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#1 2019-03-06 05:56:57 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

You Almost Died!-LP LOG


Zolomon- Archer and Runner in the LP, Also Private First Class in the LP

Ciocan- Badger Lord

Xander- Leader of the Mossflower Defenders

Sinway- Brother in Redwall Abbey

Dagger and his friends-Vermin spoofs

A couple hare spoofs, one hare named Private Kilo


Zolomon had promised he wouldn't go off alone and he keep his promise, he did go with a fellow hare, one Private Kilo who right now seemed to feel...very unwell as Zolomon shrugs,"Told ya not to eat it but no you ate it and now those hot peppers will likely burn a hole threw ya."He got a glare as Private Kilo just walked forwards and ahead of the runner,"Yeah yea.....grump" He had decided to try and enjoy a day, well try anyways but seems he failed, oh well.

What the hares down see is a stoat who seems to care less of this..Private Kilo let the hare walk off, no he has his sights on Zolomon as he chuckles,"Come on boys....let's pay him a little visit shall we."So with the stoat is 6 friends, of the 6 there is 4 foxes,and a couple tall ferrets as he smirks making his way to the hare,"If it isn't the hare that lets otters help hi'...but we can deal with him next, first....we deal with you"

Zolomon looks up just in time to see the stoat "Well it isn't furbag..."He doesn't seem to worried about the 6 other beasts, yet anyways "Wot ya want? And if ya talkin' bout hurting Sinway that's a bad idea."

Not too far from the area is a cloaked figure, they are moving a little slow and have yet to get to where the hare and vermin are at.

The stoat smirks"Bad idea? Why gonna stop me"He snaps his fingers"Bill would be here but he chickened out, that's fine ya got me..names Dagger,"He grins "You don't need to know my friends...."And he gives no warning just a "Attack!"

Zolomon gets out his saber, lucky he has it with him as the longbow will do no good close up like this. He sidesteps a ferret and angles and slices at a fox as they go to attack. He is quick on his footpaws and being as alert as he can be.

Dagger just chuckles and watches the fighting, he growls as fox is sliced on the chest. The ferret moves with the hare and goes in at his right side, as does another ferret from the left side. The fox stumbles back as Dagger speaks "Just wound the stupid longear!"

Zolomon manages to avoid one ferret but the other gets a good slash in on his left side, the fox he manages to stab at again, and ducks a punch from another fox.

Dagger growls as one fox dies..ok there is still 3 foxes and 2 ferrets, and himself here to handle this fool hare"This is taking too long...."He rolls his shoulders and goes to charge at the hare at the same time a couple ferrets distract him, he is aiming to disarm him of that saber and kick him in the gut with a strong footpaw.

Zolomon blocks one blade, and tenses up as a knife slices at his arm, he catches sight of the stoat Dagger at the last minute and goes to block him, but the stoat is lucky and disarms him of the blade, just barely and the kick causes him to fall backwards onto the sand.

The stoat smiles coldly, "Well you managed to kill one of my friends..still 6 against one if" He goes to slice at the hares arm and a small cut made to the check as if having a little fun. A quick slash, small, at the chest and a chuckle as he lays the blade at the hare's throat”Not that your strong enough to even fight me.”He grins “Let's make sure the Badger Lord gets ya back or...well your head back anyways, some hare stew might be good...not had any in a while”

A cloaked figure has seen the fight, from a distance and quickens their pace, a gurgle as seems a ferret is, well dead..."2 to...5"A voice says, not a happy voice either.

Zolomon groans as he goes to kick at the stoat, a slice made to his arm and one on his cheek, he is already bleeding from a wound on his arm from before this.

Dagger kicks at the hare and then quickly spins around, he spins his dagger getting out another one and studies the cloaked beast "Who are you...who cares...kill him then kill the hare!"

The cloaked figure watches the ferrets closely and sidesteps one, grabs another by the throat and throws them a good few feet, a blade is drawn and blocks a cutlass, as the beast backs up and spins the blade beheads a fox, seems the ferret is smart and gets up only to run away, a snarl is heard, seems the stoat is down 2 friends now.

Zolomon starts to get up only to be kicked and tenses up in pain, he tries to focus on the cloaked figure and frowns. He can only hope it's friend and not foe as he shivers and tries to get up as waves of pain and dizziness hits him and he loses consciousness.

Dagger is in shock as he watches this cloaked beast, yeah he has 2 friends now he can beat this beast right.."Who ya think ya..."A closer look and the stoat frowns quickly.

