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#1 2018-03-06 10:14:29 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Ready For The Snow Badger Story and...Krisha's Back?-Redwall Log

Oz-Badger Mother,aka Papa Oz

Benar-Abbot of Redwall

Krisha-Badger Mother in training

Mariposa-Visiting Squirrelmaid

Ferro-Blacksmith of Ferravale

Marek-Ferravale Ambassador and Tavern Owner

Vojin-Head guard of Ferravale

couple spoofed beasts

===Enjoy starts in abbey and...ends up in the Blacksmith shop of Ferravale?==

Oz is sipping some green tea, the dibbuns right now are with Sister Ginny for reading and writing time and he gets his hour break of the day.

Benar walks in from the library carrying a large book, he moves over to a seat near Oz and settles down, "Afternoon Oz dear," He murmurs as he starts to leaf through the book, "Ready for Friday?"

Oz smiles "Greetings Benar, I suppose I am ready as long as the dibbuns behave they get to have the story time, so far they have been fairly good"

Benar turns a page and runs a finger along the text "I've not read the story of the snow badger in forever, so I am glad to get the chance. It is always one of my favorite stories"

Oz says, "The dibbuns seem to enjoy it and I am hoping Lacota can make any cookies maybe for story time"

Benar says, "Oh yes I am sure he will and some honeydew milk as well to go with it will be just perfect"

Oz smiles, "Should be a good day. I know when I first came to the abbey I had no clue who the snow badger was and one would think I would of known seeing as I lived in the snowy North lands"He smiles remembering "It was the dibbuns that got me to stay, in fact the main ones who got me to not be a hermit anymore. Then after a little while Lorimis offered me the dibbun caretaker job and...well been caring for the dibbuns ever since, for many seasons now"

Benar smiles softly, "I always wanted to come home to Redwall myself, I grew up here... well in the forest nearby. So when I was done in the army of Southsward I wanted t come on home"

Oz says, "I don't think I could ever leave Redwall, I know when I first came I only planed to stay maybe a couple days....well now its home"

Benar smiles and reaches out to squeeze Oz's paw, "Well I  am glad you stayed, this place would not be the same without you here with us!"

Oz says, "I am glad I stayed as made many friends. There has been ups and downs but nothing that couldn't be handled with, with friends at ones side."

Benar says, "That is life as a whole though Oz, ups and downs all the way" he smiles and turns another page, "Ok i think I know this story well enough now to tell it"

Oz nods " I am sure your do well with the snow badger story"

Benar says, "Thanks Oz, it is kind of nice to be doing something for the dibbuns it has been awhile since i got out of my office"

Krisha makes her way slowly into the room stopping at the doorway, least for now and just seeing whom is around first.

Oz says, "The dibbuns may enjoy the abbot telling the story for once, its different and all have different ways of telling a story"

Mariposa has clearly not been in the abbey before as she peeks in and looks unsure of the place, she frowns and looks ready to go right back outside...that is if it wasn't doing that stupid rain/snow mix that made no since to her either.

Benar says, "Heh well I will try my best," he closes the book and sets it on the table, "But I am sure I am not as good as you at story telling Oz, now we have a guest..." He stands up and waves to Krisha in passing as he heads toward the door, "Welcome friend to Redwall Abbey, come in, come in out of the rain and dry off by the fire.""

Oz nods, he knows Krisha is here but will wait to speak to her, the squirrel maid however, he doesn't know at all...yet.

Krisha seems glad Benar has his attention elsewhere and that Oz is blind, neither can see her frown, her tears as she walks away. Not their fault, no...her mood was messed up before she got home. She walks quietly to the library.

Mariposa backs up a little and doesn't speak right away as the other squirrel speaks "I....inside yes." She looks around the room and it is warmer in here.

Benar smiles warmly at Mariposa and moves over to the door, holding it for them, "Come on i, it will be a lot warmer, I am Benar, Abbot of Redwall and this is Father Oz, our Dibbun Keeper and badger. So come along dear you must be freezing being out there in that weather."

Oz waves a paw "Greetings and yes welcome to Redwall Abbey miss...whats your name?" He makes a quick  note the direction Krisha goes, something is wrong he can tell by her walk and will ask later.

