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#1 2018-03-01 04:38:35 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

I don't wanna stay in Willowbark! (TP log)

On the island of Willowbark, in the partially rebuilt ruins of the Abbey.....

(Xander the male badger.  LilyMoore the female mouse.  Gorvenalus the male beaver.)


Xander has decided to try something else to get his mind off things, and that is moving a couple large rocks to clear an area for planting crops for when it's spring. It's not too hard to do as he is strong and he chooses an out of the way place to place them, maybe they can be used for something else, he isn't sure, but this helps the abbey have a little more crop space.

LilyMoore has been helping with the sewing chores the Abbey needed, and now she's taking a break.  As she walks over to where the badger is, she smiles.  The weather is fair, and there's a slight breeze.  Some birds are singing.  She comes over and sits on a rock that Xander has already moved out of the way.

Xander doesn't notice Lilymoore just yet as he moves one last rock and sighs. He then looks at the cleared area "Now it just needs....whatever"  He mutters to himself and then finally sees the mouse maid "Oh....hi"

LilyMoore waves.  "You did a good job.  It looks ready, like, wheat or something."  She pulls a canteen out of her pocket.  "I brought you some cool tea," she says as she holds the canteen out to him.

Xander nods slowly he hasn't talked too much the past few days as he does take the tea and takes a couple sips. He then tries to figure out how to do the whole tear the soil up for crops thing, he decides someone else can help as he goes to let a couple otters know, whom DO know what to do and thank him, he nods and goes to sit down and sip tea every few seconds.

LilyMoore sits beside the badger and watches the clouds.  Taking a bundle out of her pocket, she unwraps the cloth to reveal a muffin, which she starts munching on.  "Do you wanna talk about it?"  she offers kindly, and if he says no, then that's okay, too.

Xander is quiet and doesn't reply, not till the tea is drank and so its like 30 minutes of just  what ever noise is around and he finally asks what may sound like an odd question "You do plan to go home with me right? To Redwall Abbey?"

LilyMoore just sits patiently, listening to the bird song and the wind.  When the badger finally speaks, she finally looks at him.  "Well, of course!  Redwall is my home; I could never leave permanently!"

Xander manages a weak smile "Thank you...least....least someone still wants to go home. I would hate to tell Dorarose and Leon you were not with me"

LilyMoore smiles a little.  "It must be really hard; I didn't think anybeast from our group would want to stay, except for maybe Minsc and Gorvenalus after we found the survivors.  It's quite a shock."

Xander says, "Minsc or...Sir Minsc as they seem to call him is staying.....Varsha wants to be a healer....and" He frowns and now he lets a couple tears fall "But why....did...she left, she didn't even say goodbye just a stupid letter not to worry"

LilyMoore frowns and goes to rest a paw on the badger's arm.  "I'm sorry.  I heard that something had happened with your baby, but I don't know exactly what.  I don't know why Krisha left, but I do know that I sometimes do things that worry others when I'm sad.  I'm sorry," she finishes in a whisper, wishing that she had more to say, something that would actually help.

Xander says, "Maybe I did something wrong, I don't know. I do know we may head home a little sooner...well after the abbey here is set and ready for spring"

LilyMoore tilts her head and decides to, for now, ignore the news about them headed home a little sooner.  "What could you have done wrong, Xander?  I wasn't there, but....but I can't imagine what you could've done that would've made her leave."

Xander looks away "And why are others besides Minsc staying like Varsha and Flea?"

LilyMoore pauses for a few minutes, then says quietly, "I don't know.  Have you asked them?  I certainly haven't."

Gorvenalus has been busy today and finally found some free time as he walks around, seeing his two friends he makes his way over to them.

Xander shakes his head "No..."He nods a hello to the beaver "Oh Hi...Abbot Gorvenalus, how are you today" He may as well call him abbot right?

LilyMoore nods to the badger, then waves at the beaver.  "Oh, hi, Gorvenalus!  Lovely day, isn't it?"  She's not going to call him Abbot unless he asks her to; she knew him before he had ever even seen Redwall, so friendship trumps formality.

Gorvenalus frowns as [he] stands in front of them " That ....won't stay my title. Minsc knows but I have yet to tell others. I am not staying here, I...I can't as I feel more at home in Redwall and I am the Recorder of Redwall Abbey. I have a beast in mind to be Abbot and he has done well. I know Minsc is staying and that's good, he is...happy here and so much more alive that he has been in many seasons"   

Xander listens "You're.....coming home to Redwall Then?" He smiles as he is glad of this, not all seem to be deserting the badger or least to him it seemed that way. 

LilyMoore bounces to her feet, the remaining crumbs from her muffin falling off her tunic front to the ground as she goes to hug her beaver friend.  "Hooray!  I'm so happy! I would have missed you!"

Gorvenalus allows the hug and smiles, he glances at Xander  "You shouldn't stay away from every beast Xander, it is good yes to do different things to get one's mind off other things but also letting friends help you as well" He stays beside them "All will be fine I am sure and yes we will go home soon, but 'til then we enjoy the time here, look" He shows an area where flowers are starting to drop, not yet bloomed, "See...hope blooms, like this flower and it shows its beauty to all but sometimes it does take time, as will things in life that are not always understood"

Xander looks at the flower stems and buds and sighs. He does stand slowly "'s just....guess thought beasts were hating me. I mean I should be happy as Willowbark is slowly growing, it needs beasts. And I know things get better with time but..." He sighs" I want to rush off and find Krisha, but I can't leave the others here, I won't do that...I will...will...will trust she will be ok, she is tougher than she looks." It was hard to go ahead and decide to trust Krisha would be fine, yes he still is a little worried and the first place he plans to check once home is Ferravale's forge shop.

LilyMoore listens, then goes to hug the badger.  "Yeah, I'm sure she'll be okay.  I pity the beast who makes her mad."  She looks up into his face and smiles.  "I don't think any of the beasts here hate you; I know Gorvenalus and I don't."  She's pretty sure she can speak on the beaver's behalf in this.

Gorvenalus nods "We are all friends. I will need to let that Rupert know we plan to head home, with a little fewer beasts in a couple weeks time, least he is to contact the one with that one ship"

Xander smiles and laughs a little "Yeah...Krisha knows how to fight, don't know how well" He nods to Gorvenlus "He is around somewhere, maybe taking a nap"
Xander is quiet "May take my own nap" He did do a lot and lifted a lot "So see you at dinner..." He walks off to take his own nap

LilyMoore sits back down and brushes the remaining muffin crumbs from her leggings. "Oh, Rupert? I'm not sure where he might be." She watches the badger walk off, then turns to the beaver. "Their baby died, didn't it?"

Gorvenalus frowns "I know me and my grandmother helped prevent it best we could, we failed but it could of been worse, Krisha almost died as well. It will take time for Xander to get over this and I am uncertain why Krisha left before the others....she was quiet, she did fix the forge and then left sometime before sunrise the next day to head home...My guess is her father's house or maybe the abbey"

LilyMoore nods as she looks back to where Xander had gone, even though he's out of sight now.  "Y'all did the best you could."  She goes to take his paw, and then they both head inside to work on more chores together.


Thanks for reading!


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