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#1 2017-01-20 06:07:40 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Zinnia is Back-Redwall Log

Redwall Log
In Log:
Oz-Papa Oz and dibbun caretaker of Redwall Abbey
Benar-Abbot of Redwall
Takeo-Visitor and mate to Zinnia
Zinnia- A sister in the order, and mate to Takeo
Tanya-Beaver dibbun
Zolomon-Hare in Mossflower Defenders and an archer
Zinnia’s spoofed badger twins (A boy and a girl)
Some other spoofed dibbuns

RWAbbey: Zork's Room

Oz was worn out and needed a nap, still doing his normal dibbun activities and then caring for the newborn badgers was  enough to wear one out. Plus his brothers bed, least to him, wasn’t that comfortable. But he had managed to fall asleep and still somehow about two dibbuns found him, a couple mice dibbuns and fell asleep beside him, also this bed wasn’t as large as his, as his was purposely larger in case dibbuns wanted to sleep beside him during storms or just those afraid of the dark. The two newborn badger cubs were in a large bassinet close to the bed.

Zinnia walked slowly to the room, she knew she shouldn’t be out of bed but she wanted to see her cubs, beside her was Takeo “Now dear…maybe it’s best you lay back down I am sure they are fine.” As if to make her mate seem a liar one of the cubs and then both start wailing. This causes Zinnia to make her way over to them. She gently picks one up.

The cry also wakes the two mice dibbuns, draws the attention of a curious vole dibbuns in the hallway and a rabbit dibbun as well. Oz snaps awake and reaches out to lay a paw on the two cubs..wait…He suddenly sits up as only one is here, the dibbuns in the room all go to hide behind the other two badgers.

Zinnia speaks, her voice a little weak as she is helped to a chair, “Its ok….Uncle Oz…I have one of the cubs. “She sits down and Takeo kisses her “I told her to stay in bed, she would not…her fever broke this morning and she had some soup, but is still sore and weak but insisted to see the cubs”

Oz relaxes and smiles, he picks up the other cub to rock it and walks over to where Zinnia is to give her a hug “I am glad you are back, I had been worried and when you passed out after giving birth to the cubs I was worried as well but yes you should rest.”

Zinnia returns the hug best she can and nods, “I..I will, but you shouldn’t have to sleep in papa’s old room, you should sleep in your own room” She giggles at some dibbuns here and those peeking from the hall “Lot more room in there”

Oz listens and smiles “It seems I have been found.” He stands “I can get some softer sheets or a cover for to lay on…do you have names yet for the cubs?”

Zinnia shakes her head, “Not yet” Takeo lets her speak as he stands, takes  the girl dibbun “We should keep the cubs in our….well the room we are using” Zinnia nods as she stands, but is still a little woozy and about falls.

Oz quickly is at her side hearing her misstep and gently takes the male cub from her “Takeo, get her back to bed please…I will take the cub with me.”

Takeo goes to help Zinnia back to the room, one arm around her and the other holds the female badger cub as they head back to Oz’s room.

Oz carries the male badger cub and calls to the 3-4 dibbuns that found him, “Come my dibbuns…downstairs with you” They giggle and follow him, all trying to stand on tip toes to see the small badger dibbun Papa Oz wraps carefully in a blanket as it snuggles into his fur and falls asleep.

RW Abbey: Great Hall
The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here.  A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance.  The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist.  The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger.
The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze.

Oz walked down the stairs, 3-4 dibbuns followed him, a small dibbun he carried in his arms wrapped in a blanket, he stopped long enough to let the dibbun in front of him bounce on the last step a couple times mutter a soft "Be careful" They stop and go to one of the chairs.   

Benar is building a fire in the fireplace and staying out of the way of the younger beasts moving tables and chairs and tablecloths and cutlery and dinner ware into place on the tables being set up for the feast.   

Oz makes sure the dibbuns stay on one side of the Great Hall , "Getting last moment things ready for the feast it would seem"
Benar looks over at Oz and smiles, "Oh hey Oz, yeah just setting out everything in advance for tomorrow."
Oz nods "It should be a good one, it was snowing fairly bad earlier but it has stopped now I think, but then again all shall be inside where its warm"   

Benar says, "Well I am trying to stray inside myself. I am not a big fan of snow these days"
Oz chuckles "I dislike snow sometimes, the dibbuns seem to love it but the cold makes my knee more sore" He smiles "But winter doesn't last forever and then comes spring"   

Benar says, "Heh well nothing of me aches yet thankfully,"  He grins softly at the badger, "And I am glad the dibbuns are behaving today. I’ve not heard any wild screaming yet"   

Oz says, "They have been good, slightly restless when the brief storm didn’t let anyone outside....oh that reminds me...we do have some guests, just a paw full that will likely stay for the feast tomorrow"
Benar says, "Well of course they are welcome to stay, all our friends in Mossflower and from beyond are welcome"
Oz nods, the small dibbun he holds is asleep now and the other couple play on the other side of the room, they used a couple chairs, not in use, and a blanket and made a fort of sorts.   

