Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2022-04-06 03:32:41 PM

Proud LP
Registered: 2021-06-14
Posts: 171

A lLesson and a March-LO LOG


Velm-Captain and Chief Healer

Rickman- Private(spoofed)


Rhonwen-Fighter and Private


Velm had decided, and he let the Badger Lord know, to take some recruits and Privates out to ID some plants and herbs. To know which were good and which were harmful.

Rhonwen went along as she might be good at fighting, running she was basic at and she knew self defense but needed a small refresher course on plants and such. "So where are we going sur And how long will we be gone?"

Another Private named Rickman looked bored,"DO we have to do this, this sort of thing was always  boring as all get out"

A group of four recruits also joined the group, looking at one another and around. This was a first trip outside the mountain, well to anywhere but the beach that was. The hares used the beach to learn to swim.

Velm humphed "Boring? Well, gee sometimes things are boring and t's important to pay attention, you see things like this can save your life or the life of another hare. Do I make myself clear?" He stood right in front of the Private as he spoke.

Rhonwen stood at attention and listened, she liked being outside and during the colder months they didn't really go out too much, so she was glad to get outside even if it was just for a march and lesson.

Rickman gulped as he nodded "I...yes sur I understand, sorry sur"

The group of recruits adjusted their packs as they waited for  further orders from the captain.

Velm nodded "Alright everyone, let's move out. We go up shore to where the river meets the sea. We will also look a little way into the swamps, not too far though"Last thing they needed was issues with toads, though the toads tended to stay deeper into the swamp in early spring."We will go a little way upriver, ok let's move out"He then leads the way and the trip begins.

They walk till they are past Halyard by a half-day and covered a good distance, "Ok now."He nods "We can take a break for lunch, but also learn at the same time"

Rhonwen smiled "I wouldn't mind walking a little more" This gets likely a couple of dirty looks in return."And learn wot?"

Rickman sat and rubbed his knees, it was clear he disliked marches and needed to get better at them sooner rather than later. But he was alert and listening as all hares should do when a commanding officer is speaking.

Velm spoke "Now, here are some plants that can be in the swamp and are good to eat if needed..cranberries, though usually more in the early winter months. Thar is also something  like an apple" He pulls out one to show "It's safe, also wild  onions and a swamp version of  watercress."He had each to show them and let them study it.

The recruits helped make lunch, a simple lunch of some bread, cheese, berry scones, and some leftover cranberries from winter. To drink some water.

Rhonwen smiled "Isn't thar like mushrooms in de swamp too, and like near de  river under logs and  stuff?"

Rickman made a face "Mushrooms are gross, who would eat those things. Disgusting."

Velm shakes his head "If mushrooms were the only choice then ya eat them, but one has to be careful to know which are bad and which are  good to eat or...well either ya get a bad belly ache or...ya get death"

Rhonwen frowns "Death from a mushroom? That sounds blooming killin' ya."

The recruits wrote down notes as the lesson took place.

Velm nods "Tis true, and be wise to take notes like the  recruits are doing...ya may well have a test when we get back to the mountain."

Some groans are heard, Rhonwen sighs but makes a mental note to remember the lesson and anything else she decides is important.

Rickman hmmms"So..this trip is how long?"

Velm replies "Let's see...week maybe, 3 day trip...almost, and the same back, yes a little over a week"

Rhonwen nods"Sounds good sur."

Rickman just shrugs, "Least the weather is good."

"For now" A recruit mutters.

Velm sighs, this would give him a headache yet, he was sure of it. He gave them another half hour before he had them march the rest of the way to the river and sea meeting area, a glance around"Alright, we can rest by the rocks, then in the morning  on upriver a half a day, maybe a little over half a day, so get some rest..tomorrow is gonna be busy"

Rest would be good, and the evening weather was good....but that doesn't mean the weather will be good by tomorrow afternoon.

I am :
Velm-Captain and Chief Healer at Salamandstron
Jaison-Soon to be Master Healer at Redwall


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