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#1 2018-02-21 02:13:20 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Keeping An Eye On You-Head Guard Of Ferravale LoG

in Log:

Vojin-ME-Head Guard of Ferrvale

Melantha- Warrior maid


Vojin was on patrol on the dirt road, there had not been trouble in a little while but he still checked the road between the Black Gull and Ferravale path and was on his way down the Ferravale Path after he was done.

Melantha was just inside the woods hunting some wood Pidgeon, she had caught one and was just about to catch another one.

Vojin slowed as his ears perked up, it was quiet and at times that was ok, other times it was far from ok when birds weren’t singing at least a little bit.

The only bird out so far would not be wise to make a sound, it does and soon it’s life ends with a throw dagger, Melantha walks up and places it in a sack. She then freezes as she sees Vojin.

Vojin lays a paw on his sword when the other cat steps into view and keeps his calm as he asks “What business have you today miss? Friend or foe?”

Melantha stays calm also “And why would someone say whether they were friend or foe? That’s hard to say when one doesn’t know the other beast and my business is my business sir, is it not?”

Vojin keeps a paw on his blade, “What’s in the sack?” He isn’t letting her walk away that easy “I am Head Guard of Ferravale and so I make what goes on near Ferravale, as well as in Ferravale, my business”

Melantha sighs, she does show what’s in the sack, two wood pidgions “Lunch…maybe dinner as well, beast has to eat right?” She could be doing something worse as she studies him “Well Head Guard, that’s nice I been in that village couple times and I do not think the Tavern owner likes me or least he didn’t like my two friends. Lucky for him they seemed to of angered the wrong beast and their lives ended, not that they will be missed…hey think of it this way two less trouble makers around hmmm?”

Vojin listens and does react “Just so you know those birds can’t be ate inside Ferrvale”

Melantha nods “A silly rule if ask me but fine, I can take them home or make a campsite nearbye.Food is a little hard to find in winter”

Vojin shrugs “You can always get a meal in Ferravale or the Black Gull is close also. Winter doesn’t have too much longer. Don’t you have a home or job?”

Melantha takes a calming breath and tilts her head you sure ask a lot of questions, again none your business. I will say I have a home and job, but not your concern what it is, not really.”

Vojin narrows his eyes but stays focused “Beasts I don’t know are my concern miss….I like to keep the area safe from troubling beasts.”

Melantha nods “And that’s YOUR business to do and I am sure you do a fine job.”

Vojin decides she may not be a threat, least today as he relaxes and keeps an eye on her, as well as his ears open for unwanted sounds.

Melantha takes mental note on the fact Vojin isn’t totally relaxed, he is alert as she speaks “Well I should get back to where I belong as I am sure your needing to get back to where you belong as well”

Vojin nods “Yes, just keep in mind. I will remember your face, your scent, your voice also…..and the weapon” He nods and goes on “Your outfit is also interesting, not of this area but that’s fine….beasts come from all over and pass through all the time. You mentioned being in Ferrvale a couple times and meet the tavern owner, maybe I will have a chat with him and see what happen the day he seemed to…dislike your friends. And you mentioned you were not sure he liked you. Now you have a food day as I have to stop by a tavern for lunch, the one in Ferravale in fact…good day”And off he heads.

Last edited by Karth Riverbark (2018-02-21 06:31:54 PM)

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


#2 2018-02-22 05:20:19 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Keeping An Eye On You-Head Guard Of Ferravale LoG

OOOOOOooooooh, da tension!  The suspense!  Ooooh.....

This is getting interesting big_smile


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