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#1 2018-09-08 01:34:01 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

The Horde Has Arrived At The Gates Part 2-Fate Of Marek TP

Right after

Yep Part 2 is short..but good.


Matilda- Redwall Champion

Ormaz- Evil horde leader

Kakarauri -assassin and archer in Horde

Anatole-Fighter in Mossflower defenders

Emyuil- Wrrior

Dorarose- Gatekeeper

Spoofed guards, horde beasts and a few other beasts...


Ormaz pauses for only a moment at Matilda's announcement. Then he laughs, loud enough that it echoes even over the rain. "Surrender? Us? When we have you completely surrounded?" Abruptly his laughter ends and he scowls. "I thought you could do better than ghost stories, hedgehog. Anyhow it's pointless. Here is my offer: You can surrender and submit to my will, and save yourselves the torment of watching all you know burn. Perhaps I might even show some small degree of mercy in enacting my retribution. If, however, you stand...then I can promise you that you will all die for certain and there will be no second chances. Time's wasting. This is your final warning. Do you lay down your swords..." His eyes gleam piercingly. "Or shall I come and take them from your dead paws?"

For his part, Emyuil maintains his grip on his sister's paw. "I don't blame you. You never wanted to hurt me; you just did what you thought was right. I understand completely, and I couldn't ask for anything more."

Matilda takes a deep breath as she replies "We do not surrender, that is your answer." A couple guards stay close to her, others are along other areas of the wall. There is archers on the wall but they have yet to fire off an arrow. No one is on the grounds and have gone inside and the gates are locked up tight, even with extra chains on them for added protection.

DoraRose hears her brother's reply, but what her enemy says is too much and she can't keep silent any longer. "I'll die before I bow to you!" She screams down at him. "You can have this Abbey and its inhabitants over my dead body!" Some of the other guards start roaring down similar sentiments. But for now, at least, no one is chucking anything down at the attackers. They're just shouting their defiance.

Anatole makes his way to the wall tops, maybe he shouldn't be here but he wants to help.

Kakarauri just stays where she is, a now unconscious squirrel in her grip as she yawns slightly, this is starting to get very boring.

Ironnbark is...yeah knocked out cold and sadly a captive now.

Shrugging calmly, Ormaz simply calls back, "Very well then. When you get to Dark Forest, know that this could've been prevented." He disappears into the ranks, instructing his captains, "Make preparations. We leave none alive and we destroy everything." With that, a roar of approval goes up from the bloodthirsty horde...

Emyuil releases his sister's paw and clenches his own paw into a fist. "Right then," he snarls down from the wall tops, despite the fact that the horde is drowning him out. "Come and get us." He adjusts his grip on the hilt of Nevermore, breathing deeply but steadily to focus himself.

Matilda keeps a close eye on the stoat as he disappears but does her best to stay calm so others will stay calm.

As the stoat turns to go, DoraRose calls out, "Aye, and be sure to bring the cookies to the party, Ormaz!" Because there's nothing like an inside joke between enemies, right? As the horde below starts roaring and being just generally obnoxiously evil, she unwinds her sling from around her wrist and loads a stone into it, resting her hammer at her feet.

Kakarauri blinks and growls up at the mouse maid "I will have fun when I get inside..maybe I will kill you and..cookies?I can eat those in celebration of deaths!"

Ormaz bristles at the mouse's taunt. "I"ll kill you last," he mutters to himself as he remembers meeting her in the tavern. "Very slowly." Emyuil laughs, somewhat crazily, feeling his berserk side starting to settle in. "That...was the least intimidating thing I've ever heard," he calls down to Kakarauri. "Come on in if you want to die! "

Matilda looks at Anatole as she speaks " with Tassel, she needs you more than I do, as does your newborn dibbun..that's an order go, no arguing with me please"All the time she keeps her attention on the horde and its leader.

The otter starts to say something and then Anatole sighs and nods as he walks back down to the abbey grounds and on back to where Tassel and the newborn is.

Kakarauri snorts "Can I kill her...I want to kill beasts...when can we kill beasts?" But she will not do anything without orders.

DoraRose smiles down at the marten. "I'll have fun when you get in here, too! It's called whack-a-marten." She lifts her hammer easily with her left paw. "See? I even have my own mallet!" Her laugh joins that of her brother as she feels her own berserk nature creeping into her consciousness. This is going to be an interesting short while.....

Ormaz fixes DoraRose with a glare. "Oh, I won't have to get in. Not yet. Starvation makes a traitor of anybeast. I'll give you all time to reflect on the fate you've chosen. I have other business to attend to." He disappears into the ranks once more, and after some indistinct shouting, the rear ranks begin to set up a siege camp...

Last edited by oz (2018-09-08 01:34:54 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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