Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2019-12-09 07:43:17 AM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Something New To Learn

Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri-ME-LPhare of Redwall and Private/Fighter in LP

Zeldove Sally Wildfire-Archer/Fighter Hare in Mossflower Defenders


Ewan was doing his normal check up on beasts around Mossflower and today he had an extra thick cloak on as the weather was getting much colder, if fact colder than it had been in seasons.He had just finished checking up on where the moles were fixing up some homes for a couple families  of field mice that was staying at the abbey.

Zeldove came up the path and chuckled as she seen Ewan and made her way to him, waiting till she was beside him to speak “So took my advice and got a better cloak huh, good for you wot”

Ewan blinked as he heard Zeldove and looked over”Yes...I did, so what.It was needed after all so you were right, so  congrats I suppose”He slows his walking so she can stay beside him.”I can walk you to the abbey if you like, or Ferravale, either is good”

Zeldove smirked “You have a way with words don’t ya Ewan, and the abbey is good...sides I like the food”

“Who doesn't like Redwall food? That would be very odd and ok”He stays beside her and smiles a little himself when he sees her smile.

Zeldove replies “I know of a vole named Poe who doesn’t like it at all.”

Ewan shrugs “Then he is a very odd vole then and clearly not one from this area”

“Nope, he lives in the woods”Zeldove says and looks around “The colder weather does have one good thing, few problems on the road”

Ewan speaks “Thar is always a problem somewhere, just not seen. Any path is not always safe , at night for sure and once in a while in the daytime. I caught sight of something I may look further into earlier...though I am unsure”

Zeldove tilts her head , curious “And wot was that  to spark your interest, then again you find a lot intresting”

“Not a lot...if I want to learn I read a lot or speak to a beast whom may have the needed this was a squirrel with paint on it’s face and ..not much to wear for cold for sure, and a bone in their nose”

Zeldove hmms and replies “Gawtribe maybe?”

Ewan stops a moment, the abbey gates are just a few feet away now “The..who wot?” Clearly a group he hasn’t heard of before.

Zeldove grins “OHHHH...Something you don't know, let’s go sit in the Great Hall by the fire and have hot cider and discuss this see they are a group….”And she starts to explain as they walk inside, stopping a moment to get cider and some small cakes and then it’s a chat and one she knows her fellow hare will listen to.

Ewan does indeed listen and keeps the info in his mind, he does ask questions and keeps that info in his mind, this is a hare that needs no notes taken as he just retains info in his seemingly ending brain storage!

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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