The cloaked beast snaps the neck of the fox that tries to slice at him, the cloak torn some now, the ferret whimpers as he gets a good look at least what the beast is.."Boss...boss we should run"

Zolomon is a bit..unconscious and has no clue what is going on, he is still bleeding also so a healer would be nice right about now to have.

The cloaked figure seems just a tad..peeved off! They go to slice at the stoat and shove them down onto the sand.

The ferret whimpers, yeah he is outta here! Dagger gets a slice to the chest and one to the leg which does help him tumbled to the sand as he kicks up at the beast.

The cloaked beast snorts and sits his footpaw on top of the stoat and blade at the stoats throat, he gets close to his face as he speaks"You asked who I was...your worse nightmare. You have a choice...walk away or die"

Dagger seems at first worried and then smirks "You the Badger Lord or something?" He slips out a hidden knife, lucky its just a normal knife but still sharp as he goes to stab him in the lower arm, and kick him in the chest.

The cloaked beast holds back a snarl as the knife goes into his lower arm, he narrows his eyes..."Ya been better off with him maybe..."And the blade is pressed to Dagger's throat and sliced across....hey he gave Dagger a choice after all.

Dagger is quickly...well he got a free ticket to the dark forest. The hare is still very unconscious.

The claoked beast had checked for a pulse and manage to bandage a couple wounds, he does carry a first aid bag around and since he is traveling alone. It had started to get dark so with a frown a campfire was made, hopefully someone would see the campfire. He was tried from the fight, the walking and carrying Zolomon and the fact he had his own lower arm to tend to, but getting the stupid dagger out could cause more problems if not done right..wonderful.

Zolomon groans, he shivers a little as he starts to wake up..ok it wasn't this dark when he started to head back, where was...oh yeah Kilo got moody and left him behind, or..did he as he tries to focus on who else is here.

Xander is still claoked so ID is a bit hidden still as he glaces at Zolomon and sighs, well this was lovely to be greeted with, not.

Zolomon looks over and been fairly quiet. He tenses in pain and shivers a little.."Wot?" His voice is a little weak.

Xander frowns, he feels Zolomon's forehead and looks around still making sure all is well, he frowns as he stands up looking the direction he knows the mountain is but leaving Zolomon here is not wise as he wraps his cloak around himself, it's cold....he had an extra one he placed on Zolomon. For now his hood is still up, least for now

Zolomon frowns, he has a small fever.."Tis...cold......need get back..home"

Xander nods as he sighs and speaks softly"I...know."His voice is low as he can worry on the dagger later. He decides to get his friend up and more towards the mountain, he kicks sand over the camp fire and makes sure it's out before making his way to Salamandastron slowly.

Zolomon feels himself lifted up, he has be sort of missing a couple days total counting leaving, then going to Halyard and..well getting himself ambushed and now carried back here, he is still slightly out of it as he speaks, bit too weak to try and fight and they can't be a foe if carrying him, but who is it..."Thanks...."He says and winches..yeah pain.

Xander stumbles a little and about drops the hare, he kneels down and lays Zolomon down before he a wave of light headedness hits him, well least he knew to lay the hare down before he passed out himself. Ok so traveling with little rest is bad, not that he wasn't headed here already and then the letter after he was half way here only made him hurry this past..what 7-8 days..faster. Then saving his friend and walking on already lack of sleep, and the stupid dagger he didn't take out, yeah he was slowly bleeding also but if he had taken the dagger out it be a LOT worse. Well this is not a good thing.

Zolomon grunts as he is laid down and tenses in pain as he rolls onto all fours and sort of crawls over to the cloaked figure and fiddles with the hood of the cloak, got to see who helped him....his eyes widen at just who it is..."Xandy?"

Ciocan had heard some news there may be trouble around so after a runner found...well dead vermin and signs of struggle, plus Zolomon's saber he decided to go out himself with a couple hares to search for the missing beast and was already expecting trouble. His paw steps quicken when he comes across the two beasts and kneels down looking between them "Are you alright?"

Xander has passed out, the cloaks hood still mostly over him yet as it likely wasn't moved that much, he also has a dagger in his arm where some blood seeped out around it, not a lot but it does need out and bandaged, maybe a couple stitches.

Zolomon sits up clearly not in the best shape and likely needs better bandages.."No..."And he is being honest..he looks at his friend and back to the Badger Lord.."He...killed the vermin..that"He shivers a little and frowns.

Ciocan checks on Xander and frowns, he checks a pulse and is relieved when there is one and gently, carefully picks him up, He motions to a hare with him "Get Zolomon...and we go to the infirm"Questions can be asked later.

