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#1 2017-09-27 12:43:04 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Let Them Eat Cake!-Defender's Log

~ ~ ~ ~LOG ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~This log started as a bit of a training session and then got intrupted by…..CAKE. ~ ~ ~ ~   

In Log:
Karth Riverbark(Me)-Archer and Ranger in Mossflower Defenders

Flea- Warrior in Mossflower Defenders

Zolomon- Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Xander Winters- Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Edson-Warrior in Mossflower Defenders

Ace- Wants to Join Mossflower Defenders

Chestnut-Cook for the Mossflower Defenders

Karth was practicing is archery skills  since the last couple days had been fairly easy going and the large bird was elsewhere so he could care less of it now.

Flea watched from a tree stump” This is boring my friend, isn’t there something else to do, any evil that needs like killed?”

Edson smirks “Can’t always wish for evil to just come and be killed and luckily evil is not always around and why would one want it to be, we need some peace after all so we can stay in shape and train!” He kicks the dummy again and grins.

Zolomon fires off his own arrow and then goes to get it from the target “I know I should try and practice me paw to paw, can’t always bally well rely  on far off targets staying far off or one up close getting you while trying to get the far off ones”

Chestnut goes to the outter edge of the training area. “I bring forth the water, as well as some lovely cucumber sandwiches and mint tea, oh and cheese rolls! Good food and drink for energy I must say chaps!”

Ace was new to the area and wandered upon the beasts training as he shouldered his ax and simply watched” Wot be all this?”

Karth looked in the direction of the newcomer” Training ground for the Mossflower Defenders. Your welcome to stay as long as you’re not some unknown foe, if you’re a for I advise you quickly turn around and leave”

Flea rolls his eyes “Do you have to ask everyone if they are a foe, I mean who is going to admit…hey yeah I be a foe now die….few to none”

Edson chuckles as he punches and kicks the wooden dummy “You never know, some vermin types are not smart ones”

Zolomon seems only interested in the snacks and drinks “Well he is welcome to share food and drink, in fact ya all need to get here before it’s gone.”

Chestnut frowns “Now Zolomon there is plenty, please don’t overdo a snack, do let others have some as well”

Ace chuckles “A hare telling another hare to let others get food and drink first, that’s a first!”

Karth seems to almost, that’s almost, chuckle at the hare joke and stops to get some tea and a couple rolls as he sits down. “Hares are walking stomachs or so I been told”

Flea smiles, he just gets an apple he has in his own pack, and some water. “A fine snack I say and hey quiet is good for a change. The Mossflower Defenders need some days off and our leader is still recovering from those 4 foxes.”

Zolomon frowns “Don’t remind me but hey they all died and…well let’s just say the one that helped is…well..insane? But he helped Xandy…at same time I wouldn’t want to meet the beast in the woods at night, even if he did save me best friend”

Chestnut nibbles 1/3 of a sandwich and sips half a cup of tea “Is he ok and recovering nicely? I could bake our leader a cake, cake cheers everyone up!”

Ace has been listening and smiles at the idea of cake “I like cake this group sounds nice and has cake, does It need any good fighters..scouts maybe, trackers?”

Xander limps into the area “Scouts and trackers would be good”

Karth right away goes to help his leader to a good place to sit “Sir” He bows  to the badger and stands at attention “Should you not be resting?”

Flea nods a simple hello to the badger “Greetings sir”

Zolomon rushes forwards to go hug his friend “Xandy!!!”

Chestnut smiles “Ok now I need to bake a cake, a delicious  cake we all can eat and celebrate , our leader is…well in one piece and alive, that’s a reason for cake!”

Ace grins “There is ALWAYS a reason for cake, bring on the cake!”

Edson smiles “I do agree, and I have not had cake in a good while and it’s still a couple weeks till the Redwall feast, should we really wait that long my friends?”

Zolomon answers right away “No! be a crime, there is a poor innocent came that wants baked and placed into our stomachs, I say ..CAKE!!”

Karth rolls his eyes “Why the excitement over cake for?”

Flea looks at his friend like he is insane “Karth…its cake, you know…cake?”

Zolomon frowns “Maybe he is ill, I know he needs cake!!”

Chestnut smiles “Yes Cake for what all, I will get to it right away!” And he is off, to make CAKE!!

Edson just chuckles and pats the sea otter on the shoulder” Do relax me friend, there is always time for cake and…that is today”

Xander just smiles “Cake does sound nice…”

Karth rolls his eyes and starts to walk away.

Zolomon blinks “Are ya getting Mrs. D..MS A..Mr.M?”

Flea frowns “I am staying Karth, your gonna miss cake so like your loss”

Edson shrugs and sits quietly.

Chestnut soon brings the cake, it looks delicious  and ready to eat with its icing and sugar, and..sweet goodness!

Zolomon cheers “Cake, let’s eat it!!” He is sure to go get the first slice.

Karth just keeps walking further and further away.

Ace smirks as the sea otter heads off “His loss, I like this group already . You have cake”

Edson gets some as well “That we do, today we have cake” He hands Xander some and gets his own.

Xander gets the slice and bites into it, savoring it and smiles…yes this is how you have a good day “We should send Silverwing to get the other Defenders so they can have cake as well”

Chestnut smiles widely, he has done his mission to came and brought cake to his hungry group.

Karth meanwhile misses out, and seems to care less of the day….let them eat cake he is so outta here.

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


#2 2017-09-28 04:21:15 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Let Them Eat Cake!-Defender's Log

Come to the Defenders' side, we have cake.

This is beautiful xD  I like cake.  So I decided to draw us a cake......with Windows Paint tongue

....I'm better at hand drawing, but here it is:


Last edited by BlisaMarshmellow (2017-09-28 04:21:59 PM)


#3 2017-09-29 10:06:41 AM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Re: Let Them Eat Cake!-Defender's Log

Karth's words "Cake? Why eat of this...cake?"

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


#4 2017-10-05 12:42:12 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Let Them Eat Cake!-Defender's Log

xD LOL, I don't think any of my characters would understand him wink

But then again, they could just eat his serving, so a couple of them may not argue....


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