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#1 2019-06-20 05:33:51 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Oz Winters Is Dead-REDWALL LOG


Benar-Abbot of Redwall

Gorvenalus-Recorder of Redwall

Lacota- Frair of Redwall

Matilda- Champion of redwall

Xander- Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Ewan-LP residential Hare,fighter and Private for LP

Krisha- Badgermother of Redwall

Hawkeye-Retired Warrior, tavern worker

Oz-former badgermother

A few assorted spoofed beasts...


=Redwall Infirm=

There has been little to no change except the fact he got a lot worse than he was before, a healer has checked on him and they seem to frown more and more each time they check on him.

Lacota comes into the room, carrying a tea tray. He frowns, nodding to the healer. "I brought tea... Should anybeast want a cup. You've been awfully busy here..." He looks over at Oz. "Any change?"

The healer frowns "No...good changes and we can anymore for him. We just....check on him, he still has a..very very faint pulse, and he isn't really....breathing much..I fear the worse before sundown"

Lacota nods grimly. "As I feared. Still... I think he was ready... That is the only comfort..."

The healer just frowns and looks over at Oz, and back to Lacota "The...Abbot knows, he was...with him all night but they made him try and least get a little rest and then he could come back."

Benar is settled in an armchair by Oz's bed, blankets over his lap, and his head resting back on a pillow, he's been in here most of the day and well is reaching the tail end of an enforced nap. The Abbot has been hovering all week in effect and has rarely left the infirmary.

The healers only wanted to make sure the abbot got some rest, they would let him know of any major changes, a healer has quietly spoken to Lacota a little. One healer frowns a little, ok a frown isn't good as another one checks on him, the novice frowns, she studies Benar and then looks back to the more experienced healer"It's...harder to find....I'm sorry.."Meaning a pulse, its..sort of there.

Benar is woken by one of the healer, the abbot lifts his head and listens to her hushed explanation that Oz's pulses is fading. Jumping up out of the armchair the squirrel moves to the badger's side and reaches out to take one of those large, ancient hands in his, holding it and staring down at Oz's quiet, peaceful face. "Oh Papa, this... is not how I wanted us to say goodbye.."

Lacota has remained quietly on the opposite side of the bed, and he nods to Benar as he speaks quietly to the badger. "I had hoped it would not come this soon," he whispers.

Oz has layed on the cot, unmoving for the past few days now, unmoving except for the faint rising and falling of his chest and that has become a bit less over the past few hours. His pulse was already so weak and barely there, now it slows even more if that was even possible. Seemly hanging on by a mere thread of life, but not all battles are won and this one is soon lost as one last breath of life is taken, and one last beat of a heart happens and Oz winters quietly is led into the gates of the dark forest.

Benar is holding Oz's hand as he leaves, his fingers pressed to the badger's pulse, he feels it fade, tears blotting his eyes, the Abbot steps back and lets the young healer mouse move in to check, "Oh Lacota..." he whispers, looking over at the Friar, "I can't believe this is happening... I..." he sighs and hangs his head, waiting quietly for the healer to confirm what in his heart he already knows.

The one healer just frowns, ok deep breath as one of the senior healers checks, double checks and looks at them sadly "Oz....oz is...gone"

Lacota rests a paw on Benar's shoulder. "It was his time," he whispers. "He lived a good, long life..."

Benar reaches out to take Oz's hand and then steps up and leans down to kiss his forehead "Sleep well Oz, until we meet again," rubbing tears from his eyes he steps back then walks around the bed and holds a hand out to Lactoa, "Oh my dearest friend, the abbey is never going to be the same... how am I going to tell them all."

Lacota frowns again and shakes his head. "I don't know... But I think Krisha should be told first, perhaps privately..."

Benar nods his head and takes a deep breath then turns toward the door, "You are right, let's go downstairs, I'll speak to Krisha and then we can announce it." Back straight, tail hiked up high the Abbot opens the door and starts for the stairs.

==Great Hall==

Benar gets downstairs and calls Krisha over to him, and the two talk a few moments in private.

Benar motions for Krisha to lower her head to him, hiding the tears in his eyes from the rest of the room by standing behind her bulk and whisper softly to her."I am afraid Papa... Oz has left us Krisha"

Krisha listens and she is not in too much shock, she was expecting it but still maybe hoping for some small miracle he would get better. Noo..."She manages to barely stay focused but some tears escape.."'t be..." She takes a couple calming breaths least she break down in front of everyone, but a thought lets a sob escape.."But..wot am I supposed do I..tell..when the dibbuns ask.."They are the least likely to totally understand after all, older beast would likely know and understand more..she is holding it together..barely, once she is somewhere alone the floodgates are gonna open.

