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Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-03-13 01:36:52 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

A Thank You Gift-Willowbark Abbey

Gorvenalus-Recorder of Redwall Abbey

AbbotTrifakus-Abbot of Willowbark

Rupert- Recorder of Ferravale

==Log, right before they head home to Mossflower, so before  the end of this log  ==

Gorvenalus quietly wrote in his journal a few last moment updates before they were to leave for home.

A knock at the door was not answered right away, a 2nd knock was answered with a quiet “Enter”

Abbot Trifakus enters the room slowly and offered a smile “Hello Gorvenalus..I..I know your heading back...well...home, but before you go could we talk a little while.”

Gorvenalus noded as he faced the rat , he closed his journal and smiled a little “Of course my friend, I..I am sorry I have seem a bit down, guess a lot happening in such a short time but I do believe I choose well having you be the next Abbot of Willowbark. You have done well and did well the past 8 seasons when they needed a leader, you were there for them and still even the past few weeks have been very helpful to me and my friends, and in helping those who choose to stay...feel welcomed.”

Abbot Trifakus smiled “ was a shock yes but I am glad I was chosen and will be my very best to not let you down sir.”He adds “There is...a well sort of thank you gift I would like you and your friends to take back with you. It won't take up much room”

Gorvenalus grows curious and so follows the rat.

Rupert is looking over some papers when he sees the rat and beaver and nods a hello “Greetings, I was about to leave and shall meet the group heading back to Mossflower in the morning at the sea port of the island.”

Abbot Trifakus nods and then “Wait one moment good sir...”He walks over to a large covered item and slowly takes off the cover to show...a bell, just slightly smaller than the one at Redwall Abbey. “We...don't need it here, we have other means to alert beasts of possible danger. But it does need a home, could you give it one? I want you to have it, as a thank you for all you have done, If it wasn't for you and those friends of yours...well...its very possible Willowbark would of become but a empty place within a season or two. You brought hope, you brought help, you brought advise...”

Gorvenalus looked at the bell and smiled “I may have some ideas”

The rabbit examens it and spoke “Ferravale is building a bell tower but we have no bell, perhaps there?”

Abbot Trifakus nodded “That would be good, I have heard they are allies of Mossflower and of...Redwall, a Bell Tower does need a bell to be used correctly.”

Gorvenalus smiles and hugs his friend, getting a hug in return” Thank you”

The bell is carefully taken to the dock and loaded onto the ship, Rupert makes sure its done correctly and keep in a safe place, he will also be in charge of getting it to Ferravale once they get to the river Moss...he has beasts he can contact for a boat down river. The trip will end up going well and they will have a surprise for Ferravale...a much needed bell for the almost completed Bell Tower!

Last edited by oz (2018-03-13 01:37:53 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


#2 2018-03-15 04:37:31 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380


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