Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2019-03-06 09:00:39 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Interrupted Snow Ball Fight-Redwall Abbey Log


Oz- Badger Mother, AKA Papa Oz

Krisha- Badger Mother in training

Northstar- dibbun badger

Spoofs- Dibbuns, Sister Ginny, Some novices


Oz always disliked winter time, yet his last name was Winters so one would think he liked it. There was a lot of nice winter seasons, but not all of them. One winter he lost his parents, another winter he lost his mate and child, one winter he and the dibbuns were caught in a blizzard and he got very ill keeping them safe and warm till they were found and almost died. It was also winter when he finished going blink, after slowly going blink for a couple was winter when his vision was 100% gone, but he learned to get around. So many foot paws to all areas of the abbey, even to the clearing slightly north of the abbey, he learned voices of all beasts and their foot paws as they walked, unless they were a newcomer, he knew whom was nearby, scent also helped.

A giggling sound came down the hallway and rushing to the open ground, “Snow...Snow...heehhehehe!”

Oz smiled as he heard the dibbun and chuckled, “Northstar..calm yourself, your slip on ice running outside like that and do you have your scarf, coat..gloves?” And he could tell by tone of voice if she decided to fib to him.

Northstar stopped and hugged Oz..”Unca Oz...”She was about  was nearing 4 seasons now.”Yes”And she did, she knew better not to stay warm.”Play play play”

Oz smiled again, yes his knee was bothering him, his knee secretly hated him in the colder seasons and he knew it”Ok Northstar, for a short while then it will be time for dinner”

Northstar giggled and went to run, purposely sliding across a patch of ice in the open ground, there was still snow around as winter was still very much here, she blinked and ran towards the wall and digged in the snow finding some small shoots of green grass.

Oz would sometimes run around with the dibbuns, he has jumped in leaves in Autumn time and in winter he will make a snow ball and throw it. One is throw at Northstar and a couple other dibbuns get into the snowball fight

Northstar eeps loudly and giggles making a snowball and throwing it, but up in the air.

A couple mice dibbuns, a squirrel dibbun and then some dozen or so get involved in the fight, even some novice get in on the novices vs dibbuns, of course Oz is on the dibbuns side as he smiles”Talking makes you a target!” He chuckles and then suddenly tenses in pain and takes a sharp breath.

The novices and dibbuns all look at the badger as his mood seems to change, Sister Ginny pushes her way forwards “Oz?”

Oz is clearly in pain as he drops a snowball he had just made and seems to have a little trouble breathing, he frowns “ going inside..” He heads inside.

Northstar follows him and frowns, she pulled on his paw”Unca Oz...”

Oz gets inside to the hallway and tenses in pain again as he backs into the wall and slides down it, the pain is lessening some but it's still there.

“Mama mama mama mama!!” Northstar raced off to find her mother.

Krisha turned to see her daughter and kneeled down “Whats wrong?”

Northstar pulls her into the hallway and points to Oz.

Oz is sat by the wall and seems to have breathing issues, but they are better than they were a moment ago as he frowns, he hears the foot paws “ my room”

“Oz!” she races forward and of course is helping him to his room, to his bed “I can get a healer, I will be right back”

Oz grabs Krisha's paw..”No..healer..feel little better just could not breath for moment..I am fine, promise. I just need some rest and will be ok in the morning.” And he will be rest will help him, but also maybe a day off.

Krisha stops and frowns “But..”She sounds worried and nods “Ok but if it happens again your going to the infirm.”She stays calm , but worried.

Oz nods and gives a smile “I..I will.”He will rest till almost lunch time, well half a day off is better than most, he just decides no snowball fights with the dibbuns this winter, he is concerned but maybe it was just old age hating him or the cold air. He will just take it easy a few weeks, sides ..winter is for indoors by the fireplace, story time and cookies and quiet lessons with the dibbuns while Sister Ginny does some lessons there is mint tea, tea is good.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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