Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2021-06-02 02:38:34 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Question the Rat- Zoltar TP

Ciocan looked out his window, narrowing his eyes at the vermin camp on the shore he had sentries posted to keep his updated at all times. He then turned and headed down to the lower levels of the mountain.

Velm was already down here to question the rat " You will answer my questions vermin scum."

" I don't have to answer anything. I my master is not already outside your mountain,he will be soon, then you hares will be the ones in a cell."

" It would be wise to answer questions. " Came a loud voice,  Ciocan and he looked angry.

Velm stepped back, he saluted the badger, " Sah..the rat maid refushes to answer any questions, I say let her many pieces ."

Shadowlight just smirked." The mighty stripe dog has come to see me, well isn't this a surprise. I won't tell you anything either, just my master will take you all out, one by one if need be.Your fortress will be his. "

Ciocan takes a deep breath and takes his hammer off his belt.He then orders a corporal with him to hand him the keys.He unlocks  the cell and goes inside,his hammer up.Not aiming to hit the rat, but it clearly looks like he will, bringing it to a stop right above her.

Shadowlight grins,that grin quickly fades as she gasps,tenses up and prepares for death….that doesn't come.She goes to back onto a corner,now fear showing.

Velm just watches quietly and nods to the other hare to stay close.

Ciocan then speaks." Who are you? And what were your plans when you attempted to get into my mountain.?"

Shadowlight takes a deep breath and speaks." Shadowlight...I am 2nd in command of the Crimson Horde.I ..I planed trick hares on duty to let me in...then capture any high ranking officers."

Velm snorts.He speaks." You killed….murdered the oldest hare here lass, when his back was turned...with a white flag in had no bloody plans to take any captive."

Ciocan speaks." LT. let me handle this.I got the report." He growled at the rat." You and your Master will not get this mountain, and your pay for all your crimes. " He turns to go out and rocks the cell staring at the rat.

Shadowlight tenses, she then laughs. " He was an old fool, so easy to kill. " She smiles coldly." If that's your so called skilled hares, taking this place will be sweet and simple.

Velm controls the urge to yell something rude right back at her.He makes fist at his side.

Ciocan speaks to Velm." Who was it that was in charge of her capture?"

Shadowlight just laughs." Some loser hare..knocked me out. He will be fun to slay...he looked to be an officer too."

Velm spoke." Master Sergeant Terrence sur..he was there when she murdered old Pete. "

Ciocan nods.He looks at the rat  and heads back to his room.He needs to calm down and then have a meeting set up to discuss what to do next,  plans already set in motion to keep the mountain safe.

The Crimson Shadows were at their very doorstep now .

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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