to the guards so here he is. Walking up onto the walltop he looks around for his Champion, hood up, rain soaking his tail but he is outside.

Mergleton has been sitting on the wall for sometime now, attempting to wring water from his robe and muttering something about mud stains on his perfect robes.

Ormaz tenses, straining his eyes as he sees beasts atop the walls. Is that...There's no mistaking it. That's somebeast of importance judging by the bodyguards' presence. He moves through the horde quickly, headed to the front ranks to confirm his suspicions, wanting to be absolutely certain before he commits to action.

Anatole stays alert, he hasn't been on the wall tops very long and has his blade, and a sling with him for when needed, even some pebbles as well."Its been quiet...quiet is not always good I think"A vole beside him shrugs."Quiet can also be good chap"

Matilda keeps a close eye on the Abbot. Seeing the Abbot does boost some sprites as a few guards smile, one that was looking slightly lazy straightens up as the champion nods a quiet hello, the abbot doesn't need to be up here too long, just a few moments.

Benar starts to walk along the wall, keeping his hood up to keep the rain off but he has a smile and a word for everyone. He stops near Anatole and smiles at the otter warmly, "How are you holding up Anatole? It can't be fun being on guard in this rain like this."

That's all Ormaz needs to be certain--the way the beasts on the walls act when Benar passes them confirms the Abbot's identity. Quickly, he grabs the nearest beast with a bow from the ranks of the horde. "Can you shoot?" He hisses into the rat's ear. The rat gulps. "Aye, sir!" He manages after a moment. Ormaz releases him. "You get first pick of loot if you can kill that beast on the walls." The rat's fear disappears, replaced by petty greed. "Aye, sir, I can shoot," He says, more confident. "Point me at 'em an' I'll fill 'em with arrows so they look like that hedgehog--" Ormaz cuts him off smoothly. "Excellent. See that one?" He asks, bringing the rat to the front and gesturing at the minuscule figure that is Benar at a distance. "Kill him. Do it now." The rat nods, and nocks an arrow...

Anatole smiles "Its...yeah not fun but tis rainy weather time, I much rather be below with Tassel but...she will be ok and I am helping to keep her and the abbey safe this way sir"

Matilda keeps an eye on things, in the sky..below, and around best she can and the rain doesn't help as she sighs, but its fine she will get a dry cloak later, she needs to be up here as well.

Benar inclines his head to Anatole, "Well I promise as soon as this mess with Ormaz is sorted we'll get Tassel, your baby and yourself down to the river for that running water ceremony that she was telling me about," He smiles, "It'll be nice to do something simple and special together."

Mergleton approaches Benar as he notices him. "Saltuations, Mr. Abbot. Tis not the finest days we are having, but I came to check the defenses at the wall. Your guards seem to be good shape, but should a siege begin I have a special surprise for our unwanted guests, it is but a summons away, but let us hope we do not need it. If our reinforcements are to return soon than this conflict will end before it began, we can only hope"

Another moment passes. The rat takes in a deep breath and lets it out halfway to steady his paws. Then he sights up and releases the arrow. It arcs menacingly towards the walltops....

Anatole nods, he looks at the oddly dressed fox "Errrrrrr...."He looks back to Benar and smiles "That..that would be great Benar, thank you"

Benar glances out over the walls at the surrounding horde, "I think Mergleton dear, the siege is already here.... we are just lucky they have not charged the walls yet," He shrugs deeper into his habit, "I should finish my tour of the walls and then get back inside. Matilda doesn't like me to be up here too often." With the Abbot talking and distracting everyone no one seems to have noticed the arrow that has just been fired at him.

Mergleton nods quietly as he tries to descend from the wall but curls back as he steps into some mud tracked in by the guards. "Yes, it would seem so, but perhaps for we...*ahem* yes, it would seem that I will not be leaving the wall just quite yet"

The arrow hisses towards the unsuspecting Abbot...but at the last instant it's deflected by the outer edge of the walltops. Ormaz sees what happens, and before the rat has time to even process that he missed, Ormaz's knife is in his back, twisting cruelly. The rat screams as Ormaz hisses to him, "Now you will never fail me again." Kicking the twitching, dying body aside, Ormaz storms back through the ranks, shoving his way through.

Anatole nods and then gasps as...was that an arrow as he spins around and stares down and frowns as he gulps "Someone just fired an..arrow at the there"He frowns, wait who was just standing there, the arrow missed and that's good.

Matilda is right away alert, and lets a cuss word slip as she missed the arrow being fired as she gives order to the two guards"Get him inside..."She frowns, she checks where the arrow bounced off as it did leave a mark and looks down in time to catch the rat being stabbed and Ormaz slipping into the crowd of vermin and takes a deep breath, ok that was way too close.

Benar jumped as the arrow clinked off the wall right next to him. Next thing he knows he is being mandhandled back off the wall by his guards and hustled back down the steps. Not wanting to risk the wide expanse of the open lawn in case there are more arrows the guards hustle the Abbot into the gatehouse, they'll get him back inside the main building later when the threat is definitely over.

Mergleton flinches soon after the arrow scene occurs and clears his throat. "Mr. Abbot, I believe that there may have been an attempt on your life, perhaps it would be wise to retreat posthaste and let us see if we can deal with these intruders before they become a greater threat"

Anatole takes a deep breath and places a stone inside his sling, ready to fight off anyone it looks like.

Matilda motions for the guards on the wall to be ready, she trusts the others to get Benar inside even if its only the gatehouse for now.

Benar is gone back inside, the Abbot should be safe in the gatehouse for now and Benar can pace around worrying for everyone on the walls. Ormaz is not the sort to take a failed assassination attempt lying down, an attack is probably imminent.

Anatole frowns, "So..what now...they have have the abbey surrounded....."

Matilda frowns as she watches "I don't like this one bit at all" She looks at the guard "Is the abbot inside?" She gets a nod"Ok...then...I think we may be in for an attack....very very soon, be ready..get the others ready now!" The guard salutes  and heads off.

Last edited by oz (2018-09-25 09:00:54 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


#2 2018-10-04 05:47:36 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380


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