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#1 2020-05-26 03:37:51 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Krisha Comes Our of the Cellar...Finally-Redwall/Dibbun Slavers TP


Krisha-Badger Mother

Benar-Abbot of Redwall

Lacota-Frair of Redwall


Krisha has been avoiding beasts for about a week, coming out when its really late at night and then only short periods of time. She been in the far back areas down here.   

Benar walks down into the cellars carrying a lantern, word has finally reached him that Krisha is hiding beneath the abbey in the cellars so he has come in search of her, "Krisha?"   

Krisha frowns as she at first says nothing, but he is the one beast she won't hid from, well totally hid anyways as she does speak and her voice sounds sore and unused, then she hasn't spoken this week and maybe less than 10 words to Lillymoore and Gracie. " I'"   

Benar emerging around a large barrel he stops and looks up at the badger then approaches, "Why are you hiding down here, it can't be to do Matilda's work..." he sets his lantern on a shelf, "Everyone is worried sick about you"

Krisha would cry but she has cried a lot down here, " I failed...and now her, other friends..." She shakes her head and hugs her knees to her chest going silent again, and it's been seasons since she been so quiet, when she first came to the abbey she didn't speak, in fact, she had not spoken in 3 seasons then and it took a while to re-find her voice, would she go silent again.   

Benar frowns and walks over to sit beside her, "You did not fail Krisha, if anyone failed it was me. I am the Abbot, your job is to care for the little ones, it is my job to keep the abbey safe and Matilda's to protect us. No one of us failed alone, we all failed but ultimately... it was the vermin who failed... they stole our children and Matilda will not stop until she has them back."   

Krisha lets tears flow now as she closes her eyes " I should of tried to talk to that hare Jet more...he seemed sad and sort of quiet and I didn't know he was helping till that night he seemed to want to talk but said later"   

Benar says, "I did not even meet him Krisha," he frowns, "We all did the best we could, but sometimes it is just impossible..." he frowns and stands up and takes her hand, "Come with me... I need to show you something"
Krisha frowns but slowly stands to take his paw and follow him. Her robes are a bit dusty, but she can tend to that later. " Show me wot?"   

Benar leads Krisha deeper into the wine cellar, past barrels and boxes and turns a corner, leading her toward a far wall where there is a large inscription set into the stone. He stops and places a paw on it, "This is the foundation stone of Redwall Abbey, laid here by Abess Germaine herself," he taps the rock, "Her tomb is behind this rock, she felt she had failed. When the sickness destroyed Loamhedge and they had to abandon their home, her journals detail how she felt she had failed... but in the end she realized there had been little she could do." He turns to Krisha, "There is no point beating yourself up endless about something you could not stop, you need to focus on what the little ones will need when they get home."   

Krisha lays a paw on the stone and glances at Benar " I..only have heard of how she was 1st abbess."   

Lacota comes slowly down the stairs, and he's reading off an inventory, completely oblivious to the other two beasts in the Wine Cellar with him. The squirrel is muttering to himself about the Cellar Hog and new casks of wine...
Benar smiles softly and traces the text, "She was the last abbess of Loamhedge, her people where lost, the abbey had to be abandoned and they journeyed to Mossflower," he turns to Krisha, "After some grief the abbess put her heart and soul into building Redwall, to recreate a place of peace, to build what the people needed. You did not fail, but rather then despair you need to focus on what the little ones need when they return and they are going to need a lot of help"   

Krisha nods " So...focus on other things like...maybe straighten the dibbun dorms and classes..." She tenses up at another voice but then relaxes once she knows who it is.   

Lacota hears the other voices as well, and knows immediately who is speaking. "Oh, excuse me... Was talking to the cellar hog earlier... Ah... Don't let me disturb you..."   

Benar says, "Hello Lacota, you are not disturbing," he smiles at the friar, "I was just talking to Krisha about somethings we can do to help prepare for the little ones return." he considers, "We could completely redecorate the dibbun dormitory and clean up? Get things ready for when Matilda brings them home."

Krisha nods as she is a bit quiet again, of course her stomach would growl as she sighs.She hasn't been eatting much this week or sleeping much either, she finally greets him. " Hello Lacota " He may of noticed she been ...bit missing for a week unless he was up super late.   
Lacota inclines his head. "Good afternoon, Krisha," he replies. He looks down at his sheaf of papers. "Don't mind me, regardless... Just looking over an inventory Matilda gave me a couple weeks ago. I've been so... busy." He frowns. "Anyway..."   

Benar nods his head toward Lacota and places a hand on Krisha's arm, "They are also going to need their mother, we can grieve and be sad in our own way Krisha but we also need to focus on how to help them when they return. They are going to need more then a clean room..." he frowns, "Maybe we can prepare some strawberry fizz for them?"   

Krisha nods and smiles a faint bit " So nice and redecorating the dibbun dorms and classes would be...good." She clears her throat" Sorry on missing meals and    I will admit not really...ate much this week or drank much and no drank nothing down here"

Lacota looks down at the list in his paws. "According to this, we have 4 casks of strawberry fizz..."   

Benar says, "Well..." the abbot shakes his head, "This will not stand... Friar Lacota, I have one half starved badger mother, may I pass her over to you to fatten up?"

Krisha frowns, she isn't really...well ok she has avoided good meals for a week, late at night getting snacks." I..let feeling sad get to me and..had thought all this stuff thats happen was my fault so been avoiding everyone, but..I cant do that anymore"   

Lacota frowns sharply. "Had I realized, I'd have insisted you eat a lot sooner. My word." He shakes his head. "Come along. Now. I won't take no for an answer."
Benar smiles, "There you go Krisha," He smiles, "Go with the Friar, we can talk more later about drawing up a plan to prepare for the little ones coming home..." he nods to the Friar, "I need to go upstairs and do some work but we can talk later."   

Lacota moves up the stairs after Benar, and sets his papers down on a counter.   

Krisha follows after Lacota and dusts off her robes as she enters the kitchen, a quick look around before she sits down in one of the chairs in the room.   

Lacota bustles about and prepares a salad and a bowl of soup. "You won't be going back down to the cellar, I hope?"

Krisha shakes her head. " No..I just. needed time alone do much happening..but re decorating the dibbun dorms and classes will will be nice and get my mind off current events, some novices can help and maybe otters to move things out and back into the room when needed"
Lacota mmms, and nods, as he passes the bowls to Krisha, whilst also preparing a deeper'n'ever pie.   

Krisha eats slowly the soup and finds she is hungry,she stays quiet till she finishes the bowl of soup. " Thank you..for the soup"   

Lacota nods, and passes her a slice of apple pie. "Think nothing of it. I'm sure everything will turn out alright..."   

Krisha frowns " I...hope so. Xander went with Matilda and who ever else, they had to of found a trail or they be back, just not knowing if they are ok is, is hard"   

Lacota sighs, and nods. "Martin is watching over them... And we're safe here..."   

Krisha nods and will eat more soup and dome salad, maybe have tea if there is any " If Martin is with them...then they will return. but how long from now I wonder "


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