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#1 2019-10-07 05:57:08 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Updates For Mother Krisha And Abbot Benar-Redwall Log


Matilda- Champion of Redwall

Benar- Abbot of Redwall

Krisha-Badger Mother


Xander- Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Spoofs of some random beasts


** I had Matilda on **

==Infirm of Redwall==

Matilda had a long week, almost a week and a half and the thunderstorm didn't help much.She almost had asked if there was some other place to go but decided to just get to the abbey. It was for the best and they only had about a 4 hour walk and her footpaws were sore, sore from all the walking,then walking back here with no rest.She slowed as they were at the abbey and looked over at Nardo studying him briefly before speaking "Infirm first, then we can discuss anything else that's needed to discuss."

Nardo nods in understanding, this was the abbey after all and ....well his outfit wasn't the best to make him seem..that trustworthy, but the half a dozen beasts from Mossflower village trusted him, a couple otters...voles and even a squirrel, they have helped get Xander back here, he nods "Understandable but I don't plan to harm anyone...Mack.."He frowns, and again "Mack..trusts me, he was given me a chance..then his stove goes haywire and his pub...look I would say ask..him but he's a bit unconscious and the abbey is likely the best place....long as they have what's needed for a bad reaction to hornets...I blime Mack and Luke they were the ones in the tree..where the hornets were in the first place."

Xander was unconscious still, he woke briefly only to pass out again, still wrapped in the blankets and on the homemade stretcher they had, he didn't even have a clue where he was or he likely try and walk away best he could.

Matilda nods as she puts away her blade and speaks with the couple beasts who open the gate to let some others know she is back and leads the way to where the infirm is, taking the open ground route

Nardo looks around as they are in the infirm, a couple beasts look at the small gathering as the ferret hmmms softly and looks at the half dozen villagers "I can....take it from here...or me and the healers here..can"He nods to the hedgehog "Figured you wouldn't want them in the way, though I have no clue where they a bit?"

Matilda thinks a moment and walks forwards "You may rest in the Great Hall..Brother Rick can show you the way and we can have some tea and there is some leftover stew from lunch it seems"She offers a smile and goes to sit down, tried and she can check on others later on.

Nardo is a healer and knows what herbs and which, a quiet talk with a couple beasts, though an eyebrow is lifted once as the ferret sighs "Trust helps just get it..."He finds a couple other things as he quietly talks "I can replace what I use, not to worry..."He checks on the badger as he sighs"I knew he was not feeling not well when he went off to find Mack.....I have seen delayed reactions to things like this before...bee stings, spider bites, in this case disturbing a hornet nest and getting stung a few may not think it's bad as a reaction is small and seems to clear up and then surprises you a couple days later."

Xander still has his fever, his arm is swollen from where the stings happen, and one on his right pinky finger. His breathing and heart rate seem ok right now, it was a little worse earlier than it is now, plue he is likely to be unconscious a couple more hours.

Matilda listens as she watches him, "Interesting, I will need to let Mother Krisha know your here and that....xander was found"She thinks and adds "But to not rush over here"Maybe she will just let it be known they have guests, she can let it be know she found Xander as well."So...who is Mack?"

Nardo thanks a novice as they get a couple things he needed and makes a small paste for the swollen arm and paw, he also has a couple herbs and one here he adds to a little water."A good friend and it worries me he wasn't with Xander.."He goes to get the watery mixture he has down the badgers throat."There..was this...beast, they had showed up the night before..showed up after the umm...stove messed up and the pub was on fire, the rain at least stopped it before it got serious, but the beast grabbed mack and xander went after them.."

Xander coughs as he gets the mixture down but likely won't be waking anytime soon

Matilda mutters a just what we need before standing and heading into the hallway.

Nardo looks at the badger and excuses himself letting the healers take over after he says a couple quick things on how to keep an eye on hornet stings and follows the hedgehog."What about Mack, will someone help look for my friend, who is out thar...somewhere"

Matilda stops as she looks to the ferret, arms crossed and then shakes her head "We will discuss that, right now this is important and you can stay here, just...follow the rules and we get along"

Nardo starts to speak and quickly is quiet before he nods and goes to follow her as it's not like he knows his way around this place.

==Abbots Room==

Benar is sitting up in bed, his left arm in a sling and carefully looked after. After a week in bed he is looking better, his new glasses perched on his muzzle as he reads through some of the reports and papers he has managed to get hold of. He pauses in reading to look out the window at the gathering clouds and frowns at the starting raindrops.

Krisha is in the hallway, she has checked on the abbot a couple times when she wasn't busy,another voice is in the hallway also "I am sure things will be fine" Krisha sighs "Lets hope so..."She then goes to knock on the door, but not too loudly.

Benar glances back from the windows, "Come in Krisha," He says softly, "It is nice to see you," He leans back on his pillows and waits for the Badger Mother to come inside.

Krisha walks in and gives a nod to the abbot."I am glad to see you awake, couple other times you were asleep and they thought it best that you...had some rest" She sounds a little tried but she is doing fairly well with all the stuff she has been needing to do and at the same time trying to not worry about beasts.

Benar asks, "Yes I have been not feeling the best, my head still hurts a little but the headaches have gone so that's a good thing," He smiles, "How is everyone?"

Krisha nods as she replies "The abbey is fine, The last of the harvest was just about in and records were kept of what we have, not much in need of anything and there is always a quick market trip if needed. Matilda was...out looking for...someone"She frowns a little, she seems worried and clears her throat as she speaks more "The dibbuns have behaved well, was one problem where they tried to hide the green beans but it was taken care of."

