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#1 2017-04-19 05:22:12 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Patch Warns The Abbey-Quade TP Log

==Redwall Abbey Entry==

Xander was able to walk around now, his vision still a little blurry and light hurt a little but it was much better now and he was glad of that. Though he did walk slowly, but not too slowly.   

Patch made it to the entry, he isn’t sure how he did..sheer willpower and the fact Quade's stab missed anything vital, the dagger hit his breastplate bone but still hurts like heck and he was smart enough to just leave it be. The guards are unsure what to do when he able stumbles inside with a groan.   

Xander blinks a few times and raises a paw to block off the sun getting in his eyes and closes them briefly before opening them to see "Patch?" That is Patch right as he gets closer and then gasps and jogs the rest of the way over “Patch!"   

Patch looks up and basically gets up only to fall ageist the badger with a yelp of pain. A dagger is still in his breastbone, he has cuts and bruises all over and a gash on his leg..."Stripy......Ya...abbey got to be ready Quade coming with his...horde..." Ok stay awake, passing out is bad very bad.   

DoraRose comes from the main Abbey building, Butterclaw the Sparra chattering away at her as she tries to understand. Spotting the commotion of sorts that's happening at the gate, she shoos the bird off to get Angela, then she jogs over to the little group. "Xander? Patch? What happened? Here, lay down on the grass until a Healer gets here." Making sure that the gate is securely shut and bolted, she goes to help the rat. "What happened?"   

Xander frowns, it’s bad enough his eyes hurt a little but could be worse as he carefully lays Patch down “Quade is nearby? Where?"   

Patch frowns as he replies his voice a little weak "Clearing.....north..coming here, maybe Ferravale....he has close ta 200 beasts and ...."He shivers as a pain goes through him.."He..t..tried to get info...didn’t give him he attacked me...heeee s..stabbed me" His eyes droop some.   

DoraRose files this information away in her head. "You, go tell Magramba, and you, warn the Abbot," She orders 2 guards, who go running to do as she bids. She turns back to the rat. "Okay, you're okay, you're safe now. We'll have the Abbey ready in no time." Angela can be seen hobbling from the Infirmary, Butterclaw flying over the grass ahead of her, carrying her herb satchel in his claws. "Angelamouse Healerworm on her way!" He chirrups. The Warrior takes the satchel and gestures for him to fly off again. "Now go find Lily, please; we may need her to ring the alarm bells!" The sparrow flutters off to find the bellringer.   

Xander listens and frowns "Patch...s..stay awake please, I don't, I can't watch any other friend die."   

Patch tilts his head"Why...sort of tried...need rest." He mutters somewhat and coughs, the cough makes him tense up in pain and shiver. “This...hurts..."   

DoraRose goes to pat the rat's cheek (but not on his scratches). "Because if you go to sleep you may never wake up. I'm pretty sure you don't want to die. Focus on my face, Patch." Angela hobbles up and immediately sets to work, giving her attention to the dagger growing out of his chest. "'Old still, young un. This will 'urt." She goes to put pressure on it and then tries to remove the dagger.... LilyMoore, meanwhile, comes running from the kitchen yard, Butterclaw fluttering at her shoulder.   

Xander steps back so the others have room and blinks a few times as he sits by the wall, every so often a worried glace over at the others.   

Patch frowns as his eyes do close , only to snap right back open as he screams out in pain when the dagger comes out and shivers. Some blood leaks out before slowing some and it can be seen the dagger didn’t go down all the way through the breastplate bone...and managed to miss anything vital, by mere millimeters that is. He breaths in and tenses as it hurts to breath so pain keeps him awake.   

Angela goes to put herbs and peppermint oil in the wound, then quickly tries to sew it up and wrap tight bandages around it. "Now for yer other wounds...." Dora goes to hold her daughter close. "We may need you to ring the alarm bells, so please stay close by. Quade is probably on his way to attack here." Lily nods, looking worried, then goes over and sits by the badger while the Warrior mouse helps the Healer. "You guys will be able to defeat him...." She murmurs to the badger. Butterclaw perches on step above their heads, ready to take more messages around if necessary.   

