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#1 2018-03-07 01:47:27 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

A Sad Loss-Willowbark Abbey

Gorvenalus- Recorder of Redwall Abbey

Minsc-Knight and Protector of Willowbark Abbey

Xander-Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Varsha- Healer in training

spoofed: Sister Elma, Brother Trifakus, Brother Ulraunt  and various other beasts

==Here is Log, Warning it does get sad...====

Gorvenalus sat under the willow tree and was mediating quietly, many things on his mind today and so much going on to make sure all was ready for spring planting. The planting season came a little earlier here than in Mossflower so unlike at Redwall Abbey Willowbark Abbey was getting together seeds to plant for spring.

Brother Trifakus came running up and frowned, he normally wouldn't disturb the beaver but this was important “Abbot Gorvenalus....your needed in the infirm right away”

Gorvenalus opened his eyes and looked up at the rat before slowly standing “What is wrong Trifakus?”

“Its....its your grandmother....”

That was all that needed to be said as the beaver quickly headed to the infirm and soon was at his grandmother's side.

Minsc was off to the side, of course it was his great Grandmother since Gorvenalus had adopted him. He frowned as he sat down in a chair close by.

Sister Elma layed on a cot, looking so old and frail, the last couple days she had, had a couple spells of passing out and shortness of breath, some pains in her arm and chest and had been in the infirm since this morning after being found unconscious by the storage building. She looked up at Gorvenalus and weakly smiled” look so concerned....all...all is ok. All will be ok...our friends have helped us get ready for spring, we have made allies of the sea lion and seal clans and even have better ties with the sea side village than we ever did...did before” Her voice so weak, so tried sounding as she reached up and laid a paw on his cheek.

Gorvenalus frowned “Grandmother....can I get you anything. I will go get what ever herbs are needed.”

Sister Elma shakes her head “ need, the great maker of all things....calls me to the forever forest.”She smiles “You need to make ready your trip back to..what was it?..Oh yes Redwall Abbey as their recorder.”

Minsc listens, he knew Gorvenalus was going back to Mossflower or least it was a rumor going around that not all was sure was true or untrue.

Gorvenalus frowned “I..don't have to go back. I can stay here...with you grandmother and take care of you”

“Does a beast have unlimited seasons?...No sadly they do not and I have so so many seasons, more so than I should of my dear dear grandson. are needed at Redwall and you have done so so many good things there and will continue to do so. Your place is at Redwall, not here. And my place is with our departed family and friends....” She cleared her throat “Minsc....”

Minsc stood and walked over and keeled by her side, “Yes Grandma?”

Gorvenalus lets tears go down his face as he nods.

Sister Elma smiles at Minsc “Minsc....please don't stay anger at Gorvenalus, its not a knight's way. And I know you will help keep and whomever takes over as Abbot you will serve them well.”

Minsc nods and looks at Gorvenalus and back to Elma “I have already forgiven father for not staying and should never of let anger cloud the mind, I am sorry. I promise to always protect my friends, this abbey or even if needed other friends as well...”

Gorvenalus manages a smile but sadness is still in his eyes as he watches Elma.

Sister Elma takes a couple slows breaths..” both...till” Then her eyes closed, she took her last breath, and her heart stoped beating. The oldest beast in Willowbark abbey....has died.

Minsc tenses up and then tears go down his face...”!”

Gorvenalus takes her pulse and slowly stands as tears go down his face, he leaves the room quietly and into the hallway and to the main room where he runs into Brother Ulraunt , “” He says quietly.

The frog doesn't ask why and quickly all from the abbey and Redwall group are in the main hall as Gorvenalus stands by his chair” Sister ...dead” He closes his eyes and manages to hold back tears..”Tr..Trif... Trifakus forwards please.”

Brother Trifakus walks towards the front slowly, “Yes..Abbot? Will you be ok sir?”

Xander frowns at the news and looks concerned at Gorvenalus.

Minsc looks up curious, his tears have been shed, least some.

Varsha looks down at the floor, tears go down her face...not the Sister...please not her...who is gonna tell Varsha she can do anything if she believes she can, the old beaver had helped the young teen so much to...well...grow up it seemed.

Gorvenalus clears his throat and simply takes off a necklace he has always worn, under his robes till recently, it's the symbol of the Abbot...a sort of raindrop looking crystal on a thin silver chain woverned to look like waves of a water fall.  He places it around the rat's neck and ajusts it. He slips off his blue robes with the strange symbols and places it on the rat...the rat may need to hem it some as its for sure a little big. He steps back and takes a deep breath”I present..Abbot...Abbot Trifakus......” He barely gets it out before he walks off, he just walks off and outside.

Trifakus stands in shock, wait...ABBOT?!

Brother Ulraunt  mouth drops open....well that's an interesting way to state he was stepping down as abbot.

Varsha blinks “What?”

Minsc looks like he is debating on following his father outside or not, he frowns unsure what to do.

Xander acts as he stands “I will go check on him...Minsc you should stay and Br..Abbot Trifakus and...all...need to discuss what ever needs done, you know Willowbark customs better than I do...excuse me all” He hurries outside to find his friend.

Gorvenalus is in the orchards, sobbing loudly and curled up like a dibbun just shivering and coughs ever so often.

Xander rushes over and lays a paw on his friend as he kneels beside him “Gorvenalus....Gorvenalus.”

Gorvenalus stays this way for another moment or two before his eyes meet the badger's eyes. He then just hugs the badger and silently cries.

Xander stays by his friends side for as long as needed.

Gorvenalus does go back inside after a while, but it's a long while. He avoids beasts till the next. He spends this time writing, then sleeping till breakfast the next day....a day that will seem so very very long to all.

*** A poem I found somewhere, sounds like something Gorvenalus might write and even later read at Sister Elma's funeral

As long as we live, they too will live;
For they are now a part of us:
As we remember them!
At the rising sun and at its going down we remember them.
At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter we remember them.
At the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring we remember them.
At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of summer we remember them.
At the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of the autumn we remember them.
At the beginning of the year and when it ends we remember them.
As long as we live, they too will live, for they are now a part of us. As we remember them. When we are weary and in need of strength we remember them.
When we are lost and sick at heart we remember them.
When we have decisions that are difficult to make we remember them.
When we have joy we crave to share we remember them.
When we have achievements that are based on theirs we remember them.
For as long as we live, they too will live,
For they are now a part of us, as we remember them.


Last edited by oz (2018-03-07 02:24:00 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


#2 2018-03-07 02:21:26 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Re: A Sad Loss-Willowbark Abbey

Flea would of been in shock and just...well wandered what will happen now

Karth would of stayed to help with any disorder that may of happen at the end

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


#3 2018-03-15 03:11:37 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: A Sad Loss-Willowbark Abbey

LilyMoore would've been shocked, and she would've started crying a little.  She went outside to find Gorvenalus but couldn't find him; she made it back in time for dinner.


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