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#1 2017-12-28 05:21:32 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Life will never be simple again... (FV log)

Sarnith invited Blisa to his woodlands shop in this log:  So that's the SCENE for this RP.

CHARACTERS: Nightbreath the male ermine.  Sarnith the male ferret.  Blisa the female cat; Ferdinand the male ferret; Valerie the vixen; Clarissa the female rat.

Two days of paw padding east from Ferravale along the river moss and down south under the eves of Mossflower another good part of the day one will find a cabin in a small pine grove. The grove itself has been cleaned up and a few of the trees have been cleared. There is an apparent path leading up to the cabin and several smaller peaked roofs show behind the structure. Wood smoke chugs away from a chimney that spouts not only from the cabin but from one of the other roofs that show behind the cabin. The snow is somewhat light in this part of the forest but a myriad of paw prints show that the place is rather inhabited by several beasts but none appear present at the moment. A rasping and soft crumbling sound is coming from behind the cabin, making one think that at least some beast is home.

Blisa hadn't been expecting it to be such a long journey. But then again, Sarnith is almost impossible to understand, so maybe he had told her how long the journey would be and she just didn't understand.   
Ferdinand had picked Clarissa and Valerie to join them on the journey, and now the trio of bodyguards scoot ahead of the Chieftain a little as they near the closest building. Dressed warmly, they observe the smoke and pawprints, and the weird sound.   
The cat pulls her cloak around her better. "Hello? Anybeast home?" She hopes it's the carpenter. It sounds to her as if some horrific creature is chewing bones back there.... 

Nightbreath, robed and cloaked, emerges out of the treeline a little ways after the Chieftain.   Walking over to her side, he awaits instructions, or any indication that he should act.

The rasping and crumbling go a few more rounds then the sound stops with the exclamation of a heavy door slamming hard enough to make snow drop off of some of the pine branches. Snow crunching sounds follow as a beast starts towards the hail from behind the cabin. From around a corner of the cabin appears Sarnith, carrying of all things a loaded short bow. It takes the hob a few moments of staring to realize that whoever this is isn't an immediate threat. Loosening the tension on the line Sarnith withdraws the knocked arrow and calls over " 'Ow's ye's be'ds?" As the hob speaks a few small faces appear in the cabins window before quickly ducking back out of sight.

Blisa gasps as Valerie steps in front of her. "GAH-oof!" The cat is buffeted to the ground by an accidental swipe of the Healer bodyguard's poufy fox tail.   
As the vixen cringes and goes to help the grumbling Chieftain back to her feet, Ferdinand waves as he and Clarissa make sure to show that, though they are armed (they're not stupid), they have no weapons drawn. "Hello! We've been well, thank you. Thorry for not thending a methage warning you of our arrival; we weren't thure how you'd like a raven arriving at your doorthtep." Clarissa nods and rests her fists on her hips. "Aye, matey, y'd 'ave good reason to be alarmed."   
Blisa is now on her feet and making a snowball. Valerie shrieks and turns to run just as the snowball hits the back of her head with surprising accuracy. 

Nightbreath tenses when he sees the shortbow at first, but relaxes once it's lowered. He removes his hood, laughing at Blisa and Valerie's antics.  Flashing a quick grin to Sarnith, he says simply, "It's been a while."

Giving a brief wave Sarnith says " J'uss ah mo'mn! " Going up to the cabin door Sarnith peers in then tosses the bow inside before turning around to address the beasts again. " Well's ow's be'ds? Gud's der's see yer's! I's didn' thin' I'dds see's yer's all der's way's ou' 'ere's, leas' till's edd's warm'd up's! Come's on's over'd an in's will yers? " The hob says the last bit as he starts around the back side of the cabin waving an arm for them to follow. " Der's shop'd be'd back's dis'way's, der's Kris dun's like's et's when's I's get'erd saw's dus' all'over der's hous'. Dat an der's lil'un's end's up'd makin's mess'erds ou'd o et. "

Blisa blinks.  Oh, yeah, he is impossible to understand.  Right.  Valerie just grins at Ferdinand.  This is apparently a joke between them.  Clarissa is ignoring the carpenter because he's obviously speaking a language she doesn't know.  As they follow him around to his shop, Blisa says, "Oh, we've been, uh, well, thank you.  I, uh, don't blame, um, Kris for not wanting sawdust in the house.  I always make my bodyguards put their wood shavings and things in a basket when they're attacking wood with their knives."  "We jutht like to carve for fun.  It'th jutht a way for uth to relax," the head of the Bodyguards elaborates, not wanting Sarnith to think they were equals with him or anything.  The Chieftain peeks behind her to make sure the Seer is following them.

Nightbreath follows slowly, after glancing in the windows of the cabin idly.  He nods to Blisa as the Chieftain peers his way.   He doesn't say anything yet.