Xander frowns "I...hope. I can't fight to well if he comes too soon. I will try though and all the other defenders are here at the abbey."   

Patch breaths in and out as he feels pain and manages to stay awake. He nods slowly and has been quiet, mainly to tried, sore to speak but at least he is awake.   

DoraRose helps her grandmother by handing her herbs and bandages and stuff as she asks for them. Angela quickly but efficiently sews up the wounds that need to be sewn, applying peppermint oil to kill the pain first, and herbs and ointments to prevent infection, then wrapping the whole shibang up in bandages. (The rat may or may not be resembling a mummy by the end of this procedure.) LilyMoore goes to lay a paw on the badger's arm. "Maybe you shouldn't fight, then? I mean, if you're not at your best, then wouldn't it be best to not fight? That way beasts wouldn't have to worry about protecting you."   

Xander frowns "I..have to fight, I am leader of the Mossflower Defenders and they need me. I would have my armor...." He frowns “Though it doesn’t always help sometimes...his 2nd in command still got me down and had his foot paw on my throat." He closes his eyes "The others had to come to my aid. I..I couldn’t see and was pinned down"   

Patch breaths slowly but is still alive. He stays mainly still for all the bandaging and placing of herbs as he has a bandage around his chest now, one on his leg and a small one on his upper arm..." Tired...sore.....And Quade wants revenge....someone should warn Blisa also"   

DoraRose purses her lips. "It's not safe to send any beast out right now; even birds would be in danger, as we saw with what happened to poor Thunderwing." Angela sits back and sighs. "War. I was 'opin' that I would never see it again. I 'ave seen too many wars in my lifetime..." LilyMoore nods as she continues her conversation with the badger. "So what would they do if they were in a battle and you were in danger because you're not at your best? They could get killed trying to come help you."   

Xander sighs and frowns"But ...a leader is supposed to protect them"He frowns as Thunderwing is mentioned before speaking "The one who killed dead. Quade doesn’t have a 2nd in command right now and maybe that’s a good thing"   

Patch says, "What..Thunderwing is dead? He died?"   

DoraRose looks at the rat. "....oh, I'm sorry. I thought you knew. I'm afraid he was murdered...." She pauses to let the badger speak, then she sighs and rubs her forehead. "The sooner Quade is stopped, the better." Angela stands and hobbles off, muttering about otters taking too long to bring the stretcher. Lily says to the badger, "But how can you protect them if your disability will put them in danger in the first place?"   

Xander feels the tears come now and covers his face with his paws, he didn’t see it happen but he saw the end results and tried to find the ones who did it, he also buried the eagle later that night only to be ambushed by Rowtag while Quade and a few others had a fight with the other Defenders, he almost died and it scared him a little, not knowing if he would fully see again scared him too. He is silent but the tears do fall still, a couple coughs show he is trying to not cry."I....I...don't know....still need to help..somehow"
Patch says, "I...sort of ..been Quade's captive past few days. He saw me spying on him.....and got me..but I refused to speak to him"   

DoraRose bites her lip. "Oh, I'm sorry. Is he the one who did this to you?" She gets a blanket and goes to cover him up. "I have no idea where those otters are with the stretcher; we may have to move you to the Gatehouse to wait. Do you mind sharing sleeping quarters with Marek?" LilyMoore goes to gently hug the badger. "Of course you do. You can help plan. You can help provide weapons, and arrows and sling stones and stuff for the walltop defenders who don't go marching out to fight. I don't know what else you could do, but I'm sure there's more that doesn't involve you going out and risking being a liability. Besides, this is temporary, right? You should be able to fight well here in a few days; maybe you'll have all your sight back by the time Quade decides to attack and it won't be an issue anymore."

