Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2019-02-11 06:06:36 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

History Might or Might Not Help- LP LOG


Zolomon- Archer, Private First Class/ Runner in Long Patrol

Rudolfo- Private/ Fighter in The Long Patrol


Zolomon is looking threw some..well old records and frowns, a sigh as he opens another log book carefully and scans through it as he reads.

Rudolfo walks in and over to the other hare"Umm..wot ya looking for? Those look sort of old, you allowed to look at those even?"

Zolomon looks up and shrugs, he didn't really..ask, "Umm..from when my Grandfather was in the long Patrol, he could of reached a high rank but he..well.."He gently turns a page"Was kicked out."He says quietly, he has heard the story couple times from his mother before she died.

Rudolfo sits down as he is curious now "Kicked out? Wot he do ta get kicked out and..why ya looking up that info history or something?"

Zolomon says, "Jake Scioto Lafur Foreston Lakewood Johnson..the 3nd"

Rudolfo nods "Hmmms can't say knew him maybe my father or brother did, father maybe"And he is curious."Soooo..what he do?"

Zolomon says, "He...sort of slammed this high rank officer against a wall,broke his shoulder..a General Lot was his name.""

Rudolfo nods" whats the story I mean that's like , well not the highest hare rank but under it, he would of answered to whomever was Brigadier at the time, was there a Badger Lord?"

Zolomon nods "Lord Bluddstripe...when he died they didn't have one or an official one till Lord Ciocan came along, there was a badger that came for 2..maybe 3 seasons but he left, he was a temporary Lord..umm Sebasitien think it was."

Rudolfo asks, "So why are you looking up history of your family for?"

Zolomon frowns"Cause it was the one other time there was a court Marshal, that I know Grandfather Jake had been on a mission and blamed the General, Lot...of letting his mate at the time die and like 5 other hares died some Privates mainly. My Grandfather was a Private First Class...could of easily got to Corporal most likely even higher, but....he slammed General Lot into the wall, broke his shoulder and ..let me see"Reads some more and nods "Slight head injury and this General Lot was out of commission like 2 seasons, got back onto duty but like retired after 1 season. He went to Redwall once to look for his daughter Biff..Biff being General Lot's daughter, and not much is written on that, Private Lot and my Grandfather did forgive one another..and it was General Lot that brought my mother...Kiara here."He frowns.

Rudolfo listens "So..what did they do to..your grandfather?"

Zolomon frowns and looks at the report"Striped him of his rank....he was told to leave, never return so like Exiled or..Banished basically." He carefully closes the book"I mean he didn't...kill a fellow hare like..Hanzi did but, but another report beside it said that General Lot came close to dying so tis possible he could of been...ya know killed"He frowns.

Rudolfo sighs "So..maybe instead of death maybe Hanzi could be Banished?"

Zolomon nods "From the mountain, from Halyard...from the Western shores themselves in fact..I don't know as said in Hanzi case he killed a hare, my Grandfather didn't kill someone just ...well almost..I don't know chap,I really don't know tis up to his Lordship wot happens and he has to deal with the Blackrose issue mainly his focus right now"

Rudolfo frowns "True..I heard Hanzi was in the tavern last night..was he?"

Zolomon says, "Yeah he was briefly and then he left, he has...changed and I hate to say I am unsure would want to be anywhere alone with him, his outfit is even different, didn't see the cat but someone said he was with her at least once and in the fighting pits""

Rudolfo asks, "Fighting pits? Hmms most be elsewhere in town, then again there is serious bad areas of Halyard.""

Zolomon says, "I been ta the tavern...a friend been in the..bad shadow areas but he never talked much of it, he hated it...he was a slave to a wildcat and he was in the fighting pits but he was forced to...seems Hanzi went on his own""

Rudolfo says, "Yeah..I know half the mountain is confused, some say kill Hanzi...I don't know, what bout you?""

Zolomon says, "Sadly..I don't have a clue""

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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