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#1 2018-03-09 11:12:55 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Friends And Family..Always and Forever-Willowbark Log




Who's In Log:

Gorvenalus- Recorder of Redwall Abbey

Xander-Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Minsc-Knight and Protector of Willowbark Abbey

Rupert-Recorder of Ferravale,Historian and Maker of Maps

Flea-Member of Willowbark Abbey

Karth-Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Varsha-Healer in Willowbark Abbey

Spoofs of varies Willowbark Beasts and Various other beasts including Yasmine,Chip,Abbot Trifakuus, Brother Ulraunt

==Enjoy the Log== Abbot now, Abbot Trifakus took  a deep breath and then exhaled as he opened his eyes and looked at all the gathered beasts. “Friends...we are gathered here today for..different reasons, one main one is to say our last goodbyes to Sister Elma.”

Brother Ulraunt stood close by, recording the details down on a scroll quietly, he was Recorder of Willowbark after all.

Chip frowned, he had known Sister Elma all his life, she was like a mom and grandma at the same time to him, more of a mom than anything else as a tea went down his face.

Yasmine sat in a chair and listened as she held her walking staff close, she too knew the old beaver since she been here, a lot had known her of course from the abbey, from the village, even a small few seals and sea lions knew the old beast.

Gorvenalus was close to the front, silent mainly for the past week and when he did talk it was to give Trifakus advice or let him know of any plans he had. He was also writing a lot as he finished any history of Willowbark and its main ways, and leaving some info at Willowbark of Redwall Abbey for those curious of, least to them here, a land not so close...a land 3-4 weeks away depending on how you travel.

Minsc looked at the ground. He had on his armor..polished and shiny, his sash and his blade at his side. He truly looked like the knight he was. As the new abbot started to speak he looked up and gave his full attention.

Varsha sat with her paws folded in her lap as she listened, she already missed Elma so this was fairly hard for her.

Xander stayed close to the group from Redwall as he listened closely, he also stayed close to Gorvenalus's side. A lot on his own mind but that was put aside for now.

Karth stayed quiet, it was always good to be quiet and respectful at a time like this, he had not gotten to know the Sister that well but he knew others knew her all their lives.

Flea also didn't know her that well, he spoken to her here and there, he mainly stayed close to Lotus, who sat beside him quietly.

Other beasts gathered around...the small amount of Willowbark Abbey members, still so very small...had dropped one more now making their small group of beasts even less.

Rupert sat in the back quietly listening and watching. Most of the time he was in the village so when he heard what happen he came back a little earlier than planed and then would stay till the ones coming back to Mossflower was ready to go home to which he would lead them to the ship going back to Mossflower, they would board it and start the journey back home.

Abbot Trifakus speaks”Sister Elma..was the oldest beast in Willowbark, she survived through the time of destruction and helped many here as well as the surrounding area. Always there to comfort and offer a paw to help, even when she was tried and one time even when she was ill, she still thought of others first. Today we lay her to rest. We say...goodbye but goodbye is not forever my friends, its only till we meet again some day in that forever forest that we all one day go to.” He smiles a bit”Any beast is welcome to say a few words....” He then steps aside to let various beasts say their goodbyes or share a memory, which many do. He lets any from Redwall speak as well as Willowbark and those from the area that came today.

Varsha steps up “Hey...Elma was sort of like a mother to me and...she gave good advice to which I am glad, I am also glad she taught me healing...wish could of helped her but that's healers can not always save everyone and...well a healer learns that sometimes sooner rather than later” She then sits down.

Yasmine stays in her seat, too upset to say much as she most likely would start crying.

Chip does say some words “She was a grandmother to me...and a mom...she cared for me ever since my birth mother died and...when I thought my birth father died as well. I was so happy when father was found to be alive and..Grandma Elma was happy also. I am glad I have my father still in my life.” He rushes over to hug his father.

Minsc hugs his son in return and smiles “Me too son.” He then walks to the front “Hello...all beasts. It is hard to say goodbye...this I am knowing all to well. I did not get to...say a proper goodbye to me wife or others and glad of the chance at the memorial event just a couple weeks ago. Change...change we all go through at time or another time but we all get through change yes? Together...” He then takes his place by Abbot Trifakus side.

Xander clears his throat and goes to the platform and nods “Hello....I am glad the abbey here had survivors and I know your all will be just fine. Just help one another and be there for one another as one large family as family isn't always about blood..anyone can be a family, trust me.” He then sits down

Flea isn't sure what to say so he stays seated, as does Karth. But they stay out of respect.

