Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2018-02-11 08:56:49 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

New Friends or New Foes?-Willowbark TP

-I spoof some sea lions and seals, also a squirrel maid. Sea gulls are spoofed a little by all.
Minsc-Warrior in Mossflower Defenders and Protector and Champion of Willowbark Abbey
Xander- Leader of Mossflower Defenders

==Enjoy happens shortly after

It was a sunny day and normally that's a good thing. But that wasn't true for a lone seal pup who was fighting for their life against a flock of sea gulls. It barked out as the sea gulls dived at it and tried to, quick as it could, run along a grassy slop and would get knocked further onto land no matter how hard it tried to get to the sea water, like one step forwards and two steps back!

Xander muttered as he walked along and then the strange barking sounds got his attention and he looked around, he griped the blade he still held loosely at his side, he had yet to truly put it away after his encounter with Brookshire.

The sea gulls were not giving up easily, and the flock was about 10, sea gulls always seemed to multiply and this just made the pup bark louder in fear and finally he got to a sort of bit of drift wood that acted like a shield, but a shield that was being slowly ripped apart!

Minsc was walking along, it had been a while since he walked this area of the island, but he knew the whole island by heart. He stopped as his ears picked up the sounds of cawing and ..barking? He frowned and quickened his pace.

Xander quickened his as well and soon saw the distressed seal pup, flashes of memory came to him, from when he was a lot younger and under a turned over life boat and sea gulls were attacking. He took a deep breath and run forward, blade out and his mind only on stop the sea gulls! Save the dibbun!

The badger's blade ends the life of one sea gull as it becomes two parts of a sea gull, the seal pup tries to dig into what little sand is by the drift wood as the sea gulls left start to panic, or least a couple panic, another gets a head sliced off and two fly away leaving 6 sea gulls to fight.

Minsc is at a distance but he can tell there is a fight and he frowns when he sees the gulls “Oh no...”He mutters and trips over a bit of sand covering maybe a rock or something. The hamster cusses and cusses loudly, he stands and draws his blade and speeds on ahead.

Xander slices at another gull”Leave the dibbun alone!” He snarls and gets between the gulls and the seal pup, sword ready to slice and dice some sea gull.

Another sea gull falls dead, and the other four stay just out of reach of the blade. One larger one suddenly flies higher into the sky and gives off a loud caw, a 2nd gets too close to the blade, but then backs off when a leg is cut. The caw brings...well sea gulls have a way of suddenly making 2 4 more...wait 6...8...ummmmmmmm this isn't good.

Minsc gets to his friend's side and finishes off the gull who's leg is injured and looks around, he then frowns “Tis could be the end of us me thinks....” More gulls are not good that's for sure.

Xander smirks “Yeah fly away....”He then sees more have come and glaces at Minsc briefly”Just fight, I will try and grab the dibbun and run, you run when I say run”

The sea gulls seem to dive at both the hamster and the badger, and a couple try and get to the seal pup who barks loudly.

Minsc slices at a gull, and then another, he ducks one and barely misses getting grabbed with talons.

Xander gets a talon across a shoulder and snorts, a slice at a gull and then another as he too ducks a couple of the birds, he the does a quick sweep all around with the blade, a sort of all round couple spins and goes to grab the seal if he can and bolts, he calls out”RUN!”

The seal barks and at first panics when he is grabbed, but he is able to be grabbed and then snuggles into Xander's chest as he feels safer now and barks slightly as he is still afraid. The blade spin ends the lives of 5 sea gulls but there is still a good 10 left. One is killed by Minsc, as another pecks at the hamster.

Minsc tenses up as the peck gets his arm and then then hears the word and just tells his legs to run, he trips though when one gull tries to grab him and stabs sideways at the bird

Xander holds the seal pup close best he can, but also slash at a sea gull every so often  as he sees the sea coast and tries to speed up, the seal pup can swim away right or least dive fairly deep.

The sea gulls seem more interested in the badger, not so much the hamster...well one is, maybe two, and the rest want their seal pup lunch. Unseen behind a palm tree is a cloaked figure who watches them closely.