===Infirm at Salamandastron ===

Xander has been placed in a cot on the far side of the room, the dagger out of his arm and its bandaged up as he slowly wakes up and groans, he feels...a sheet, he looks down as he moves his paw a little..yeah clearly not sand as his eyes open.

Ciocan is in the room, he had spoke to the healers about Zolomon and sighs, he now walks over to the other side of the room and looks down at Xander, "You had a dagger in your arm, though in a way taking it could of proved to make a much..much larger problem." He frowns, "Zolomon is in a small faint...but alive thanks to you showing up when you did"

Sinway comes into the infirmary looking around the room he spots Ciocan and..... Xander? He then sees Zolomon and quickly walks over to where Zolomon is "I'm goin' t' kick yer tail fer makin' me worry like I told ye I would." He knows the hare is unconscious but he still says it, afterwards he walks over to the Badger Lord

Xander nods and looks to his bandaged arm"The..stoat stabbed me...sort of didn't first....then did...."He frowns, "Saw..Zolomon and a stoat, 4 foxes and 2 ferrets...well one fox was dead, a ferret wounded...I rushed in to help, sorry on details sort of...blurred and...the vermin all died and I carried him..Zolomon as far as could till had to rest, then got a little further."

Ciocan nods "Sometimes a fight can be may of went into also sort of dulls pain, not always a good thing when it comes back at you 10 fold afterwards..."He nods to Sinway.

Sinway nods to the badger lord frowning as he hears what happens "Guess me actin' wasn' as good as I had hoped." He turns to Zolomon "I told him not t' go wonderin' off on his own." He turns to the Badger Lord "I am sorry, I should of told ye I saw the stoat again. Tis me fault fer trustin' Zolomon t' lay low fer a few days."

Xander frowns as he stays laid down, he glaces at Sinway but for now is quiet.

Ciocan nods "I....sent a letter to Xander around a couple weeks ago on issues with Zolomon in hopes maybe he could help, as for the ambush it seems the stoat had that planed, at least there shouldn't be any more problems...though I do dislike problems, I don't wish for anymore problems either. I want some peace to last..."He sits down in a chair nearby"Not your fault...this ambush could of still happen, I had thought someone was with him"He motions a healer to go find out who in fact.

Sinway looks at Xander giving him a nod "Was wonderin' wha' he was doin' here." He watches the Ciocan go sit down finding his own place to sit "Still...I had a bad feelin' and I said nothin'." He sighs and shakes his head "Guess me actin' wasn' tha' good. thought I had scared him enough tha' he wouldn' of stopped runnin' till he was at least a day or two into Mossflower."

Xander speaks "A..ferret think..called him Dagger....think so"He sits up and looks to where Zolomon is and sighs."So...anything else been..going on?"

Ciocan listens and the hare comes and speaks to him, and the Badger Lord takes a deep breath and exhales as he stands "Tell Private Kilo...I wish to speak to him in my quarters before dinner"The hare nods and quickly rushes off. He looks to the tow of them "Excuse me...we can talk later and Xander a guest room will be made for you unless you had plans to stay in Halyard"He then leaves the room.

Sinway watches as Ciocan leaves sighing and turning to xander "Well other then Zolomon being a emotional wreck, n' not much be goin' on, bought me a fiddle though, t' replace me ol' one I lost before comin' back t' Mossflower."

Xander nods "Guess......I came at a good time."He sighs "Zolomon was....on the ground with like 6 vermin around him, that likely would of ended up a lot worse, it easily could of."He frowns " a letter on how Tarsa died, Zolomon must feel like his whole world is gone, I would feel like that I know if something ever happen to Krisha or Northstar" He frowns again "Likely moody at me again, I was sort of half way here when got the letter, I was worried it was worse news at first"

Sinway sighs leaning back against the wall "Aye, maybe ye can talk some sense into him. As ye can see he is a danger t' him self." He sighs and goes about explaining how this all happen "He been tryin' t' drown his sorrow with alcohol....somethin' tha' is never good t' do......he asked fer the bartender t' give him somethin' stronger..Well he got it, he was given grog.....a be sure he has never had it b'fore because he got black out drunk after only one mug." He sighs and shakes his head "Had I not been there t' protect him, the stoat would of killed him then and there."

