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#1 2017-01-09 12:28:53 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 208

Well It's Least It's......Part of it?

==Flint finds out whats in the chest Zee gave him and tries to figure out what is up with Xander and how to help Zinnia feel better==

Halyard Tavern: Main Room
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Halyard Tavern ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Warmly lit by torches along the walls and lanterns set upon the many tables
scattered around the room, the main room of the Halyard Tavern is an often-
populated area. One corner of the tavern is taken up by a stage, about a
foot or two higher than the rest of the floor, where live entertainment
performs, while circular tables, both large and small, are set up in front
of the stage, spreading out into the center of the room. Meanwhile, around
the perimeter of the tavern, booths are set, and, of course, the obligatory
bar rests against the far wall, a bartender or barmaid always on duty.

Flint sat at a booth in the tavern, a small chest beside him as he has some ale, he did get the day off after all so he can drink if he wants to. He sips it as he waits for someone he is to meet up with this morning.
Xander makes his way into the tavern and goes to sit on the other side of the booth “Hello Corporal Flint, thank you for meeting with me" He looks to the small chest and sighs, of course it's not the blade but he stays calm about it.   

Zinnia is here as well, but at a table close by and for now watches the two from where she sits, she is alone as her mate and the sea gull is not with her.   

Flint nods and sits the chest down" I kept it safe on a shelf in me room, and as I were told 'ere it is for you, I expect you have the key?"   

Xander answers “Course I do" He pulls out the key and takes a deep breath to unlock the chest and opens it slowly to peer inside. He takes out the note, key and..."The swords pommel jewel..."   

Zinnia coughs on her tea, only seeing some but enough to know what it is from where she sits but she stops herself from yelling out anything, she also stays seated, for now.   

Flint tilts his head as he looks at it "’s part of the blade right?" He chuckles a little and then stops, unsure of a reaction. He then looks over the badger's shoulder and motions someone over towards them.   

Xander frowns, he reads the note "For ya effort and troubles, you got this far congrats Xander..kept de pommel jewel  safe as when ya find de blade your be able to re attach de pommel jewel , tis not hard as someone will be able to tell you then....oh I forgot seek Zolomon for ya next clue, Uncle Zee" He sighs as he lowers the note and arches an eyebrow at the hare "What are ya doing...who is here?" He puts the note, pommel jewel  and key from the chest in a vest pocket and starts to leave.   

Zinnia stands and makes her way over "Please Xander, don't go yet. I want to talk to you please...we can head back to Redwall together, or where ever you are going next." She says quietly, "I...have missed you, and Uncle Oz and Uncle Zee so much" She goes to hug him, if he allows.   

Xander turns and slaps away any paws "Back off...I don’t want to talk to you and I don’t care if you’re going to the abbey." He shakes his head as tears form "Uncle Zee died..he’s DEAD! And you were not there, you were not there cause you up and left and told no one, oh just a note and you know who was there with him when he died..Uncle Oz, Uncle was there and I found out a half hour later and....and it was so..SO upseting....just...just go away!!!:"   

Flint frowns and then crossed his arms over his chest "Now, that tis no way to talk to your mother, no way at all"   

Xander shakes his head "Well I am not sure if she is my mother still or not, why didn’t she return to Redwall sooner? Why did she go fin and start another family I mean she is married, she is going to have a dibbun...she lives somewhere over the seas and lives in another land for crying out loud, has other friends"   

Zinnia frowns as a tear goes down her face "Xander..I love you. I looked for you, all over till I was lost myself, I almost died and would of if it wasn’t for Takeo and Aira finding me and helping me recover and be well again, me and Takeo....we fell in love and yes we married and yes I am to have a dibbun but I am not replacing family, I never would...your still my son and" She sniffed and wiped away tears "Uncle Oz is still family also by the way, and I am sorry I wasn’t there when Uncle Zee died, please we can even visit his grave together at the abbey, please Xander"   

Xander backed away "Uncle Zee is buried in Send by now, its where he wanted to know with FAMILY....with ANCESORS..cause to him family is IMPORTANT!" Tears go down his face, he is upset his Uncle is buried so far away but he respects the decision as he looks at Flint "I have to go home now...goodbye" He walks around Zinnia and heads out the door.   

Flint blinks "Now...Xander....hey ya bally well wait!"   

Zinnia closes her eyes as tears stream freely down her cheeks now, "No..L..Let him go..I..its ok." She goes to sit down and coughs a little, trying to not be too upset but it fails as she gets out a small vial of something and shivers, almost dropping it..stupid asthma shows up now as he looks at Flint with a look of help in her eyes.   

Xander is already outside looking for Patch, he missed Zinnia's bit of trouble breathing and being upset, he glances around outside and sighs as he heads towards where he hopes the rat is or least where he better be   

Flint frowns "I say he...Zinnia?" He quickly gets the vial and at first seems unsure what to do and then remembering a talk, she once had a bad breathing spell, she opens the vial and goes to help her take a sip or two of it and offers some water to drink as well. He knows some basic healing, but that’s it so if this gets any worse his day is probably going to be a bad day.   

Zinnia shivers and takes a sip or two and coughs, the water is sipped a little as well. About this time Takeo enters and upon seeing Zinnia in destress he rushes over and nods as he takes over, going to calm her and he say mouths a quick -than you- to the hare and speaks to Zinnia “Calm...breaths my love...that’s it..relax, let the herbs take effect" He rubs her back and holds her in his arms and all his attention is focused on her for the next few moments till she is breathing better and hugs him.."Takeo.." He smiles "Its ok now dear, I am here please relax, think of the baby dear" The female badger relaxes as she leans against her mate, she is fine now it seems but clearly still sad.
Flint asks, "Is she ok sir?"   

Takeo nods "She will be, thank you for helping her, I do not think it would of been good had you not acted when you did. What happen?"    

Zinnia frowns but stays quiet, she would most likely get too upset again if she spoke.   

Flint nods "You are welcome sir, well Xander was here and...seems upset over some issues...guessing from yesterday. He also told her Uncle Zee was....dead and I am sorry to hear that, he was a good beast and will be missed, I seen him as a jolly good friend, even if I only talked to the chap a couple times. He was a very wise old badger "   

Takeo sighs and nods "Well...Xander has been though a lot himself it seems, where is the lad?" Zinnia speaks "He...he went home, think he hates me"..She is hugged "He does not love, anything said I am sure, deep down he didn’t mean it..."

Zinnia frowns "Uncle Zee is buried in the northlands...but I still want to visit Redwall.." Her mate nods "Course dear"   

Flint says, "I cannot go with you sadly and wish you a safe journey and hope you can speak ta Xander, he most likely is just going through a lot as was said and most likely he needs ya, even if he doesn’t know that need each other at times like this." He goes to offer a hug to Zinnia and a smile "I wish you luck on where ever travel and life takes you"

Zinnia accepts the hug with one of her own "Thanks Flint....think we will stay one more day and then....well head off." She only hopes her and Xander are still a family   
Flint nods as he stands after the hug "Then good luck and stop by on ya way back through this way....ok?" He then heads back to the mountain, he needs a serious nap and maybe he will just nap the rest of the day and truly enjoy a well-earned day off.

I play
Cota-grandson of Dorarose
Micco-Leader of the Gawtribe


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