Abbot Trifacus lets anyone else say any needed words before he nods “ A moment of silence” Which follows for maybe a couple minutes before he speaks again”Thank you all for coming....let's all gather in the main room, thank you”

Sister Elma is buried in the graveyard where others are as well, its a large graveyard and her place is close to a small cluster of yellow flowers, she liked those yellow flowers. Beasts who want to drop a paw full of dirt as they pass the grave and soon all are inside the main hall of Willowbark for a meal, for needed fellowship, and even for a few other goodbyes as in a couple days time, the ones heading back to Mossflower would be going hone.

==Couple days later in The Main Hall of Willowbark==

Abbot Trifakus nods”Let the..season of Spring start, this season shall be called...Spring Of New Starts...let us eat and drink my friends!” And so the feast begun.

Xander sips some tea and gets a little soup, not too much as he speaks “i think he will do good as Abbot”

Gorvenalus nods “Yes indeed, he will do well I know it. I am happy.”

Brother Ulraunt  nodded “Yes and he even talked the 3-4 groups of scattered beast in the island woods to live here, we are even going to make a small pond close to the abbey where some water already gathers and have a small little ditch leading from it to the sea so our seal and seal lion friends can be closer for visits since we have a treaty with them as allies to us. Our abbey grows!”

Flea smiles as he chats with his, now wife Lotus. The two look very happy as they share some salad and  looks like cake of some sort.

Chip stays close to his father after getting some juice to drink and a plate of  fish and greens.

Minsc smiles, talking with many here and even chuckling a couple times.

Karth just drinks a little ale, “So..we leave come morning sir?” He asks Xander.

Xander nods “, you, Lilymoore, Gorvenalus and Rupert is meeting us at the docks. Moonbeam has already headed off ahead of us...I asked her to make sure Krisha was ok”

Abbot Trifakus stands “I would like to say a few words..some new ranks are needed if a few beasts are too...better help “He smiles...” Novice Yasmine and Novice Chip.....I would like to welcome you now as Brother Chip and Sister Yasmine. Also...Flea and Lotus are now mates, but also I would like to have Flea be our new beasts in charge of crafts as he did a fine job helping with various skills for us. And Varsha...would you like to be one of our Healers?”

Varsha looks up surprised and smiles “Of course I would..I don't know a lot, but I know a lot more than I  did before started training as one and I am very much willing to learn even more so!”

Gorvenalus smiles as he nods his congrats to all.

Karth congratulates Flea and smiles at his friend, he knows the shrew will do well here...yes he will miss him but he knows he will do well.

Xander smiles as he listens, yes the abbey here will be just fine.

The abbey of Willowbark will indeed do fine as they are ready for spring now, crops are planted and the orchards have been made ready. They are soon to plant an herb garden even for healer needs as well as cooking herb needs. A few guards will be trained under knight Minsc for protection needs, and they even found a forge beast in the form of a tall black and gray furred rough, but kind, looking middle aged sea otter named Spike of all names. The feast goes well also as food and fellowship are shared by all into the very late hours.

==The next Morning==

Gorvenalus stood by the waterfall as he looked at it quietly. A large knapsack on his back and then slowly turned to leave.

“Father!” Came a voice and soon it was seen it was Minsc who run up to hug Gorvenalus” I will miss you”

Gorvenalus returns the hug “I will miss you as well my son.” He smiles “I will try and write and send word back and forth between us with the help of Moonbeam or maybe Tally the owl if she would like. I also plan to have Willowbark Abbey and Redwall Abbey be allies and maybe trade with each other, it wound not be too hard , though trades may take some time to get to one another but there is water travel and the port at Mossflower to use. I am sure that Captain Greystone will be willing to help or maybe Spike since he knows a ship crew. “

Xander walks over and nods a hello, and turns to Gorvenalus “You....ready to go?”

Minsc looks at Xander “You best be taking care of my father.”He is serious but at the same time he knows Gorvenalus will always be safe with Xander and The Mossflower Defenders close By.

Gorvenalus nods “I am ready Xander yes.”He smiles at Minsc and walks stands beside Xander.

Xander smiles “I will trust me...The Mossflower Defenders will miss you Minsc as will I. Stay well my friend”

Minsc nods “You as well friend, you as well.”He salutes one last time to the badger and then turns and walks back behind the falls and into Willowbark.

Gorvenalus waits till the badger heads on to the docks and then he follows. The two friends will meet up with Karth, Lilymoore, and Rupert and start the trip home, home to Mossflower Woods and Redwall Abbey. They should be in Mossflower in 3-4 weeks time.But Remember Family and Friends are there for each other..Always and Forever no matter what, no matter where, no matter the time...always and forever.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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