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#1 2017-10-27 04:50:04 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Pie and Danceing?-Defenders Log

~ ~ ~ LOG ~ ~ ~ ~
Flea-(Me)-Scout in Mossflower Defenders

Varsha-Cat in Mossflower Defenders

Xander-Leader of Mossflwoer Defenders

Zolomon-Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Flametail-Scout in Mossflower Defenders

Minsc-Warrior in Mossflower Defenders

~ ~ ~ Mossflower Defenders Base~ ~ ~

Flea was practicing some moves with his long silver daggers with the training dummies “I like the updated training area so far, tis good”

“Yes it is, I Suppose, I am not being able to do much right now with my arm in a sling” Minsc says .

Zolomon grinned “Archery range is great, one target is a little far but that’s good for jolly well practice”

Flea nods “It is. I am glad the base is complete built now, we should have our own little celebration because of it. Though I know Karth is still recovering and can’t travel too far yet, and I don’t know where Xander is”

Minsc points to the nearby field “In the field…but I am not knowing what he is doing”

Zolomon adjusts his longbow and heads towards the field “Then we find out.”

Xander is in the field, sort of..spinning or..nope he is falling into the mud puddle and sighs as he slowly stands again.

Varsha is watching from a tree not too far away and rolls her eyes “And he falls sideways again.”

Flametail seems to have had enough falling and jumps down from the tree and walks over to Xander “Sir…what are you doing besides looking very…well strange”

Flea frowns as he sees Flametail and walks over “Excuse me…yes you puffy tail, that’s our leader show some respect.”

Minsc stays where he is, besides he rather not get involved in arguments.

Zolomon  asks “Is that wise to go over to her like that?”

Varsha appears beside them “No…Flametail will likely go all off on them.”

Flametail narrowed her eyes at the shrew “Oh…well aren’t you a little…short to be bossy and rude”

Xander speaks as he holds up a paw “Ok calm down please, before a fight ends up happening and I was…well…” He sighs as he rubs the back of his neck “Trying to dance, to surprise Krisha at our wedding and I keep failing, rather badly”

Zolomon smiles as he walks over “I say we don’t worry on it and get some dinner at the tavern”

Flametail snorts “You get dinner walking stomach on legs, all hares think of is food…and more food”

Flea clears his throat” Ok..friends lets calm ourselves. Dancing is fun…right?”

Minsc smiles “I once danced….well seasons ago”

Varsha decides to just go back to her tree limb and watch to see what happens, basically been boring today so far.

Xander holds up both paws “Ok, ok no more arguing or calling of names. Dinner sounds nice and you all can go, I will be in the clearing for a little while.”

“Do you want some help sir, I can teach some moves. Dancing is like an art, helps with fighting some as well, and balance helps. Then my balance is excellent being a squirrel. I can teach you a nice easy slow dance..only if you’re interested that is” Flametail says quietly, if not she will just go take a nap.

Flea starts to walk off, bur stops as he is going to wait, this could be interesting to watch.

Zolomon starts to say something and then does the wise thing and shuts up, he glances over at the badger and squirrel.

Xander  folds his arms behind his back, “Well…ummm…you can teach me to dance?”

Flametail rolls her eyes, takes a deep breath”Yes..that’s the words that came from my mouth.”

Varsha face palms and just groans.

Flea for now waits, let Xander handle this one.

Xander sighs, “I..I’m sorry didn’t mean to’s just..sure” He will try anyways “So..what do I do?”

Flametail goes to take his paws “Step…, fast slow…to the side and a small twirl and keep eye contact”

“And what if I step on her foot paws…wait or yours right now” He does try the moves and is fine till the end when he does step on her foot and  the badger frowns “Sorry Flametail, this is a bad idea”

Flametail normally would cuss and have a fit, but she holds it in, this is her boss…”I..its fine, its why you learn…hey said the eyes, not the foot paws…the eyes”

Flea arches an eyebrow and sits to watch.

Zolomon comes back with some pie “I miss much….is Xandy dancing?”

Minsc chuckles “He is trying dancing, not something one learns in a day you know.”

Xander nods, he has had a couple lessons…well a few weeks ago, and catches onto this at a good pace “I..had a little bit of a…couple lessons, but it’s been a few weeks with all the, you know…stuff going on.”

Varsha yawns and falls asleep…..and she SNORES…..LOUDLY!!!!

Flametail nods “Well, that’s good…good that you had a lesson, not good for the past couple weeks no, that was rather annoying….”She shakes her head at Varsha “And so is she”

Xander chuckles, “I had an uncle who snored, if you told him he did though he always got upset”

Zolomon watches, dancing is interesting as he eats some pie, like a whole one and a 2nd is beside him.

Flea gets some of the 2nd pie and passes some to Minsc.

Minsc nods his thanks and eats some with his good arm and smiles “Apple…its good”

Flametail could care less about pie, she is busy with a lesson in dancing.”Ok..once,fast..slow…, fast, slow…side….side and twirl around and eye contact and smile.”

Xander smiles, he will surely smile for Krisha and he only makes one mistake in the dance lesson, he then stops and frowns as his stomach growls and he chuckles as he rubs the back of his neck again.

Flametail blinks and then chuckles “You know…dinner sounds nice…so another lesson tomorrow then…sir?”

Zolomon grins “Yes a good meal at the tavern….where is my 2nd pie?”

Flea looks at Minsc”Run……”

Minsc nods as they have the 2nd pie and run away with it!

Zolomon blinks “Hey get  back here ya pie thieves!” He chases after the hamster and shrew.

Xander nods “Sounds good.” He blinks as he watches the hare and his other two friends rush off and chuckles, it felt good to laugh “Come on we best follow them”

Flametail nods “Yeah…” She taps Varsha on the shoulder before she follows the badger.

Varsha blinks “Hmm…what..what I miss?...Hey wait for me!” She quickly follows her friends.

Last edited by Karth Riverbark (2017-10-27 06:39:03 PM)

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


#2 2017-11-02 02:18:21 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380


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