Hawkeye glaces over and tilts his head, a little curious but decides if its important he is sure others would be told as well.

Lacota sighs, and finds somewhere to sit. He as well needs a few moments.

Benar doesn't get to have a few moments, not now, he can break down again in private later, he squeezes Krisha's arm, "You will find a way Krisha, it will come to you... now I must do...." He turns and walks along until he is standing in front of Martin on the tapestry. He raises his hand, "My friends... if you would all be quiet a moment, I... need to speak to you all."

Ewan had just came in from being outside and tilts his head, a small frown maybe but he will listen quietly to what ever is said.

Gorvenalus frowns a little, something is..very off here, he nods and gets some others to be quiet whom was entering the room.

Lacota sits up straighter to listen.

Krisha sits on the steps for now and looks up, should she see it would just make her cry more. She stands and walks back to the Great Hall and stands by Benar, Benar needs her right now, at his side.

Hawkeye sits up and looks up as the Abbot, and then Krisha comes to stand in front of the Tapestry, a deep worrying frown forms.

Benar waits for quiet then raises his voice so it carries, "I have just come from the infirmary, where Friar Lacota and I stood watch over Papa Oz," He pauses, his tail drooping, tears sparkling in the corners of his eyes, "I am afraid Papa Oz has departed, he has journeyed onward to the Black Forest and stepped beyond the gates."

He reaches up to a small tasseled cord hanging by the tapestry, tears trickling down his muzzle, the abbot looks stoically around the room as he speaks, "Oz has gone ahead of us, on the path of time, to the realm beyond where all those who have gone before must walk. I am sorry to be the bearer of such news."

He tugs on the rope, most probably don't remember it being there but as the abbot pulls on it a black veil of cloth unfurls from above the tapestry, unrolling to cover Martin with a beautiful, hand knitted rendition of a badger, kindly, wearing an outfit much like Oz was want to wear and carrying that staff of his.

"I am afraid my friends we must all be brave, and be there for one another. Oz would not want us to be sad but we must all grieve and support one another in this time of loss. If you need me, I will be here as will Oz's chosen successor, badger mother Krisha."

Ewan ears go flat against his head as he frowns, listening to the news that has just been given. He stays quiet and wipes away a tear.

Gorvenalus frowns at the news " is a sad sad day for the abbey, for..Mossflower." He will help with anything needed, record this in the logs and when it comes to it, the date of the funeral as well. But they can worry on that later.

Lacota bows his head. "He was a dear and faithful friend, he was..."

Krisha nods, she is here and barely under control of any emotions right now but managing, its quiet except for a sniffle here and there in the room, one novice breaks down in tears. She lays a gentle paw on Benar's shoulder "I for you if you..need me Benar"

Benar reaches up and squeezes Krisha's paw, "Thank you my dear and I am here whenever you need me," He then moves to his armchair and sinks into it, leaning back and staring up at the tapestry with the shroud covering it, tears gently falling from his eyes as he contemplates what he has to do next.

Hawkeye frowns, he didn't know Oz all that well, but he knew him a short time and would call him friend.

Xander seems to pick the worse times to enter a room, and this has to be the worse thing, and makes him sort of not want to go further into the room, he missed the update but he can sense something major happen, he is not too worried to ask what and stays at the doorway for now.

Ewan looks over at Xander and frowns, he sits down and drums his fingers on an armrest, quiet for now.

Gorvenalus sighs, he writes a few things down in his journal quietly and wipes away some tears as he does so.

Lacota thinks he should prepare tea for the abbeybeasts, so he heads into the kitchen for a little while.

Krisha nods "Of..of"She frowns when she sees Xander at the doorway and, oh what is gonna be harder talking to dibbuns or....Xander. She gives Benar a gentle hug "I..I will be right back." She walks over to Xander and has sadness in her eyes as she doesn't speak right away, but clears her throat, "Oz....Oz died." She steps back slightly but still close.

Hawkeye catches sight of....and he frowns more, oh no bad timing , very bad timing to walk in now. He seems to debate on helping her tell Xander or let her handle it.

Xander frowns as he glaces around the room and walks in a little further and stops as he looks at Krisha "Something happen...wot happen?" And words, horrible words he didn't want to hear "Wot..wot did you..say?" He shakes his head "Your...lying..he can't be..he's not"Tears fall and he looks ready to bolt up the steps only his legs don't let him get more than maybe 2-3 steps before he sort of collapse and starts sobbing loudly "No no no no"A hiccup/sob and he shivers a little.