Benar says, "Well I am glad to hear it Krisha," He smiles at the badger, "I am glad to hear you have been managing everything, it sounds like you have been doing a good job""

Krisha says, "As good a job as I can Abbot Benar, I also had to let the abbey beast know you were ok, they were fairly worried. I try to answer what I can and if I can't I simply said I didn't know."

Benar says, "You have been doing fine Krisha," He smiles at her, "I have been keeping my ear to the ground, but everything has been going quite well. You have done a good job"

Krisha says, "I am just glad it wasn't worse. I believe it was an accident, I know some don't think it was. And the abbey might be expecting me to tell them what will happen and..and frankly I am not sure what to tell them.""

Benar says, "Yes I ... do not think he meant to push me off the stairs..." He frowns, "I think we cannot make any decision until we speak to Xander... but I doubt Matilda is going to let him in the same room as me for quite some time. So I may leave that to you and Matilda to talk to him about and bring your decision to me... if he is still... acting odd I do not think I want to see him either."

Krisha nods as she sighs "Right now he is missing, he...kind of rushed off and beasts have been looking for him but I have not gotten an update, just...the look on his face, he looked horrified at what he did."

Benar says, "I know Krisha and... I do not hold it against him... what I do hold against him is his unwillingness to seek help... hopefully this has shocked him enough to realise he needs it. His temper is growing worse and he could have killed me."

Krisha frowns, "I know...I think he ...thinks he did and it's why he left. I just want him home and..hopefully me or Matilda...someone can speak to him, see wot can help him or what should be done"

Benar says, "Well Krisha I am sure if Matilda can find him she will bring him home, she is a good lass that champion of ours. For you and I we need to focus on the abbey, this has been a shock to everyone. Not least of all me."

Krisha nods"Yes Abbot Benar..."She goes to gently hug him, very gently "I am still doing your duties and Badgermother duties....Brother Gorvenalus has helped a little as well. "

Benar says, "Well you can send documents and papers up to me now, I am well enough to start doing some of my duties again, at least the ones that involve reading and dictating messages."

Krisha says, "Alright, I can send up the reports of the harvest, which should be done by tomorrow or that's the plan anyways"

Matilda walks down the hallway and dusts off her tunic before knocking, a glance over at Nardo and she waits quietly for a reply.

Nardo stays quiet and polite as he stays still.A slight look around the hallway as the abbey does impress him but he is quiet right now, let the hedgehog speak first.

Benar glances at the door to his bedroom and sighs, "See who that is will you Krisha? If it's Novice Barhain the object he needs is out on my desk in the blue folder."

Krisha nods as she goes to check and blinks when she sees who it is "Matilda....any news ?" She looks over at Nardo and tilts her head curious as to whom the ferret is and looks back to the champion "Abbot Benar is resting, a wake but, I..I can give him a message, see if he wants to speak to anyone or you can speak to me"

Matilda nods, one issue can be shared with the badger mother "We have guests from a village near the church, just a half dozen woodlanders and..Nardo here, a healer it would seem. may be staying a few days.There is some other news also.."But she also doesn't want to worry Krisha.

Nardo nods, a small bow " me I am not here to harm any beast. Just helped the..hedgehog here and permission for me and my friends to stay a couple days and then be on our way, sides I need to find my friend Mack."

Krisha looks between them and nods as a small frown forms and she akss "Any news on ...anyone else?"

Matilda knows who she means but also isn't sure how to bring it up.He sighs after a bit no one to keep it from her if she found out later it likely be worse "I found him...and no I didn't talk to him yet he..."She sighs"He's unconscious and in the infirm but please don't go rushing over there.He is in good paws and you do still have your duties and the abbot's duties.I will make sure someone updates you I promise..ok. "

Nardo stays by the doorway and looks slightly inside and back to them as the hedgehog explains things, he steps over "Just so ya know, not a fight...well maybe sort of..hornets did attack him because he kind of, sort of found their nest and they didn't like it and he sort of fell backwards and hit a branch or two....but he was fine..that wise, not..hornet wise...hornets are nasty little things yet can be deadly friend Mack claims they can still be useful, like ta know how I don't think so...hate them.."He has his reasons and might share someday.

Krisha eyes widen as she listens to what is said, though the don't rush off seems to not of been heard as she doesn just that and almost crashes into a novice, a quick sorry and she disappears around a corner.

Matilda sighs deeply,"Well...that went well" Not really as she looks into the abbot's quarters and goes to knock again.

Nardo smirks, "Sure it did...ya really great at giving news..."He sort of looks at the room and speaks more quietly "Your like....leader in thar or something?"

Matilda already is unsure of the ferret and now he is annoying her and close to getting himself thrown out a window as if she needs to add another update to the list, she takes a deep breath as she looks at Nardo "I also have the power to ask you to leave...rather not do that so for now be quiet, not in the mood"

Nardo backs up and bumps into the door, he nods quickly "Ok...."A paw goes over his mouth, yes he can be a little rude at times, he isn't the most trustworthy beast but he wants to be trustworthy.

Matilda watches the ferret and nods "Good. Now I can help find your friend Mack, maybe tomorrow for now should update the abbot on a couple things and get some rest"

Nardo nods finally and goes down the hallway, he likely should rest too, and if she wants to have a guard with him, fine...he can live with that.

Matilda sighs and starts to go speak to Benar, finding him asleep she smiles a little, he does need rest as she takes off his glasses and sits them and the reports on the table beside him and then heads off to get some rest herself

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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