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#1 2017-06-08 01:49:43 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

To the Snake Pit.... (A Long Patrol log)

A direct continuation of this log:

SCENE: The Western Shoreline

CHARACTERS: Rioko, a vixen.  Felicity, a female hare.

The Snake Pit certainly has the physical feel of one, Rioko thinks as she and her companion make their way across the beach in the dark. However, the vixen thinks the entrance to the cave ahead of them is filled more with the two legged variety of snakes.   
A simple cave entrance with a pair of weasel guards. Their clothing is almost uniform, red vests with black over coats, making them look more like ushers than guards. The serrated cutlass's at their sides however, and the scars across their burly hides, are less than welcoming as they stare down the party approaching them.   
"Ok," whispers Rio, "Remember the plan. We get in, scope the area out, and then steal back my treasure. Simple, right?" 

Felicity Rosinbloom, Private in the Long Patrol, haremaid extraordinaire, is unrecognizable in her disguise. She is black, with her nose covered with a thingy to make it look like that of a weasel. She hugs her own brown overcoat closer to herself, covering her worn, torn clothes that, while being very clean, are still stained. Even though the washed them 5 times. Leaning on the spear she brought, she glares at the vixen from under her kerchief, which she tied over her ears and is using to cover her ears and forehead down over her eyebrows. Over this, to hide the bumps of her ears, is a leather cap, which she DETESTS. "Oh, aye, so long as there's nobeast who notices whot we're about, nobeast that understands Tuscanian and so notices who awful I am at it, and so long as nobeast starts a fight. Other than those things, as well as a squillion othah things that could go wrong, 'twill be as simple as stealin' a pie from the Dibbuns in Redwall, wot!!"  The grumpy lagomorph's whisper carries all of her discomfort at this whole mess. She feels practically naked without her trusty short sword (although she did bring a sling and a pouch full of rocks). Glaring at the vixen, she shuts up as they get within hearing distance of the guards.

"Hahahah! Silly hare. Spillion isn't a number. And...I'll take yer word on Redwall. What ever that place is... time to get into character." The fox keeps walking towards the guards. When they don't attack them on sight Rio begins to breath again.   
The fox shows off her invitation to the guards, hoping they will just nod their head and let them inside. Instead they come closer together to bar their entry. "Guest or contestant?"   
Rioko blinks. "Uhhhh...guest?" The weasels look the fox and her friend over.   
"Y'all sure about that?" One asks before giving the fox a shrug. "Surrender yer weapons with the beast inside, then take the left hallway." The weasels part.   
To let them pass. 

Felicity keeps herself from smiling; if they saw her buck teeth their cover would be blown in a heartbeat.  Instead, she mutters 'guest' in Tuscanian, which probably no one in the whole area has ever heard before.  She's even managing to hide her real accent, instead having one more like, well, what DoraRose has when she starts talking in her native language.  Peering through the doorway, the hare gives the vixen an uneasy glance.  Maybe they should've said contestants??  Too late now, thinks the Long Patroller as she follows her friend.

The fox steps inside, trying hard not to look the guards in the eye. The darkness of the cave is offset by torches. The narrow cave leads deeper into the earth until it comes to a fork in the road. One cave hallway leads to the left where sounds of laughter and music can be heard. Another path leads to the right, leading downward into the darkness and in the very center between them is a booth where a single, one eyed rat sits. Behind him is a wooden wall where various swords, daggers and even one flail are hanging. The beast looks up when he sees them, he growls as he points upward to a sign above him, "Guests check their weapons here."

Felicity trails behind the vixen, acting sullen and nonchalant, slouched and lazy looking, but in actuality she is fully alert and ready for action.  As they come up to the booth, she reads the sign and says, in Tuscanian, "Really?  I forgot that, or I would have left my spear at home."  She goes to surrender it and the sling and stone pouch (not her regular, Long Patrol-issued ones; they're just blah and drab and normal for a vermin person).  Glancing at the vixen, she manages to sneer as she says in Tuscanian, "You didn't warn me about this!"  Hopefully nobody actually understands her....

"That's because I didn't /know/ about this." The vixen hisses back. Reluctantly she surrenders her glaive before turning for the left path. The rat grunts to the fox, holding out an paw as if expecting something. Rioko sighs, dressed in only cloth wraps, a yellow vest, and a sash it's not quite clear where she was keeping the dagger but she surrenders it as well. The rat appeased the two are free to move deeper into the cave.   
The room ahead opens into a large cavern. It's beast made to be sure as nature never deals in square room shapes. Wooden floors and walls decorated with paper lanterns the room is filled with dining tables and card tables. Beasts dressed as servants come to and fro through doors in the back that lead to kitchens. The smell of cooked meat is strong, and not just fish by the smell of it but real, actual meat that makes Rioko's mouth water.   
Gambling tables fill the floor as beasts roll dice or play cards. A stage is set up off in the corner where a group of vermin play soothing violin music.   
And in the center of the room there is the pit. The walls seem natural, forming a large semi circular pit with wooden rails to prevent beasts from falling into the sandy bottom two stories below. There are three entrances to the pit, two normal sized doors for beasts and one very large metal door for...something else.



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