Mariposa steps the rest of the way inside, "I am...Mariposa, not from here...from...sea coast, not here"

Benar says, "Well Miss Mariposa, I am originally from the Northern Shore as is Oz here, everyone here at Redwall is from somewhere else but all are welcome." he moves to the fire after shutting the door and holds out his hands to warm them, "You must have traveled a long way to reach us though and in miserable winter weather"

Oz says, "I have not been near the sea before, know some that have though."

Mariposa says, "Was...on boat down river, then here. I was told of the red building" She speaks slowly as she is not totally use to common speech but she is learning it."

Benar inclines his head, still standing next to the fireplace "Well miss Mariposa you have found us, Redwall is open to all who come in peace so you are most welcome here with us."

Oz says, All good beasts are welcome here"

Mariposa says, "That is...good. Not sure of place north of here...seems...odd"

Benar asks, "Ferravale? It is... a peculiar town but peaceful though one does have to be careful there from time to time, But you are most welcome here with us""

Oz says, "Redwall is nice, spring will be here in a few weeks and we will have crops to start planting"

Mariposa says, "It....seems ok and yes...a village close to where call home will do spring stuff as well soon"

Benar asks, "Well Mariposa would you care for some tea? Or perhaps something to eat? Or even a chance to freshen up after your journey?"

Oz sips his tea as he listens, his break is only an hour but he may have it be slightly longer today.

Mariposa sits down finally and nods "Tea is good" She knows what tea is at least "What...sort is here?"

Benar says, "Oh well..." he glances at Oz then picks up the tea pot and pours her a cup, "Well we have every food you can imagine, from pies and quiche to scones and cheese, breads and desserts and every type of beverage under the sun"

Mariposa blinks, "A..scone?" Yeah that's new and so is the chair "This is nice...use to grass or a rock, maybe a tree....sand too, mother said explore and find self but I am not lost to be found, don't think"

Benar says, "Well," He picks up a small bell and rings it and a Novice soon walks over, he has a quiet word for a moment then they leave, "You cannot be a guest at Redwall and not have a scone, Our Friar makes the best scones for miles in any direction." He pours more tea for her, "And you are welcome to climb any tree should you feel like it in our Garden"

Mariposa smiles "Trees....good for seeing far also, your Mossflower has a lot of trees" She takes a drink of the tea and smiles at the flavor.

Benar smiles and settles down in a chair for himself, and it is not long before the novice returns with a tray. Benar then sets about showing Mariposa how to slice a scone in half, add jam and butter or clotted cream to taste, "Help yourself, none here need go hungry and I Mossflower is one of the best places for climbing"

Mariposa adds a little jam and creme to her scone and her eyes seem to light up as she eats it and soon gets a 2nd, she then frowns "I...sorry, not use to this abbey ways and just learning speech of these..lands"

Benar chuckles and sips his tea and shakes his head, "It is nothing to be sorry about, I am glad you are learning our language, It means we can talk easier. And well eat as many as you like but don't over do it now they are quite rich."

Mariposa says, "Yes..." She eats the 2nd one slower, "So"

Benar says, "There are quite a lot of us yes, but we all work together so that no one need starve or want for anything. Working and Sharing all the chores as one happy family""

Mariposa says, "One...Family?" She hmmms softly "I..only have...mother around...well she is home""

Benar inclines his head and gestures around the hall, "Everyone here in the abbey is part of our family, the order of Redwall Abbey are all brothers and sisters, and I am the Father Abbot."

Mariposa asks, "Father? To...all here? Yes its a little confusing, least to her. "Sounds...interesting"

Benar smiles, "They are obviously not all my own children but i consider them so... for i am the Father Abbot here and so.. it is my duty to care for them all"

Mariposa nods "I...seee...I only know of a clan of seals...and sea lions, they live in the my home...they have own language and mother understood it a lot better than me"

Mariposa says, "and they helped...each other also"

Benar says, "Well Mariposa, Sea Lions and Seals are every nice, but we are the same here, we all help each other to keep the Abbey running and keep it safe from any who might threaten it""

Mariposa frowns "Threats....are not good..hope none are close here" She still has some tea and finishes it.

Benar says, "Well thankfully no one has threatened the abbey in quite some time," He stands up and smiles, "For now I need to return to my duties, but you are welcome to stay as long as you like," He bows, "See you later,"

Oz sips his tea, Sister Ginny comes over to him and the two talk, then she sighs but mutters an ok and walks to where the dibbuns are as Oz speaks "You came with Krisa...what is wrong with her? And where is the others?" He knows there was more on the trip.