Around the other side of the cabin a few smaller buildings are apparent, two that are three quarters of the size of the cabin and two that are less than a quarter of the size. Sarnith heads for the door of the building that has smoke coming from it's chimney. "Gud's ter's 'ear's den! Well, 'ere's der's shop as ed's be'ds " the hob says as he opens the heavy door. Inside of the shop tables are covered in projects in various stages of completion, some little more than piles of lumber and others mostly finished chairs or tables. Along the walls are racks full of hanging chairs, shelves, tables and the like. One wall how ever is different in that it is covered in carved wooden toys, only some of which are in place, the rest appear to of been used recently and are strung all over the floor. Colored blocks, carts, small houses, figurines, and various other things that dibbuns would find interesting.

As they enter the shop, Blisa spies the played-with toys and gets a look that no has seen on her face since she was a tiny kitten, before her mother and brother had been murdered by Stormfeather. Bending down, the Chieftain picks up a block and a figurine, a strange smile upon her face.   
Ferdinand looks around at all the things. "You are very thkilled. Do you have an apprentice?" Clarissa keeps her paws clasped behind her back as she looks at some of the almost-finished projects.   
Valerie watches the cat carefully at the Chieftain turns to the carpenter. "You have young ones? I'm sure they're proud of their daddy." The young leader looks very different from how she has looked for most of her life. She looks...almost innocent, and with the strange kind of happiness that overtakes people who love children. 

Nightbreath watches Blisa fondly, nodding in agreement with her statement. He's pleased to see her happy, rather than brooding as is sometimes the case, or downright furious.  He watches her curiously, while also waiting for Sarnith to speak.

Moving over to the large open fireplace Sarnith kicks and rolls a few cuts of wood into the glowing pile then says "Wohy's thank'es! I'sd st'ill's drie's der's keep's ge'n bedder's add's whud's I's do's 'ere's. An's I's sord'as 'as an'd under'lin, dat's Zocalo if yer's 'member's 'im. An der's kit's are a pain's in 'ere, sorrie's on's der's mess'erds." Finishing the last of his words the hob goes over and tries to start tiding up the mess of toys that are all over the floor lest some beast fall and break something. "I's need's der's ge's dem's bedder at's cleanin's up round 'ere's."

Blisa moves to help. "Oh, it's no bother, really. I think it's kind of nice." Her paws full of little toys, she looks at the carpenter. "I came about those toys I asked you to make all those seasons ago. I can still pay you, if you like. After I see them, I'll decide which ones, if any, I'd like to..." she pauses and looks at the mess on the floor. "Well," she says with a chuckle (she chuckled?!), "I guess I mean which ones I'll take, but I don't think that'll be very many."   
Clarissa is staying silent because she literally has no idea what the carpenter is saying. He's speaking jibberish, as far as she can tell. Valerie is smiling now. This seems to have been a very good outing for the Chieftain. Ferdinand nods. "Aye, there ith alwayth room for improvement. Although you won't die," he looks around the room, "unlike if I don't keep working on becoming better with my thabre." 

Nightbreath smiles wryly at Ferdinand's words. "Unless you slip and maim yourself with a saw, of course," he whispers to the bodyguard.  Folding his arms in the sleeves of his robes for warmth, he glances around the room again, as if searching for something. 

Continuing to pile up the mess on a formerly empty work bench Sarnith says "Oh, jus' ged wha' ever's yer's like's der's 'ave's, mos' o wha' dem kit's likes' in's der's cabin's. Well's I'sd 'as der's make's coin sum 'ow's, an' no sellin's goods get's yer's pooer preddy's quick's like'rd." After getting things picked up to his liking Sarnith goes over to a floor cabinet and fishes around inside, he comes out with a wooden lead-ed horse on wheels that has been lightly painted, it also has a set of finished rockers resting upside down across it's base, and sets it up for Blisa to look at saying "I's thoug' I'dd remember'ded yer's sayin summat 'bou' yer's wannen summat like's dat's der's. "

Nightbreath bids his goodbyes and ducks out to survey the return path, leaving Blisa to conduct any transactions that might take place.

Blisa looks down at the toys she just set down, stroking them with a finger. Picking up a couple of blocks, she looks at the rocking horse, her smile widening. "Oh, aye, I remember that., that was a long time ago," she whispers. Looking down at the blocks, then back to the rocking horse, she stands and thinks for quite a while.   
Ferdinand, after laughing quietly at the Seer's comment, waves at him, then walks over to the Chieftain. "We need to leave thoon in we're going to get any traveling done before dark, Mith Blitha." The cat looks up, then coughs slightly. "Yes, quite. How much for these blocks," she holds up the 2 in her paws, "and the rocking horse?"   
After paying for them, the cat and her bodyguards give the carpenter gracious adiues and arrange the best way for them to contact him should they need his assistence with anything.   
After they are gone, while Ferdinand and Valerie are chuckling with each other about something, Clarissa, who is carrying the rocking horse (it was her idea) softly says to the Chieftain, "Y'alright there, Cap'n? Y'seem a bit dirsturbed." Blisa looks up into the concerned face of the former sea rat. "Oh, uh, yeah, I'm fine, thank you, Clarissa. I'm just...thinking." Thinking about when she was little, before her Daddy died, and even as far back as when her mother and brother were still alive. She was starting to forget their faces.   
Life was so much simpler back then....and it will never be simple again. 


Thanks for reading!


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