Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2017-10-31 11:24:57 AM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Karth's Out Of The Infirmary-Mossflower Defender's Log

Karth Riverbark(me)-Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Flea Underwood (Me)-Scout in Mossflower Defenders

Ace-Hedgehog in Mossflower Defenders

Chestnut- Cook in Mossflower Defenders


Moseley- Messenger in Mossflower Defenders

~ ~ ~LOG~ ~ ~ ~

Defenders Headquarters: Training Ground
This is an intricate and well crafted training ground. A large square area has been sanctioned off using large rocks as it's boundary. Inside the area are several wooden practice dummies, a few archery targets, some cloth punching bags and what appears to be a hand-operated rigging system for firing crossbow bolts into the air. A smaller area marked off by stone circles has been quartered off so as to allow for both sparring and paw-to-paw combat training. It would seem Marek has thought of everything.

Flea was practicing with his daggers, he was getting better and that was always a good thing.

Moseley was outside the base, as he was way too large to go inside, so he sat here and watched the beast with slight interest.

Ace  had just finished practicing with his ax and stretched out with a yawn, ”A good workout can be tiring.”

Chestnut wandered out of the base with hot cider and some wild berry scones “A snack break is always good too don’t ya know.”

Flea nods “It always good yes my friend”

Karth comes limping along slowly and smiles as he speaks “May I join you all today?”

Ferro is helping the sea otter here, or least making sure he doesn’t slip and fall along the way.

Moseley tilts his head ”Moseley wants snack, good snack.”

Ace smiles “Karth, it is good to see you again.”

Chestnut chuckles “Not to worry Moseley, I have some scones, fish and water for you to have” He waves to Karth. ”Just in time for a snack”

Flea smiles wide and races over to hug his friend “Karth! Ya be ok me friend. I am so glad to see you up and walking around.”

Karth nods “Yeah, now I still can’t go off and fight off vermin, but I can take short walks”

“SSSSSSSSShore walkssssssss….” Ferro says and walks off” Thissssssssss wassssssss not ssssssssssshort walk. I will be at my ssssssssssssshop”
Moseley seems happy as he waits on fish and scones, he watches the beasts as he waits.

Ace smiles “Exercise is god yes?”

Chestnut makes sure the bird has a barrel of water, as a couple otters help carry it and sit it before the bird, they also bring fish and scones.

Flea smiles “Then take it easy and have a snack”

Karth nods as he sits down,, he offers a smile and that’s rare for him”I am just glad to be out of that infirmary”He gets some cider and scones.

Moseley etas his fish, scones and drinks his water “Thank you…I do…”

Ace nods “We do have one here if it’s needed Karth, we do need a healer though and not just part time.”

Chestnut hands out scones and cider to the others,” Recovery is important after all and yes the base could use a full time healer. Just in case anything came up again.”

Flea nods “He is right Karth” He gets some food and drink and smiles. “We…well I for one, wants you in good top shape for anything that comes up”

Karth speaks “I am fine and Ferro helped me here, plus I did take a couple breaks.”

Texo came out from the main doorway “Yes all set, all is good and safe….oh hello” He shoos away the robin who is giving a message to whoever its needed by that the base is all well in order now.

Ace nods” Good I do hope peace stays, also it is winter soon and already cold air blows sometimes, mainly the morning and the evening”

Flea nods “Yes let peace stay, though a vacation would be nice”

Karth states “The Mossflower Defenders do not take vacations.”

“Breaks at times are good” Ace notes and smiles

Texo shrugs “I rarely get one, I am still working on the bell tower, a big big job and more detailed than the Mossflower Defenders Base….also a LOT taller as well. Also still need a bell, but that can be added even after it’s built.”

Flea shrugs “Bell isn’t too hard to get right?”

Karth leans back to relax where he sits in the grass, he never was one to relax as he was always on the move or doing something and now he was stuck taking it easy, the next 2-3 weeks would be long, long indeed.

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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