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#1 2018-09-25 07:57:27 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Info Gathered-LP Log/Some fate Of Marek

Very Shortly after this log


Ciocan-Badger LOrd(Appears after a few poses)

Xander- Leader of The Mossflower Defenders

Sinway- Fighter in Mossflower Defenders

Some spoofed hares....


Xander decided to venture out, a little while not too far as it was unlike his friend to not report back, usually that hare was pretty good at that sort of thing, he said he look around and come back as he looked around staying fairly alert

The two missing hares were no where to be seen, well 3 were missing when only two of 4 scouts returned...Ewan and Zolomon didn't...Koles and the other scout returned, maybe they were with Corporal Holly....nope they are not with er, in fact she seems to have been dragged away from an area and left on the path, a small black feathered arrow in her shoulder still...swollen and oh yeah...Holly's dead. And the woods here are...bit too quiet.

Xander frowns as he lays a paw on his blade, he passed the area on a boat and refused to get off the boat to rest, he made them go a little further down stream, on the way back home this area just makes him feel...even more tense, he starts to leave when he sees the hare and rushes over checking on her and frowns.

Some rustling, one small giggle but nothing more..seems what ever is here...wants to play or something, may be wise to not go too far alone, even if he is a badger.

Xander looks around, he can't very well fight carrying a hare maid and frowns, he takes a quick glace around and just...something says back up and get help, he frowns half wanting to look for the others and half go to camp...yes camp as he turns around and heads back quickly carrying the hare maid.

Ciocan is speaking with some of the hares as they have not been at Camp to long, "Then where are the other scouts?" The hare frowns, he honestly has no clue which only gets a frown from Ciocan.

Xander makes his way between some hares, "Excuse me..pardon me..I need to find Lord Ciocan where is he?" His voice sounds urgent as a hare points to where the badger lord is and he right away makes a bee line to him. He still has the hare maid Holly in his arms.

HOLLY lies very still in the badger's arms, in fact the hare maid is dead with the only out of place thing being a small black tipped arrow in her shoulder shoulder

Ciocan looks over to where Xander is and is heading over to him meeting him, his eyes go to the hare maid, and a healer rushes over to take a pulse and shakes their head frowning, "Wot..happen, where was she, did you see anything?"

Xander frowns, "I only saw her, nothing else...I did hear some sort of laughter but no idea from where and the area just felt...made one feel uneasy, someone or something was there and out of sight and clearly has these arrows."

A hare salutes as they come up "Sur..Private Ewan and Recruit Zolomon are not in camp sur...seem to be missing as well as...."His jaw drops when he sees Holly, he frowns "Holly....."

Ciocan takes a deep breath and listens, "Wise to leave when one can't see the enemy"He nods to the hare that salutes "Dismissed..."He speaks, staying calm for now "Anything else..seen, heard, anything and how far from camp?"

Xander speaks "Nothing else...."He is unsure what to do with the hare maid he is still holding and is worried about Zolomon now, as well as Ewan.

The hare walks away, looks back and frowns, its clear he knew Holly.

Ciocan is not happy, far from happy in fact .But he speaks calmly as he speaks to another hare, a healer.."Please take Corporal Holly to the healers tent for now" The hare nods and does so as the Badger Lord stands there in deep thought.

Xander stays where he is as the hare maid is taken elsewhere, quiet for now...he has an urge to go out but will stay where he is.

Ciocan speaks, "Two missing hares..scouts....a dead corporal...I need to know..Xander is it possible its that horde?"

Xander says, "I do not know, they might have poisons but they also wound  not hide..or laugh I don't think. I looked around, it almost seemed like it came from some..tree maybe"

Ciocan nods as he listens"Its not good to have two hares missing, I don't like the fact one of my hares was found dead..I know you feel like looking for Zolomon but do not, not alone"

Xander nods slowly, he wants to yes but he knows its unwise and could make things worse"W..what do then?"

Ciocan says, "We still are on course for Mossflower, I do not want to fall behind..nor do I want to leave any hares behind." He is still thinking it seems.

Xander nods slowly, keeping as focused as he can right now.

Ciocan says, " would be unwise to look for your friend, your judgment may not be the best. I will get some hares together and they shall look for both him and Ewan""

Xander closes his eyes and then opens them, "I..understand...but someone has to..find him."Yes he knows someone will be sent out, but when " A hare was found..dead, my friend..and Ewan could of been close I do not know. The area is maybe half a mile from camp...not very far."

Ciocan watches Xander closer and goes to lay a paw on his shoulder"And we will figure out how to get them back, first how to find them, the safest way possible"

Xander goes to push the paw away, a couple deep breaths"I..I should of looked more....should known"He feels like screaming.

Ciocan simply steps in front of him, "Your stay in camp...."Yes he is using a commanding tone"They will be found but I am not letting you go off and look. "

Xander glares as his path is blocked"My friend is out there....and so is one of your hares.."Ok Zolomon is one sort of..."And what about the hare maid...she was dead, what if they are cant be that far from where I found her.."Yeah for get the uneasy feeling, he is going to look now, heck waiting..right now its more not totally thinking.

Ciocan takes a deep breath and lets Xander get about 2..maybe 3 feet before he suddenly tackles him to the ground, a few gasps are heard from some hares watching. The Badger Lord remains calm and in control .

