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#1 2022-11-13 04:50:12 PM

Proud LP
Registered: 2021-06-14
Posts: 171

Mission Return To Sea was a Success-LP LOG


Velm-Chief Healer of LP

Quinten-General of LP

Donica-Corpal/healer in LP

Some assorted spoofed hares and a dophin!


It's been an intresting past couple days on the shore.First a storm which isnt odd, late authumn storms happy and most were happy to not deal with training drills on the beach and get a day off.

But the next morning a day off was out of question when a beach dophin was seen and needed help. And so the hares of the Long Patrol got busy helping the young dophin best they coululd.

Velm stayed by the dophin most of the time.Checking on them and making sure they stayed wet and cool, and of coure not too cold as some colder winds were starting and luckly not too bad yet.   

It is starting to rain, heavy, pendulous dark clouds blowing in off the ocean when Quinten comes walking along the beach toward Velm and the young dolphin. He walks up to the Master Healer's side and looks over at the dolphin, "How are we doing?"   

Donica has helped and make sure curious hares don't get too close,also helping to work on how to get the dophin back into the sea and safelty.   

Velm nods"So far all is well, I think it's doing better..tis the fist time ever dealed with something like this sur and,well I dont speak dophin and never tended to one before." A look at the dophin shows it does seeem to feel some better than it did .   

Quinten says, "Well I am afraid I can't help there either, only time I ever saw dolphins before was when I was at sea on a boat."   

Donica walks over "So, how do we help them get back into the sea?" She remembers the dophins from the trip before."I know Ciocan said to keep him updated.I wonder why it was alone though or do they not always stay in groups?"   

Velm lsitens and gives a nod.A shrug towards Donica"I don't know, maybe to explore on it's own or something. I read some are in groups usually and some out on thier own, thar isntr too much I found on dophins in the library."   

Quinten says, "Well that is why I am here," He said softly, "I've gone through my notes in the archive and whilst there isn't much on talking to them there are instructions from Lady Rosalaun on how to get them back into the ocean. I have some privates on their way, we essenetially need to use sale-cloth or taurapaulin something waterproofed with wax to sort of make a... slide down into the deep water"
Donica says, "Doesnt sound too hard and hopefully the dophin finds it's way to where ever it was headed.I think it got too close to shore during the storm but luckloy it washed up where it could get some help."
Velm smiles"Then sounds like we have a plan sur and of course we would help a lost dophin, the Long patrol helps all in need if they are able"   

Quinten says, "Indeed we do," the general folds his arms and looks up at the clouds, "The rain should help, soon as the privates get here Donica you can take the lead in setting up the slide of cloth. Velm you and I need to roll the dolphin onto it"
Velm gets ready to help,being careful of course"We are aslo lucky it's not a full grown dophin."He glaces at the dophin.."Well looks like your be headed off soonish."He speaks calmly hoping it does understand some that they are helping.Its clear it knows they are friends at least and it seems to show trust.   

Donica steps to where needed"This will be an intresting story to tell others some day of how the patrol helped a dophin."She smiles "They did help us once after all , though it was a few seasons ago now if remembering corrrectly"   

Several privates arrive carrying long strips of waxed, waterproof treated sailcloth. Quinten nods to them with a brief salute, "Ok we need a line of cloth down to the waters edge and then we need to splash it with water, get it wet so we can help slide our dolphin friend down to the water.   

Velm makes sure the privates listen to orders from the General,"You heard him let's go so we can get our friend back home,I am sure he is missed by someone and be carefull as we do this." He watches as the privates do as they are told with the sailcloth and helps to ajust it where needed.   

Donica smiles, everything so far is going well as the hares work to help the dophin get back into the sea. The couple scrapes from the drift wood will be fine and heal very soon. "Hopefully thery are carefu to not wander to close to shore this time."   

Quinten moves to kneel down beside the dolphin and places a hand on its wet hide, "Can you understand us? We are going to try and help get you back to the water."   

