Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-02-25 08:01:24 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Things Still Need Done-Willowbark TP LOG

Karth Riverbark-ME-Archer of Mossflower Defenders

Flea Underwood-ME- Scout or maybe former scout of Mossflower Defenders

Krisha Winters- Mate to Xander Winters

assorted spoofs


Karth decided to help a little today as he looked over a list of chores and repairs that still needed done and even checked off some as they were reported to be done.

Flea was busy counting supplies and writing that down “They be low on hot peppers and cheese”

Krisha managed to get out of bed, some fresh air maybe would help her feel better. Her fever had gone down from a couple days ago, she had been in the infirm a few days and the whole time was silent, silent like she was when she first came to Mossflower.

Trifakus followed her “Are you sure it's wise, rest is best.”

Karth looked over at Flea “ And who's fault is that?” He then  and walked up to the rat “Most have jobs but we don't have anyone here or even from Redwall that seems to know how to...fix your forge. I am sorry”

Flea frowns “I like hot pepper and cheese.” He pouts, ok....he could eat less of it...he thinks.

“I can.....” Her first word in a week, Krisha spoke as she went to where the forge was and looked at it quietly, she spoke again” Tools?”

Trifakus blinks “I..oh of course.” He hurries off and returns with the needed tools and sits them beside the badger as he just sort of backs off and frowns, he glaces at the sea otter and shrew.

Sister Elma came, leaning on her staff”Leave her alone....if she can fix, let her fix it, we need it fixed to make more garden tools, hinges and things of that sort.”

Karth just listens and shrugs, hey if she can fix it great “Your gonna need a full time forge beast, maybe one can still be found...”

Flea nods “I can go into the village and see if any be from the docks or around...many trade and skilled beast seem to come and go from there my friends”

Krisha has no plans to stay, but she will fix the forge and it will get her mind off things. At least get her mind off things for a little while. In fact she plans to maybe leave before the group, or whom ever of the group is heading back that is, heads back. She wants to go home as soon as possible and see her father and get back to her badger mother training, even if it means she heads back on her own and in her mind she rather go back on her own, quietly slip out maybe. But first she fixes the forge.

Trifakus nods”Yes..we know and...yes perhaps if a beast is willing...its hard to just ask..umm isn't it?”

Sister Elma sits down, being on her foot paws too long is starting to get to her a lot sooner” Maybe it's not a bad idea, we need beasts to join Willowbark. I am glad the hamster family decided to stay, a family of 4..they seem happy here. Minsc is back and staying as well...once more we have our knight and protector. Varsha expresses interest in staying as well.”

Flea raises a paw “ well Sister fact..”He smiles “Me and..Lotus...we...well...”He stretches the back of his neck”Falling in love..”

Karth listens as each beast speaks, he blinks and seems surprised Flea is or least planing a staying as he snorts and hands the list to the old beaver and walks off quickly.

Sister Elma takes the list and looks it over at what is checked off and not checked off. She watches the sea otter walk off and looks at the rat “It seems there is a lot going on.”

Trifakus nods “Yes..change I suppose” He watches Krisha work on the forge and looks around the abbey as he smiles “Change can be good still, I was worried earlier this season how we would lose more we did Sir Sid, but we have gained beasts it seems. And I have decided to speak with the scattered tribes of beasts in the woodlands...there is like 3-4 groups that move around and have no real place to call truly home, what if they came here..not just for the remember event every 4 seasons..but and Brother Ulraunt can go together, even Tally can help...good or bad idea Sister Elma?”

Sister Elma smiles “A good idea”

Flea watches Karth walk off...or rather grumpy walk off and frowns “He is mad at me...isn't he?” He decides to follow...on 2nd thought no he will talk to him later, at dinner or maybe just tomorrow...yeah tomorrow.

Things are going along nicely..RIGHT?

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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