Sinway steps out of one of the tents to see what all the noise is about just in time to see Ciocan tackle Xander to the ground "Huh, is this what they mean by two fully grown male badgers don't do well in the same space together?" He comments

Xander is a bit surprised, more so when he can't get up. A few deep breaths and trying to get up, that fails and so he seems to give up and then frowns,he closes his eyes "I'm..sorry..guess I am not thinking clearly...but something needs...done. Sooner rather than later."

Ciocan has his attention on Xander,he speaks to him before helping him up"Sometimes ones judgment can get clouded when a friend is involved.."He helps the other badger up and nods to a couple hares "Alright..we find out if anyone seen them last, was anyone else missing?" A hare speaks "Just Ewan and Zolomon sir..Holly was..but"The hare frowns and looks at the ground, the badger lord nods and dismisses them. He looks to Xander "How far and describe the area..sounds..sights..anything"

Sinway frowns when he hears about Zolomon and Ewan walking closer to the two badgers "What happen?"

Xander says, "1/2 mile...not too far from the river. there was the laugh, like I said sounded like from some trees a little ways into this...sort of darker area, couple trees really close together but didn't seen anything, something could hide there easily and clearly was. I found the hare maid on the ground with that small black feathered arrow in her shoulder, took a pulse...she was..dead" He frowns as he goes on, then heard that laughing and looked around, felt a little uneasy like..I don't a trap or something, it was just uneasy feeling and I sensed the urge to back up and get back here."He frowns "This sort of..reminds me of...."Yeah something else a long time ago"But...they didn't hid in trees....""

Ciocan nods"Hiding in trees...what else, reminds you of what?

Xander frowns, "When...I was..younger, when...."He frowns "When Sister Zinnia, Brother Leon and Dorarose visited the mountain some seasons ago...and before ..Jedrick had enslaved me.....there were weasel like creatures along the river, they would kill beasts and capture them, used knock out herbs I forgot what they were called...the group managed to get away from them, someone chased them off...but they hid in like bushes, not trees..they hated beasts on their land clearly."

Sinway frowns listening to Xander as he described what he heard and saw not having anything to say at the moment

Ciocan nods as he listens"So..this is likely not that horde....I will have to see if anyone has heard of this before, maybe your historian friend?"

Xander shrugs "I...don't know. I didn't see anything,just heard....but Ewan and Zolomon...they have to be in that area...but I..I wont go with any search party of look sur..."

Sinway thinks for a minute and shakes his head "Can't be.........the painted ones can it......are we that close to there territory."

Ciocan lays a paw on Xander's shoulder and nods"We know they are missing and an idea where now, they will not be left behind I would never leave a hare behind"He looks at the otter "Painted ones?"

Xander frowns"Are they like the ..Flitchaye"He frowns and nods to Ciocan "I..I know..sorry when it seemed I..lost my head a little earlier..wasn't thinking clearly and I am a bit better now."

Sinway thinks for a moment "Kinda.....they  tree rats.......very savage, paint them self up to blend in with the trees.....they have a history in Mossflower.....if it be the Painted Ones we needs find are friends quick Ciocan......the painted ones have a history of cannibalism."

Ciocan nods "Wot would you suggest then Sinway, it seems you know more than I do on these..painted ones"

Xander frowns, yeah Sinway had to give details as he sits down and just stays..calmish and listens.."They have poison..I know that....the hare maid..."

Sinway thinks for a moment " I know they prefer to live in pine trees.....or so the books say.......there have been multiple accounts on them not being to keen on fire.....though those books are from a much older point in Mossflower's history....." The otter tries his best to remember more

Ciocan nods "We can take torches with us...seems they may be picking other trees."He frowns as he glaces at Xander and nods "Yes...Corporal Holly....we will have to..."He sighs "Alright need to find a couple archers, don't sound like getting close to these tree rats is wise, and keeping very alert, but I am not sure of doing this while its night or waiting till morning."

Xander frowns as he stands and just quietly heads to the tent he has been using, not the best night and he knows if its soon they go out he isn't going, even in the morning he is going to have to let the others tend to this.

Sinway nods looking back at the healers tent where Kenya is before back to Ciocan "As much as I would like to hurry Ciocan......tis goin' to be nearly impossible to see them in the dark, they blend in to well during' the day let alone at night.....if only we had some squirrels.....but thinkin' about that doesn' help us now."

Ciocan says, "Sadly no squirrels and I know none is among your friends....a few hares may know how ta climb. I do not like stopping too long but...we need to find our two friends and as you said quickly."He looks at Sinway "You can help if you wish, if not then any info you have will be helpful for the rescue. We are less than a week from Redwall now....but as I told Xander I will not leave any of my hares behind, I do believe Xander should stay in camp for this..sometimes when a friend is involved, judgment is clouded a little when it comes time to rescue, it can happen to other beasts when a loved one is involved as well""

Sinway thinks for a moment "If tis all the same Ciocan.....I rather stay in camp.....Zolomon be me friend as well." He thinks for a moment "I'll try me best to remember anything else I have read about them......though its been some seasons back."

Ciocan nods "Alright.."He hmms "Maybe that..bird friend of yours is in the eagle, if you see her she would be a good help in this as well."He takes a deep breath "I need to talk with me hares on this matter and on matters involving your abbey as well, excuse me"

Sinway nods his head "And I need to go think on some things." With that he returns to the healer's tent

Ciocan nods, he then goes to talk with his hares and then mediate

Last edited by oz (2018-09-25 09:02:32 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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