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#1 2019-02-27 01:00:38 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Why Worry About Me?-LP LOG


Zolomon- Runner/ Private First Class of Long Patrol

Sinway- Brother in Redwall Abbey


**The Western Shores Beach ***

Zolomon is outside and doing a bit of a run back and forth on the sands, he skits to do a turn around and yet he doesn't stop, he keeps running and he is fast too.

Sinway has joined Zolomon out on the shore, while it wasn't intended it just happen to work out that way, he does have the new case that holds his fiddle. Its a lovely day out not a cloud in the sky and it is a bit warmer today. Though he is smiling if one would to take a closer look there are a few tears running down his face "Sure wish I could of shown ye this Kenya." He comments loud enough that anyone near by could hear

Zolomon does see Sinway but doesn't go over to him right away as he just sort of keeps running, he does finally skit to a halt and sort of stumbles a little and shakes sand off his fur and dusts it off his uniform as he stands up.

Sinway looks over to Zolomon and sighs "Ye know mate, one of the most important aspects of runnin' is learnin' how t' stop properly right." He calls with a joking tone

Zolomon shrugs "I usually can, just got a bit carried away with running today as too may thoughts in my head is all, running did help some"

Sinway chuckles to him self before going back to staring at the sea "Well at least ye ain't hurt." He chuckles finding a rock to sit on placing his fiddle case onto his lap

Zolomon says, "I am fine, just staying in shape so can protect the shores, you seem in a fairly good mood""

Sinway shrugs taking his fiddle out of its case "Tis still hard lookin' out at the sea."

Zolomon sits down," Well....yeah..lots happen guess past couple seasons and who knows what other things will...come around"

Sinway plucks a couple of the strings on his fiddle testing out the sound "Tis jus' been this last season tha' has hurt the most." He sighs looking back out at the sea

Zolomon frowns and nods"Guess look to happier times I suppose, if one can...time away likely has helped some"

Sinway nods "There will always be happier times mate, an' yes gettin' away helped a lot." He watches the rolling of the waves "I feel bad fer Atvi though, he jus' be a dibbun, wakes up t' find his grandmother had passed in the night, then wakes up t' find his friend is gone as well." He starts to play his fiddle, playing a slow tune that fits the moment "I hope he knows I don' blame him."

Zolomon frowns, "I think I remember him...bit mischievous usually or was...I never really stayed around the dibbuns much"

Sinway nods "Aye he was a bit mischievous, bu' he has matured a lot, became a novice t' honor Kenya" He stops playing for a few seconds as he messes up a note when he says Kenya and looks a bit irritated at him self. Taking a moment to re compose him self before he starts playing again

Zolomon listens quietly as he thinks "I wonder wot would it of been like had I...decided ta not stay with the Long Patrol, ya know..stayed in Mossflwer maybe"

Sinway shrugs "Ain't sure mate, but I suspect no' a lot would of happen t' ye, things would of been like they had always been before when ye was in the defenders." He picks his playing switching to a happier tune

Zolomon smiles faintly at the music, then the smile is gone again as he sighs, he nods "I like the Long Patrol...always wanted ta join even a while back, just didn't stay me first visit here"

Sinway keeps playing a cheerful tune the jolly melody can be heard across the beach "Tis no surprise mate, there has been very few hares tha' I have met tha' didn' wan' t' join the long patrol."

Zolomon says, "odd...most hares like de patrol, then guess some don't...thar is a hare in the Defenders still that didn't go off with us""

Sinway chuckles a little "Well, like I said very few don' wan' t' join, and the ones I met who don' had families and be rather peaceful beasts."

Zolomon nods "A nice but its not for family is just de long patrol"

Sinway frowns and sighs "Sorry Z, didn' mean to bring it up."

Zolomon shrugs "It's harm..sides more important things in life to do"

Sinway nods going back to playing and looking out at the sea "Wha' important in life be ever changin' mate, what could be important to ye now, might change later."

Zolomon says, "Most likely not..I mean de patrol is friends are as I would protect them. I mean I still have..friends in the patrol ya know, staying in shape is important and training is, most likely will be doing a lot of that""

Sinway nods "Aye mate, but still, thin' can change." He slows down his tune going into a soft and peaceful melody again seeming to really enjoy playing his fiddle

Zolomon says, "Maybe but if anything changes best be a good change and not a bad one"

Sinway nods "Aye tha' be all we can hope fer mate." He looks over to Zolomon "I'm jus' glad I'm able to get more then two words out of ye now."

Zolomon says, "Well I can't be silent forever, doesn't mean I feel any better just...talking now is all"

Sinway hmms a little "I have seen a few smiles out of ye, they not lasted long but ye still smiled."

Zolomon says, "Not much reason to smile..I mean..a couple maybe of started to happen..the music earlier was nice..thinking of some nice""

Sinway smiles and starts playing a happier tune sounding like a jolly tune you might hear in a tavern at a port "I know it feels like that mate, but there be reasons t' smile, the shores be safe, summer be comin'. I know it be hard, trust me mate I know tha' feelin' all t' well, bu' ye will see, soon the pain will lesson, ye will remember the good memories ye will find yer self smilin' more laughin' more and be back t' yer ol' self." He stops playing for a second "Mind ye the pain will never fade completely, bu' on them odd moments where lookin' at somethin' or talkin about somethin' bring the pain back ye will remember the happy memories."

Zolomon nods "Yeah...remembering things about...lost friends and stuff or seeing something can bring back memories good and bad ones"

Sinway nods and stops playing his fiddle putting it back in its case "I'm sure ye will find yer happiness again Z, then ye will be back t' yer old nickname given self."

Zolomon shrugs "Well things can change and maybe nick names were not always a good thing Sinway"

Sinway sighs a little "Maybe, bu' now ye don' use them at all, even on the beast who never minded them." He looks over at Zolomon "And tis honestly how I knew somethin' was up the first time I saw ye when we got here."

Zolomon frowns, "Yeah..I know guess more serious?" He stands up "I don't know, does it really matter?"

Sinway thinks for a moment "That depends, mate, tis nothin' wrong with bein' more serious , but it's not that ye are more serious, tis tha' ye aren' happy and i understand why bu' it makes yer friends worry. because mate tha' be what friends do." He stands up facing Zolomon "We are worried about ye mate."

Zolomon keeps the frown"Well...I mean..."He sighs "Why worry...I mean I could of taken care of the one who slayed her but I didn't and as hard as it was I keep my promise to just let others handle it"

Sinway sighs shaking his head "Because I imagine ye weren' in the right state of mind mate, ye mus' of been filled with such anger and sadness, tha' can cloud yer judgmen' and could of ended with yer death and the vermin left alive."

Zolomon takes a deep breath and just shakes his head"That..marten..murdered her, I wanted ta rip his head off ..fill him full of arrows..."He lets some tears fall and just shakes his head"Just..leave me alone, maybe ya..ya should go back where ya belong!!" He then just takes off running towards Halyard almost running into another hare that was coming back from a walk.

Sinway just sighs and shakes his head, he stops the hare that Zolomon almost ran into and ask if he could make sure Zolomon doesn't get blackout drunk at the tavern, the hare agrees and quickly follows after Zolomon, Sinway wasn't hurt by what Zolomon said and is just going to let him calm down deciding it is best for him to go back to the mountain

Meanwhile Zolomon most likely will go to the tavern in Halyard, or well...somewhere in Halyard.

Last edited by oz (2019-02-27 01:00:54 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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