Zolomon enters the room slowly looking tried and finds the closest chair and sits in it.   

Benar smiles as he watches the dibbuns making a fort then turns back to Oz, "Will you be joining us at the feast? I know you don't like the big crowds."
Oz answers "I usually sit and make sure the dibbuns behave" He smiles "Guess a crowd of dibbuns is fine, but yes I will be there, maybe not the whole time" He listens as he hears the hare wander downstairs “Hello"
Zolomon looks up and waves slightly “Feast? Oh yeah...tomorrow"He frowns "I may or may not be thar....depends"   

Oz listens to the hare "That would be up to you Zolomon, but it may cheer you up..."He frowns as the dibbun he holds has woken up and starts wailing, the badger sighs and goes to rock the small dibbun.
Zolomon shrugs, he glances at the badger and walks over slowly, "Is....that one of the dibbuns from the other night?" Well least something has his mind off his friend...for now.   

Oz just nods as he sits down, its then clearer as the dibbun has wiggled from most of its blanket, but has calmed some infant badger cub. “Yes it is" He smiles at an idea "You could help me with him if you would like."   

Zolomon grins, babies are cute and the hare nods then remembers the badger is blind he can't see nodding "I can help...can I help now?"   

Oz nods "You can help, but you have to be gentle with dibbuns this young and he and his sister were born a few weeks earlier than they should of been." He thinks "You can get one of his bottles, but talk to the healer on duty, unlike older dibbuns they have a special green sap milk mixture they drink."   

Benar asks, "So Zolomon ready for tomorrow?" He smiles, "To eat us out of house and home?" He grins at Oz, "How are the little ones doing in general?"
Oz answers Benar “They are doing well and I know the dibbuns are excited for the feast, let’s just hope they all behave"   

Zolomon grins and makes a face at the dibbun Oz holds and looks to the abbot and smirks "I will try not to Abbot Benar, I am just one hare after all"
Benar asks, "You are one hare? That's all it usually takes you hares have bottomless stomachs! Worse than our badgers"
Oz chuckles a little. He is holding one of the badger cubs as he talks with the hare and squirrel.   

Takeo is unfamiliar with this place as he walks from the direction of the stairs and looks around the room, he clears his throat "Am I...interrupting anything?"   

Zolomon chuckles and waves to the tall badger "No chap ya not...we just talking of the feast tomorrow"   

Benar looks around at the other badger, "Not at all, welcome friend badger." He smiles softly, "Everyone is welcome here, we are just discussing tomorrows feast"   

Takeo nods " Hello and I heard of the feast" He walks over to Oz to pick up the dibbun as he speaks to the abbot" I perhaps will come, I do not know, I am not from here but looks like I will be a guest a few days while my mate recovers."   

Oz allows Takeo to get the badger cub and nods “I am sure she will be fine now, just make sure she rests like she is supposed to"   

Zolomon frowns, all this talk of recovery reminds him of his friend "I..I should check on me friend....see if he is awake yet...later guys" And he is heading upstairs.   

Benar says, "Well friend I do hope you stay. The main feast is tomorrow but we have games and events and lesser food times all weekend. You and your mate really must stay and join us."
Takeo nods "We shall see" He watches the hare head upstairs "I do hope the hare cheer ups and gets some good news, good news is always better than bad news"   

Oz frowns, "He is worried about Xander, but I have heard very little on how he is, just that he was in the infirm"   

Benar asks, "Why is Xander in the infirmary "

Takeo nods "I helped to tend to Xander, and got him back to the abbey, but after that my attention was on my mate to make sure she was ok" He looks down at the badger cub in his arms " Birthing twins took a lot out of her" He decides to answer the abbot as he was there to help Xander also " There was this black furred fox, a slaver...injured Xander fairly bad before the hare shot the fox down with an arrow...a small group of slaves were freed and are here at the abbey...couple mice, a beaver dibbun and a couple otters, The slavers were dealed with and are no longer a threat"   

Oz sighs "Least there is no danger on the road now, which is good..."   

Benar says, "Well I am glad the slaver is no longer a threat and those who had been kept in slavery are all welcome to stay here. As is your mate of course."

Takeo nods, "I am unsure how long our stay will be, but it is nice here at your abbey, she was right about that"   

Oz smiles "I need to check on some things, talk later"   

Benar asks, "Who is your mate? You've not mentioned her name to me before?"
Takeo listens to the abbot as he watches Oz head off, he glances at the abbot to answer his question" Oh I am sorry I had thought you had been told she was back at the abbey. I meet her when she was looking for Xander, when he went missing in the spring....she had become lost and was ill, near death  when she...well I..came across her, and I used my healing skills to help her get well again and.." He smiles "Well we fell in love....and I had asked her to be my mate and she said yes and a friend of mine wed us.....she got a note about her Uncle we came back towards the abbey....some trouble we ran into and the storm, the vermin....she was with dibbun and...ended up having them a few weeks early...." He smiles "My name is Sir Takeo, and my mate is Lady Zinnia....though here she is Sister Zinnia and guess she still has that title"   

Benar smiles warmly "Zinnia is back? Why does no one ever tell me these things! That is wonderful news! And congratulations Takeo!"   