Patch shivers and nods "Quade wanted info........stripy?" He coughs "Ya let ya..Mossflower group help ya....your still leader regardless.." He shrugs "I...know Marek....we sort of get along" Then again he isn’t in the tavern so....   

Xander frowns, "I can see..mostly, things are just a little blurry and the sun hurts my eyes....a lot" He listens to advise and thinks "I am leader..yes unless Marek wants the leadership back but he is sort of not abe to fight either from what heard and I could let beasts know where to go .Group has Zolomon..Dora Henry, Minsc and Brookshire....well Brookshire is somewhere anyways. There is also Edson and a squirrel that sort of likes to smash things"   

DoraRose nods. "Don't worry, I'll kill a bunch for you. But hopefully Quade'll wait until your eyesight is all better, although I doubt that would be his reasoning to wait." Lily looks at the rat. "Should we maybe get him inside?" Butterclaw chirrups. "Ratworm needs rest in wormbed!"   

Patch does look tired "Thanks....for helping me...Quade sort on his stabbing, heeeee...probably thinks I died"   

Xander says, "He won’t wait and hopefully he won’t get inside and will stay outside I do trust the group to be careful and ....hopefully no bad injuries or....worse on our side."   

DoraRose smiles at the badger. "Don't worry; I know how to be careful. Now, could you please carry Patch into the Gatehouse?" 2 otter Order Brothers exit the Infirmary, carrying a stretcher as they run away from Angela, who is waving her staff at them. She has removed the poisoned crystal with the express purpose of hitting them with it. 'No violence in the Abbey' is a grey area when the old Healer finds beasts loitering around instead of doing what they promised they would do.....   

Patch looks as a stretcher comes "Or....they could carry me guess"   

Xander stands and notices the otters, “Infirm most likely be best, think only others there is Rayen and...well Leon is sort of there guess...should I carry him or?"   

DoraRose cringes as she hears one of the otters back-talk Angela, who then explodes in yelling mixed with what is probably profanity in another language. "You definitely should. They're kind trouble." Lilymoore sort of understands the language her great-grandmother is seaking, and so is staring at the old Healer in shock. Such language!   

Patch just chuckles and then regrets it as pain..hurts to laugh and luckily wasn’t loud so that’s good.   

Xander frowns, ok he can still see lot better than earlier, he blinks a couple times and then picks up the rat carefully and goes to carry him to the infirm, "We also shouldn’t let just anyone on the wall tops....just in case"   

Leaving the otters to their fate of being yelled at and lectured by Angela, Dora follows the badger and rat, Lily and Butterclaw going off to wait in the Belltower for word of it the alarm needs to be sounded. "Absolutely. I'm thinking only beasts able to use bows and slings should be allowed up there. Magramba can do anymore talking with Quade, unless Benar is willing to either wear armor or use a bow or something."   

Patch says, "Yeah bad idea for him to go up there.....the abbot that is...."He seems to care less if he is carried, he rather have the badger carry him than risk the otters dropping him while arguing with a healer of all things "Yeah...."   

Xander frowns "Benar stays inside..Quade would focus on him and try and kill Gorvenalus needs to stay inside as well...Minsc can be outside and Zolomon can use a longbow he be good up on the walltops....Minsc also needs to be careful" He looks around and finds a cot to lay Patch on as he sits down and ends up laying down " stays inside, I think he quit working for Quade so.....he needs protected" He yawns and ends up falling asleep and he most likely needs it.
DoraRose nods. "I'll pass the word along to the guards about who Quade will probably target." She gets some white willow bark tea for the rat and places it on his bedside table. "I know this will cut the pain. Try to get some sleep now; it should be okay now that your wounds have been ended to." She goes to cover them both up with blankets, and the she leaves. There's a lot of work to be done in preparation for the upcoming attack...   

Patch gets the tea and sips it a little and makes a face, but if it will help he will slowly drink it and then sleep

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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