Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2017-01-10 02:29:16 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Headed Home:Part one

==This finds Patch agreeing with Xander, somewhat....on heading back towards Ferravale and maybe Redwall, The trip to the western shore seemed not to bad, but on the way back.....==

==Somewhere close to where the western shore meets the river==

Patch was in a hurry, and that only meant on thing, that he was in trouble. He had a small pouch and a backpack as he ran towards the boat he had gotten for him and Xander. It wasn’t much of a boat but it sailed fairly well and stayed in the middle of the river moss where there was no ice or very very thin ice. ”Please say stripy is here!” He yells to a one eyed ferret who just blinked and shrugs.

Xander was close and looked up, sighing, it had been a few hours walk to the boat and now this, “Wot now?” He asked no certain beast and run on over to the boat ”Whats going on now Patch, whats the hurry?” He stood outside the boat and crossed his arms over his chest.

Patch looks relived “Stripy!..Yes in the boat, in the boat….oh yeah I seem to have angered this…like fox or something, pick pocked…anyways we need to go like now!”

Xander sighs and gets aboard the boat “Really? Was it worth it really, I mean…I wondered why you disappeared for the night, where did you go the rest of the day and then all night, anyways. I stayed in a n inn room to rest” And to avoid his mother and Takeo, but he can mention them later, as the next part is true also “And I was tried”

Patch just nods and singles for the one eyed ferret to get a move on up the river. And then sits down and frowns.

“So you angered someone, whats new…so find anything of interest in Halyard? I mean it may have been nice to stay longer but…well different reasons not to stay long and I really should get home”

Patch answered “Not too much…good ale, I dislike the bakery and the boat docks in the village are NOT wise to go to, trust me as there is a lot of not so good beasts that hang out there”

Xander shrugs,” Well least we are heading back, so that’s good.”

Patch is curious “So..what ya get from the chest…the sword maybe?”

Xander shakes his head showing the pommel jewel, “No just this, and a key and a note…whatever. I know who to go to next. I just…U just want to get this quest over with, it’s annoying and I don’t understand any of it! Why couldn’t Uncle Zee just say here is the Blade Of The Northwind Storms…why this searching for it, it’s stupid and why go all the way out here just to have to go back to the abbey!”

Patch listens “So..what about ya mom, where is she?”

Xander rolls his eyes “I could care less bout her, that Takeo or the sea gull, She said she was gonna visit the abbey, well while she is there I will be in my Uncle Zee’s hut. He did leave it to me”

Patch grins “That’s nice of old stripes, sides good to keep a hut like that in the family like that, it’s a small place but you should like it”

Xander manages a small smile “It has a nightstand and a chest to place things in, a chair and this hammock bed…I think I will like it and its in Ferravale. I would be closer to the Defenders headquarters also”

Patch nods “But you should still try and talk to ya mom, I mean not many beasts are lucky to still have a parent alive”

Xander frowns “She is not my birth mom, my birth mom died, Zinnia found me and helped save me a pack of evil gulls and adopted me…but as said I don’t even know if she really cares bout me anymore with this new family…a mate and…stuff” He looks over the railing of the boat as it heads up river, a little slow but there is times it goes faster and surely faster than walking.

Patch frowns “Oh…well…going below deck k stripy?”

Xander just nods and lets the rat head below deck as he sighs, it’s sort of a small amount of space there too so, he then lays down in the small area where the streeling wheel is, not that the one eyed ferret cares, he just drives the boat.

Unknown to them, they were being followed by a ferret and a tall fox, the fox speaks quietly “Well it seems the rat and badger are…friends, how interesting. I say we follow and attack when I see fit.”

The ferret shakes his head “That badger lost me a bird, should have had that sea gull for lunch, then again it seems valuable to this really tall badger with fancy clothing.”

The fox smirked “Oh no worries, trust me…the rat he stays with pick pocketed me, so we help one another get our, how you say revenge but not yet, we wait for just the right moment to strike”

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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