Takeo smiles "Well you have the news now my friend"   

Benar says, "Thank you for letting me know, it is a joyous day indeed"   

Takeo looks down at the badger cub and back to the abbot “I do have a request....if I may? With everything happening me and Zinnia are in Oz's room, he and a Rayen helped with....the birth of the twins....but I do not want to keep him from his room, would there be another room we can stay in? I do not want to....keep anyone from their own room"   

Benar says, "There are plenty of rooms, though very few badger sized beds I am afraid. Oz really has one of the few badger sized beds. I think we may have some in storage. I will have one dug out of the attic and re-assembled in one of the guests rooms."

Takeo nods as he thinks, where did he say he was..."Maybe we can stay in the room he was using...something about his brothers old would not need to find any extra beds that way and he could have his own room back that way" He chuckles "Besides I am sure the dibbuns would like that very much as better find their caretaker in the middle of the night"   

Benar says, "I'd usually say no to that request. I must be fair to everyone and most beasts have to make do with rooms in the dormitories, very few beasts get private rooms. But as Zinnia just gave birth and we have very few beds suitable for badgers that should be fine going forwards."
Takeo nods "Thank you sir and...I will make sure me and Zinnia are at the feast tomorrow, I am sure she has been missed and not many know she is back just yet" He looks to the stairs "I will go check on her now..again thank you"
Benar says, "You do that and I will see you both tomorrow Takeo," He stands up "I need to go talk to the Friar myself. Have a good day and give Zinnia my best"

Rw Abbey:Badger Mother's Room
he room you enter is rather neat and almost spartanly furnished, quite a visual contrast if you entered from the cluttered Dibbun's room adjacent.  The warm red of the sandstone walls is the primary motif, broken in only a few places.  There's a small leaded glass window for light, a bed (rather massive, which might give one a hint at it's occupant) with a coverlet of brightly dyed and woven cloth and a small table with a chair; this is holding a small pile of books and papers, a candle in it's holder and a couple odd Dibbun toys that ended up there somehow.  The only real ornament in the room is a middle sized, carefully framed parchment: a charcoal and ink drawing of some group or family of badgers. 

Takeo starts to head into Oz’s room where Zinnia sleeps.

Oz is sitting beside Zinnia and tilts his head up when he hears Takeo enter and stands “I will go to Zork’s room”

Tanya has taken to liking this room as she lays half asleep by Zinnia and the girl badger infant and yawns, she smiles “Papa Oz…”

Takeo hands the boy dibbun to Zinnia and looks to Oz ”For tonight, tomorrow your be back in here my friend”

Zinnia smiles, she sits up best she can so she can better feed the two newborns while she listens.

Oz shakes his head “I am fine in Zork’s room…its one bed and this is better for you and Zinnia, trust me I am fine and have managed to make the bed cozier…not to worry. My bed in here as said much bigger for two…”He chuckles “Well 4 badgers and Tanya as well.”

Tanya smiles, she watches Zinnia feed the badger cubs “What their names?”

Zinnia smiles “Well..I have name ideas but need Uncle Oz’s permission to use them and..thanks Uncle Oz, for letting us use this room”

Takeo nods “Yes thank you sir” He gives Zinnia a hug and kiss and sits beside her.

Oz arches an eyebrow “Why do you need my permission for names?” He tilts his head “What names do you have in mind?”

Tanya lays down, listening and slightly sad it seems.

Zinnia looks at the beaver dibbun ”Tanya what is wrong dear?” She then looks to Oz “Well…I wanted to name the girl after your…..late mate and the boy, after papa”

Oz smiles “Northstar and Zork…..I think they would be honored to have your dibbuns named after them” He hugs Zinnia “I approve honey.”

Tanya just shrugs “Me miss grandma..bad fox took her away and left me all alones”

Zinnia smiles at Oz and then glances at Tanya as an idea comes to mind “Tanya..would you like to be big sister to Zork and Northstar….me and Takeo could adopt you, you will also have Xander as a big brother…” She keeps a silent mental note, if he survives that is.

Takeo is half asleep but listens.

Tanya smiles and hugs Zinnia “Mommy…” She then hugs Takeo “And daddy”

Oz smiles as he starts to head from the room.

Zinnia stands and places the twins in their bed that was set up and goes to  lay a paw on Oz’s shoulder and kiss his cheek” Love you Uncle Oz and thanks again for letting me and Takeo have your room a few days, as well as Zork, Northstar and Tanya..” She sighs a little “Any news bout Xander yet?”

Oz hugs her, and smiles “Your welcome…..and” He shakes his head “No news of Xander but let Leon and Angela worry about him and get some sleep you need it”

Zinnia nods and lays down and like her mate and cubs is also soon asleep.

Oz waits and then heads to Zork’s room where he falls asleep soon as well.

Last edited by oz (2017-01-20 06:18:26 AM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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