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#1 2019-03-03 10:58:45 PM

Rudolfo And Alts
Registered: 2018-11-03
Posts: 77

News, And Then More News-Mossflower Defender Log


Jaxson- Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Xander-Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Keldorn- Fighter in Mossflower Defenders

Silverwing-Messenger in Mossflower Defenders

4-5 days downriver from bridge on River Moss


Xander decided to just start walking, leaving some others to do things, he needed a break and wanted to check on his friend, that and Keldorn and Silverwing had been away too long to suit him, so he was concerned.

Jaxson tagged along “I am sure they are alright, not heard anything on dangers after all my friend”

Xander frowns “Yeah and Sinway and Ewan could of walked into danger, I didn't think of it at the time...ok I was busy but one shouldn't be so busy they don't think on their friends”

Unseen, unless one is lucky, is a fox who happens to have Mossflower Defenders uniform on him. Laying by the river, clearly dead.

High above the sky was an eagle as he looked down and tilted his head and cawed softly “Hang onna me shrewfriend”She then dived down and landed, semi- good...on a small fallen log.”Seen....Defenders color...lookie see”

Keldorn slides off and frowns, “It is our friend..Rigel, what has happen to him?” He looks around “A great evil must have done this, none other could of as Rigel was a threat to no one”

Jaxson seen the bird, yep he is ever alert as he stops “That was a very large bird Xander.”And then “Let's see what it's up too!!” And he heads towards the possible unknown.

Xander frowns “Jaxson..wait what if it's danger...” He sighs and follows, he smiles “Keldorn..Silverwing......”Then a gasp as he rushes forwards “Rigel?!”

Silverwing puffs out and only relaxes when she sees who it is “You should notta startle Silverwing, good way get pecked plenty good”

Keldorn lays a paw on his blade, ready to fight then sees it is Xander and frowns “My friend..Sir Xander. A great sorrowfull thing this is, I know not what happen by trust me if I find out they will not live to see another day.” He he curious though “What are you this far from the abbey Sir Xander?”

Jaxson checks Rigel, it's clear he is dead as he looks at the eagle and shrew “He were worried, and see..a reason to worry and what we are only like what?....4-5 days from the abbey, not too far. We were also looking for you and de bird, looks like we found you and sadly”He frowns at Rigel, the fox was annoying..slow...but still a friend.

Xander frowns “We..we need to..give him a proper funeral”He glaces at Keldorn “Please say all is well, no one else I know is dead...are they?”

Silverwing speaks “Issa seeing Sinway friendotter and the bunny Ewan, is...ok, is alive ya, oh and Blackrose beasties all be deads, alla gone be around never mores again”

Keldorn nods “That is correct Sir Xander, The Blackrose was defeated 100%, even the leader, slaves freed and the base ashes, the hares did suffer some loses.”Which reminds him, he looks at a sealed scroll with the Badger Lord's Seal on it.

Jaxson listens and frowns “Evil doers are..annoying fools.”

Xander  finds a place to bury Rigel, saying a few simple words, a simple grave..not too deep but deep enough and where the river wont get to him and no one will brother him,he sees the scroll out of the corner of his eye and goes to yank it from the shrews pouch..paw..of course he could fail but if he has it in paw he will rip it open and start reading it, maybe fearing even worse news...

Silverwing  stays close, she then caws softly “Need fishes.....”

Keldorn had started to get it from his pouch and frowns, lucky it did have Xander's name on it. He sighs and stays where he is.

Dear Xander,

First I assure you as you likely fear the worse, your friend Zolomon is not dead, he lives. Though he may feel like he is dead. I do not know how well you knew Sargent Tarsa but her and Zolomon had grown closer, a lot closer since last you saw him. She was killed by the Blackrose, this has left Zolomon in a depressed state, at first he was a bit reckless, though he did follow orders and stayed at the mountain but I could tell he wanted to go find her killer, her killer was found and slain and the whole Blackrose defeated to the every last one, the base burnt vermin survived. Zolomon still morns Tarsa and is far from himself. I am unsure what to do to help, Brother Sinway and Private Ewan seem to have maybe started a spark, but I fear that spark may be trying to go out. He almost got himself killed in a bar fight, lucky a couple beasts helped him and he got back to the mountain safely. I know you had wanted to come see him, perhaps you should come, in fact please come you may be able to help him, I do not know. I would send him to the abbey but maybe this is an option as well of you coming here. You could stay in Halyard or maybe a guest room in the mountain, your choice.

Lord Ciocan


Xander scans the letter, a 2nd and 3nd time and frowns, “Keldorn...can you and Silverwing let the Abbey know I will be at Salamandastron area, it's like a couple weeks now from here.”He glaces at Jaxson “Interested?”

Jaxson hmmms and shakes his head “I shall head back to the abbey but safe travels to you sir and stay safe, but I trust you will”

Silverwing perns a wing and caws “I can get Jaxson and Keldorn to abbey safe and sound go to badgerhome, you be safe...visit wioth..harefriend.”

Keldorn lays a paw on his arm and nods “Do be careful Sir Xander and I do now know as much as I would like, I am and Silverwing mainly stayed in Halyard.”

Xander nods “A summary is in the letter, and not many bother a traveling badger and I can travel faster on my own” 2 weeks may well turn to a week and a half, well maybe add a day but still under two weeks, then he just heads on down a path, he walks fast an hour and slows, walking a good 3 more before he rests a couple, walks a couple, and rests a couple, walks another hour and decides to rest a good half day but he does tend to make very very good time, his friend needs him and he wants to double cheek on Sinway and Ewan as well.

Jaxson sighs and frowns as Silverwing and Keldorn just head off “Hey you better wait on me, I..hey wait up!!!”

Last edited by Rudolfo And Alts (2019-03-04 06:19:53 AM)

My Alts: 
Rudolfo-LP Hare Private and Fighter
Jarvis-Camp Willow Otter


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