Xander says, "The stoat is dead or...least one named Dagger is as well as his 6 friends...was there any other stoat or maybe another one was smart and left the area." He frowns "I don't know how long I will stay is good to know your ok Sinway, I got concerned when heard the Blackrose was back then heard they were taken out so that's good to know""

Sinway sighs and shakes his head "The vermin I attacked was named Bill, so maybe I scared him good, a rabbit named Carran took care of the other, but guess it wasn' good enough." He then smirks a little at Xander's comment "As Zolomon found out yesterday, I can keep me self safe." He goes about explaining his and Zolomon's sparring match on the beach "And next time we spar I ain't goin' t' go easy on him, told him if he makes me worry because he wasn' careful about these vermin tha' I would kick his tail.......bu' thanks fer worryin' about me all the same."

Xander is curious "Sparing? I..might need to watch once"He chuckles "Just no sparing with me, might be a bad idea."He smiles" are you doing, are YOU feeling any better?" He knows Sinway was depressed also for different  reasons.

Sinway looks at Xander and chuckles "I would spar ye mate, would be a good match, I  have beaten a badger before in a spar." He seems to be better at least "Tis still hard mate, I get a little sad each time i look out at the sea bu' I be doin' a lot better." He looks over to Zolomon "Plus I have me hands full makin' sure this guy doesn' break completely, sparring seemed t' help him a lot so will be doin' more of tha'"

Xander nods, "Could of got his mind off things, not sure wot would get my mind off anything major."He smiles "I remember sparing with Ciocan couple times on the way back to Mossflower. He is a lot stronger than me...and taller so likely wasn't the best thing to do but it helped me be better ready for that horde"

Sinway nods and smiles walking closer to xander "If ye spar with him again." He leans down "Try goin' fer the legs, tis a lot of bulk the Badger Lord supports, try goin' fer the back of his knees."

Zolomon groans as he wakes up..."Pain....where am I?"He looks around and focuses on who is here.

Xander chuckles"May try that..could be interested to beat him in a sparing match, if he'll...well have one"He glaces at Zolomon and shakes his head"Pain is better than death at least"He sounds worried, sad...maybe some slight anger in his voice but more concern.

Sinway voice is full of mock anger "Ye went and got yer self in trouble after we jus' talked about it, so when ye get better im goin' t' kick yer tail like i promised ye I would fer making me worry." He chuckles "Bu' I be glad ye be alright, an' that Xander jus' happen t' be in the area."

Zolomon frowns "Not my..fault..I did go to Halyard with Kilo and he left me behind cause ..I told him not to eat a hot pepper and he did and blamed me fer a stomach ache...."He sounds weak and tried still, and sore as his arm is bandaged, one on his cheek and a small one on his leg, still a slight fever but it will pass..."Xander......hey..."

Xander frowns, he hasn't heard the hare use his full first name before, his own arm is bandaged from the dagger. "You should get some rest Zolomon I will be here, least for a little while"

Sinway shakes his head walking over to zolomon and leaned over "Ye shouldn' of gon' back t' Halyard so soon after ye got threaten by tha' vermin." He stands back up and smiles "Ye still made me worry so be prepare." He then walks to the door "I'll let ye two catch up and rest, I have some things t' do."

Xander nods, he glaces at Zolomon and frowns at him "What if I had not come when I did, they were gonna kill you...behead you I think..I dot fully know what. I would of still slayed them..more so. Your my friend and I..i don't want to lose a friend."

Zolomon watches Sinway leave and then looks at the badger and starts to speak and just looks at the ceiling in thought."Your...not going to lose me"

Xander says, "And how do do you know that?!" A couple hares peek in and get a glare so quickly back right back out, he looks at Zolomon like he might cry, "I have known you since the day I got away from Jedrick, I was what...6 seasons, your only a couple seasons older than me, we have know each other for like half our lives...maybe a little more. I get a letter from Lord Ciocan to come, come help you as maybe your listen to me, but will you..WILL YOU?""

Zolomon would so leave the room, if he could but he can't "Xandy......"He says quietly "I...." He can't find the words.

Xander shakes his head, he can leave the room "You what?"Tears do fall a little"Your my friend, my best friend and I almost lost you today, I almost came here to see my friend dead or killed in front of me....if I had arrived just a moment later...I..I WOULD OF!!"Ok he loud and it likely echoed some "I know Ciocan said I could stay here..but..I rather stay in Halyard Inn"He stands and heads to the door and looks at Zolomon and frowns"I' back to check on you in a couple days."He knows the hare will stay as he quietly slips out, he will make it to Halyard and get a room, stay there a couple days and just think, rest and calm down a little.

Zolomon reaches out a paw "Xandy...Xandy!" He frowns as he watches his best friend walk off, he sniffs as a couple tears fall, has he..ruined their friendship? Has he lost a friend? He lets some tears fall, he hopes he hasn't ruined their friendship, it would be the worse thing ever!

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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