Minsc stabs a sea gull and rolls away from another as he looks forwards and frowns” Sir be looking out!!”

Xander almost drops the seal pup so he takes a deep breath and puts his blade away and holds the seal pup close with both arms and runs faster till he gets to the water line. But without the blade slicing at the birds they do tend to do more damage, he is wearing some chain mail at least, it helps but 10 gulls makes him loose his balance, he hopes he injured at least a couple before he sees the word spin, feels himself blacking out and goes to wrap his arms around the seal pup.

A loud sort of whistle noise is heard, or..grunts? Maybe both but it doesn't seem to upset the gulls, but one does fall from the sky with a blow dart in its chest, then shortly afterwards a 2nd falls again with a dart in its chest and that gets their attention. So does loud barking and 4 shapes coming out of the water, in fact one shape grabs a sea gull and goes back into deep water. The seal pup wiggles and barks out, he is still a little scared but not in like pain.

Minsc looks at the sea gulls he killed and quickly stands, he looks over to his leader and dashes forwards towards his leader”Sir!”

Xander hears Minsc call out but then his eyes shut as he loses consciousness and his grip on the seal pup lessens. The gulls stop attacking him and seem to now panic, and some are smart and fly the heck away!

The seal pup wiggles free and peeks out from beside the badger and watches as 2 large sea lions basically make the sea gulls have the looks of PURE FEAR! One sea Lion looks like he is...yeah Sea Gull is a great dinner snack. One had already took a sea gull under water and now is sea gullless as he comes to the surface. And there is one seal, she is the pup's mother it seems and its a nice reunion. All seems ok....and the cloaked figure goes over to Xander and checks for a pulse and grunts something the largest sea lion seems to respond to, and they look at Minsc.......

Minsc holds out his blade”Foe...or friend? What are you doing to me friend..he is me leader Xander Winters and ya best harm him not!”Do they even understand him? He watches the reunion of mother and pup and lowers his blade slowly, he frowns as if remembering something, and stays on alert but puts away the blade.

Xander is alive and groans weakly to show it, but his tunic is ruined and he is lucky to of had the chain mail under it and some bark leather in places as well. His pants are torn a little and he has talon marks on his right shoulder, left arm and one on his back that's lucky not deep. He shivers a little as the water is cold and tenses as salt gets into his wounds. A couple peck marks here and there also. A healer would be good right about now.

The cloaked figure takes off their hood, its a female squirrel, “Friend.....lower weapon now. Safe...he is safe, taking him and you to herbal pool now.....then go guest” She is white with beads in her long head fur, beads of silver,blue and black and her eyes are a blazing blue in color, she has on a mask also around her eyes all silver colored.

Minsc listens and frowns “I was told to find and get friend, his mate is needing him...she is ill”He holds his bleeding arm, its bleeding fairly good but pressure does slow and stop it, but he keeps the pressure till he can find a healer.

Xander eyes open as he struggles to say something and then just passes out again.

The squirrel maid, she is a squirrel right? Looks at the badger and then the hamster and just grunts to what must be the main sea lion and then nods “Follow....lucky not killed...Coral not like outsiders but you save chief you live now, we help...Xander...and you” She points to his arm, yeah that needs stitches and then just walks off as if he will just follow her.

Minsc frowns but follows them, he can only hope he can trust them.

They are taken to a series of caves by the water edge, a couple a little ways into the water, like across to a sort of bit of land. A lot of seals and sea lions look at the new guests, another squirrel is there also, she must know the older squirrel that just led  the new guests here. Its looks to be a small cove sort of cave area, either way its safe, and there is areas where one can swim a little ways and dive deep! The new guests will be given a stew of shrimp and sea weed, hey its fairly good...sort of like unspicy hot root almost. They will also have a nice dry place to sleep, questions can be answered in the morning as its nightfall.....or least questions can hopefully be asked and answered, that will soon be sunrise.

Last edited by oz (2018-02-11 11:50:28 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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