Ewan ears flatten more as he is not sure what to do, this is not something he is good at helping with,something else seems to draw his attention away and he excuses himself and slips outside

Lacota returns from the kitchen several minutes later, pushing a cart with tea and biscuits. He offers the refreshments to anybeast who needs it.

Gorvenalus stands and walks slowly over to Xander "Xander...." He speaks softly and frowns, he wants to help if he will allow the help.

Krisha frowns, "I'm..sorry..." She feels the tears and looks to the steps, others need to know as she can do this, she has to tell Sister Ginny and the dibbuns, she has to be the one with the news,she is sure others will know when its meal time. She quietly lets Benar know she has to speak to the dibbuns and will be right back.

Benar looks down and nods at Krisha then stands up, he takes a deep breath then walks over to Xander, he stands before the badger and just holds out his arms to him, he doesn't say anything just stands and offers what comfort he can.

Hawkeye frowns and stays seated and speaks "Should I take word to...Camp Willow and Ferravale Benar?"

Xander sobs, like he is some sort of dibbun. He finally looks at Benar through tear stained eyes, he sniffs, "This...isn't a dream....its a nightmare...I don't want my Uncle to be dead..please" But he does finally take one of Benar's paws, is a little shaky and sort of stays where he is.

Gorvenalus speaks "they should know and...the rest of the abbey can know at meal time...and"He frowns "The elders will..plan a funeral for..for Oz and whom ever wants to come to it, can"

Benar holds Xander's paw and then hugs his arm firmly, "We... yes we shall discuss a final farewell to Oz..." He lifts his ears as the bells start to ring, deep, slow, sonorous rings echoing over the misty, summer storm drenched fields of the abbey, "That would be appreciated Hawkeye thank you."

Lacota has been quiet for sometime, just passing out cups of tea to those who ask.

Hawkeye nods, he does get some tea and a biscuit and sighs "I that and leave here soon."

Xander tries to control his shaking and tears, a sob escapes as he manages to calm some "Am..Am I allowed go see him?"

Benar says, "Of course Xander," He hugs the badger then steps back, "He is in the infirmary still.... or you can wait until we lay him out."

Gorvenalus listens to the bells as he frowns, he closes his log journal and lets some tears escape, Oz's death has been recorded in the logs.

Xander nods "O..ok....Benar"He sniffs and looks at the cloth picture over Martins quietly "W..wot's that?" He asks quietly.

Benar says, "It's what I made," he looks up at the knitted shroud hanging over the tapestry, "A reminder, a memorial, it is what I have been knitting for the last month," He sighs and turns to walk back to his chair, "I dreamt of it I just hoped I wouldn't need it for years."

Gorvenalus sighs"We will all get through this....together, we will"

Hawkeye nods as he leans back, should he go now or later...he decides now is as good as any, Ferravale first and then Camp Willow would be next.

Xander manages a faint smile "Its...very well d..done Benar."He wipes away tears "I'm..sorry for my...actions just now. I should of got back sooner, left the tavern..sooner, I wasn't there when he.."But maybe that's best he wasn't there when his uncle died.

Benar says, "No Xander," He stares at the badger, "You should stay and you should rest here until tomorrow and you should also grieve."

Gorvenalus nods, he walks over " be ok Benar?" Though he knows he likely needs time alone, he frowns"Where is Matilda at, someone should tell her as well of this news"

Benar says, "I will be ok thank you Recorder," he leans back in his chair, "I will be here if beasts need me."

Xander sniffs, tears fall like the rain falls outside. He sniffs a little and just frowns and sits on the steps.

Gorvenalus says, "I can tell the less thing to worry about for you Benar"

Lacota sighs. "Dinner will be served in a couple hours," He announces.

Gorvenalus nods sadly and stands , he gives a hug to each of Lacota, Xander and Benar and heads off to tell the Champion the sad news.

Xander frowns and hugs his knees to his chest, he allows the hug and glaces upstairs as if debating.

Gorvenalus walks across the entry, in the rain and goes to knock on the Champion's door.

Matilda opens it and frowns” The bells are...It's Oz isn't it?”

Gorvenalus nods sadly “He has gone to the dark forest.”

Matilda lets the tears fall, “Where is Benar?”

Gorvenalus points to the Great Hall, “In there...”

Matilda nods and hurries to the abbot's side and stays with him till he goes to his room, she will stay by his door so no one bothers him,frowning as she hears him finally break down in full tears and sorrow.

Oz Winters is dead

Last edited by oz (2019-07-27 07:03:45 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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