Velm keeps close as he watches the dophin who is more active now than it was before. It was a little scared at first but seems to have clamed some senseing help. It makes a sort of happy sqeak sort of noise as Velm tilts his head and hmms softly.   

Donica checks the line of cloth sail and nods, heading back over,a smile "I think they know we are helping"She glances out at the sea briftly , seeing if any other dophins may be nearby looking for thier friend,but at a safe distance from the shore of course.   

Quinten hums and moves to one side of the Dolphin, "Ok Velm, we need to try and lift the youngster onto the cloth now and keep them wet."   

Velm nods as he goes to help, very careful and slowly as to not startle the dophin too much,a couple other privates help as well."Easy, easy...there we go."He does indeed make sure the dophin stays wet as thats been a main reason he has stayed out on the shore for so long..   

The dophin makes a small sort of squeeal and then calms as it's layed on the cloth and seems happier as it knows it will be home soon back with it's parents soon, the parents are in fact close as some sounds are heard and the younger dophin replies with it's own.   

Donica looks towards the sea and then gets out an eye scope she borrowed and checks whats going on, she then replies"Thar is two other dophins out thar, parents maybe? They are staying a safe distance from de shore"   

Quinten says, "Ok that's good they won't be alone when we get them abck in the water," he lifted, heaving gently, stretching with powerful hare legs to push and roll the dolphin onto the wet sheets. "Ok... Velm push and then lets slide them into the water"
Velm nods as he makes sure this is done carefully, no need to rush and hurry up. This is something to not mess up.Luckly the dophin seems pasinent for now but seems to get a little excited the closer they get to the water.A soft chuckle from Velm"I think they are happy to get back to the sea."   

The two large dophins seem to watch the hares and stay close enough to not be in danger of the tides.   

Quinten says, "Donica we need an extra hand, you and the team come and help us slide them along and keep throwing water on the cloth ahead of us"
Donica nods"It will be back with family,thats good,Likely may be in a little trouble for wondering off but still a good reuion to have"She nods, water is put on the sail cloth as the dophin is helped closer and closer to the water.They slowly get close to the water and into the small waves where water is up to thier ankles and knees a little.
Velm keeps an eye on the progress, and ever so often the two moving shapes out on the sea that is clearlyy seen now."Least they are friendly and know we are helping,tis good to have friends on the sea."   

Quinten says, "Indeed," Quinten murmurs as he pushes, heaving as best he can to help slide the dolphin down the cloth, pushing firmly to try and slip them back into the water.

The dophin is soon in the water,it spashes some as it slips further into the deeper water and finally seems to get enough water to move finally freely.It dives into the water and resurfaces staying water at some hares and seems to..possibly laugh maybe before headed off to jion up with the two larher dophins. All three make a sound as if maybe a thanks before circleing once and headed off into deeper water. A couple hares frown at the fact they got sparyed with water,on in the face.   

Donica smiles as she watches the reuion of the dophins."They seem so happy now.We did good to help them."   

Velm nods,he sits and looks clearly tired now."Ok, we should have de rest of the day off I think after this"   

Quinten chuckles, "Oh do you now," Quinten laughs softly, "I dunno I could send you all back to work right away!" he smiled soflty, "But yes I agree everyone has earned some down time after that"   

Donica smiles"We can all get back to work tomorrow,Its good to have a little time off now and then.And we can update hios Lordship that the dophin is back with family"
Velm listens, a frown starts then a smile,a nod"Course sur, this rescue went very well indeed.I am glad of that.'
Quinten says, "I am glad, I know it is very hit or miss when a creature like that beaches itself, at least they where a little dolphin not a whale.""   

Donica asks, "I am not sure I would want to see a whale, has something like this happen before on the shores?"   

Velm nods"Yeah, that been worse and likely a headache to handle..if we even could of."He shrugs at the question"I know one time seals were on the shore but not cause they were in trouble,they wee just resting a day or two.Course that was a long time ago when I was a private."

Last edited by Proud LP (2022-11-13 05:10:11 PM)

I am :
Velm-Captain and Chief Healer at Salamandstron
Jaison-Soon to be Master Healer at Redwall


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