Mariposa blinks as she looks over "She only...came she did. She lost a small one....what you call dibbun"

"Lost?" Oz is confused "And why is she the only one back?" Ok now he is worried.

"Xander is...fine He back..soonish.." Comes a quiet reply as Krisha enters the room, she sounds tried and sits quietly in a chair. "He has...too much on his mind, half want to stay and then the seal gulls and recovering from that, then...i lost the...and he was looking forward to being a dad and..."She controls the urge to cry, her emotions are all messed up and she is still slightly sore and it seems even though she lost the baby her body seems to have in its mind it refuses to relize it." He..does not need to have me around to worry" But after she left she got to thinking she most likelyly added MORE worry.

Oz stands and walks over and if allowed will give the badger miad a hug.

Krisha lets all the bottled up emotions out and sobs onto his robes.

Mariposa looks at the tapestry, she is not going to be rude and stare, she knows the badger is depressed.

Oz rubs her back and just is there for her, words are not always needed.

Krisha finally is able to calm enough to speak "Take me to my father, please Oz" Yes she knows he is blind and she would do most of the leading but.."I don't want to go alone"

Oz nods "Of course Krisha, we can go now I will need to let Abbot Benar know I will be back by lunch tomorrow" He has an order beast do so and then goes with Krisha to Ferravale.

===Some time right after sundown===

Oz walked to the gates and stayed close to the badger maid

Krisha frowned as she took Oz's paw "Come on we can stay at Father's shop, there is a spare room." They head there.

Vojin blinks "Krisha? Where is all ok, why is the dibbun caretaker with you?" He follows a short distance and then it seems something dawns on him, what though as he rushes off.

Oz tilts his head, ok odd then again they are going to where a monitor is.

Krisha walks in and heads to the back,

Ferro is working on a blade, "No one isssssss......."He sees Krisha and quickly places the blade in the water, there is a loud hiss and a LOT of steam as he lays the cooled blade down, and pulls off his gloves and is hugging his daughter before she has a chance to reply.

Oz find a chair in the shop and sits down, too much walking for him.He ends up falling asleep.

Krisha hugs back "Father...I missed you"

Marek makes his way into the shop and nods to Oz "Mr. Oz...."He holds something in his arms as he looks towards the back room."Was Mrs. Krisha able to talk for a short while?"

Ferro hears the stoat and snorts, he walks out and folds his arms over his chest "I...closssssssed.....good night"He turns away and heads back to the back room.

Krisha blocks her father's way and looks at Marek "Yes? What?" She sounds like she rather not talk, maybe he will go away as she could so tell her father to throw him out.

Ferro would LOVE THAT but he will let them speak.

Marek walks over, "Your help is acquired as it seems you are back at the perfect time, I have had in my care the past day and a half a cub that woill not drink any water or greensap milk." He has in his arms a small newborn female badger cub.

Krisha seems in a trace as she takes the cub and holds it close, she looks at the gathered beasts and oddly growls at them as she backs into her room that's further into the shop. Mother instincts take over and now she seems glad her body decided to refuse to let it's self know it was no longer with child. The past 2-3 weeks have been stressful but someone needs her. It also may be best to leave her alone for  good couple days.

Vojin backs off "Ok....that was odd."

Oz wakes up and blinks slowly " going on?"

Ferro frowns, even he decides to leave her alone. "Everybeassssst leave. And my ssssssshop is clossssssed for next 2-3 days." He gives a listen to me look, yes creepy time. Even Oz should leave"Ssssssssomeone help the blind one."

Marek goes to help Oz up and out the door, "Come Mr. Oz we can find you an escort back to the abbey in the morning." He is not staying here.

Vojin for sure is not dealing with a grumpy over protective badger maid with mixed emotions, nor a monitor he is already out the door with out a goodbye see you later.

Oz just frowns, his question he supposes can go unanswered as he has not a clue whats going on as he is half asleep and he is unsure he even wants to know what is going on. Just led him to a bed, then home in the morning and he will be fine, he can ask later what the heck just happen.

Last edited by oz (2018-03-06 11:15:04 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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