Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2019-01-18 09:53:16 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Quick Chat-Blackrose Log


Melantha- Leader of the Blackose

Taz- 2nd in command of the Blackrose

Cloak Figure- It's unknown yet.....


Melantha was not in the best mood, not at all as she watched the fortress and snorted.”You shouldn't of killed the hare maid.”

Taz smirks”I do what I want, seemed all for it afterwards, to show fear to the land.”

Melantha looked at him “Yes I and I also wanted to gain more forces, we do not have many..what 50 maybe.”

Taz chuckles “But half those are trained assassins and fighters, we have archers under mu command as well and 8 slaves....a couple otters, couple vole, a mole. Some rabbit and a hare”

Melantha looks at him “We had two hares...what happen?” She snorted “Its bad enough I missed the chance to have my otter I lose a slave explain?”

Taz smirks “She dyed..seems she managed to make a run for it, she didn't get far and was left for the sea gulls down the beach. We still have the other hare...seems he is showing more respect now. The Long Patrol is weak..they pose no threat”

Melantha  nods “ forget the Badger Lord, he IS a threat and a fairly tall one too.”

Taz chuckles”I don't fear badgers, I fear no one..sides he has lost two hares in the last 2- weeks and one was a ranking officer, one of his best fighters it seemed....but even they fall once hey look...”He grins “Death in the eyes.”

Melantha  frowned, this marten even creeped her out at times as she hissed and stormed back inside the base as a cold rain poured down.

Unseen by the two was a cloaked figure, who watched them as they laid on the sand, the cloak sand colored and waited till the marten went inside as well and slowly got up and ran down the path and then down shore towards the village.

*Who is that cloak figure? Stay tuned for more logs soon!! ***

Last edited by oz (2019-01-18 09:53:56 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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