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#1 2019-01-09 07:59:33 PM

Rudolfo And Alts
Registered: 2018-11-03
Posts: 77

There's An Archy Range in The Mountain?!-Long Patrol Log

Who is in the log:

Rudolfo- Fighter and Private in the LP

Zolomon- Private First Class and Runner in the LP

Greg- Sargeant and Fighter in the LP, also Main Blacksmith Hare


Rudolfo decided to just listen and head to the archery range down in the archery range was inside the mountain? well, learn something new everyday I GUESS.

Zolomon is down here firing off arrows into one of the targets, only 1 out about 8 arrows missed the center target and one, missed the target all together as he snorts, ok that one is his fault as he is grumpy, moody and clearly not himself.

Rudolfo is not one who is very good at this sort of thing, he much rather use a blade but seems they want others to least try and learn the longbow if they can. He watches Zolomon for a short while before he clears his throat and speaks "Talk bout it? Talking helps....sometimes"

Zolomon takes a deep breath "Talk about it? Really? Whats to talk about....maybe I should of went with them, then again I wasn't told..just her and a couple random privates went to look into this report of slavers maybe being back around."

Rudolfo frowns " was sort of..late at night. those two privates are still missing by the way....Josh and Kim think it was"He shrugs "I..don't know...that many, never was one to chat much guess lately been trying to, you know, get to know everyone now"

Zolomon shakes his head "Yeah...what ever."He sits down on a bench "The long patrol needs more...hares......can't just keep losing...."

Rudolfo says, "I...know."His right ear droops a little "So..who's sergeant now?" He then decides maybe bad question to ask as he backs up a bit."

no quotes at end

Zolomon glares and then looks at the floor "I..I don't know, it's too soon to..."Tears go down his face, he has yet to even react much to this, to this news as a sob escapes his lips.

Rudolfo frowns "I'm...sorry"He says quietly and looks around finally sitting down. "She..wouldn't want you to be sad you know, I mean..I know that's a bit hard not to be...after everything and....but things can happy in the patrol and she was a sergeant, then suppose things can happen to others too......of...course"

Zolomon takes a few deep breaths, maybe today is some sort of dream...the news..the patrol he went on to make sure a couple paths were safe and helping a caravan of beasts to halyard...yeah that could of went better, today is just bad...bad....bad.

Rudolfo sighs "So...wot now? Do we like look for the missing privates or..or wot?" He isn't sure who is in charge really now.

Zolomon says, "I don't know...thar is still Corporal Felicity.....and Major Varus..."Yeah he is using full names...ok he rarely does that"Sargent...Tar..Tarsa, is...she's gone. If I had known they were gonna go on a late night patrol I would of went as well"

Rudolfo says, "Yeah and maybe you been killed too or..been missing. I don't know the details of what happen just was off some trail by the village entry area.""

Zolomon nods as he speaks "I didn't get a chance to ask fer details....had to go help with something else."

Rudolfo nods as he listens,"I...don't know much either. Sorry...just she was found and brought back here."

Gregorian is not much of an archer but as he doesn't wish to look foolish to the recruits he's here to practice. A brief glance around to check no recruits are in sight and he nods to the two as he heads to grab a practice bow "'Ey"

Zolomon snorts"I..know..I.."He frowns, yes he went into the infirm or where ever she was to see her as he lets a tear fall, he blinks and gives a quick salute to Greg and folds his paws into his lap, there is one thing he seems to remember "There was some thing about a flower or..something..what was that about?" He is curious, he thinks he heard it correctly but of course he had to head off before he could get more details or maybe in the shock he heard wrong.

Rudolfo salutes the sergeant and looks at Zolomon, "Umm....let me try to remember...oh some black colored flower, sort of a rose maybe dyed black in color"He shrugs "Someone left it I suppose cause like a...way to..don't know...respect or something? I have no clue...they give flowers to like beasts when alive or dead..odd if tell me"

Gregorian's ears twitch to the conversation. He'd heard and read the report already. He frowns as he selects a bow and some arrows "Black rose...I know it's hard not to speculate on that but I'm just goin' tah suggest, regardless of yah plans, nobody tries tah do anythin' rash"

Zolomon frowns "It's a calling call...they "He takes a deep breath "Place it on dead...on beasts they kill...on purpose, read some stuff while in Mossflower....rash?" He takes a deep breath as to not yell out "I just want to see...certain vermin...dead is all, but I am not gonna be a fool and hunt them down, least alone"

Rudolfo frowns a bit "No one should hunt anyone down...I mean, we wait right? Maybe ask around...see whom knows something and at the same time...well I mean they can't be that large can they? Most were killed and the one base burnt down didn't it?"

"Oh we're huntin' them down and strippin' their existence from the earth, no doubt on that" Greg says as he flexs the bow a bit to test it out "But yes, we don't know who or where they are currently so first we need tah find out who's tah blame" he pauses to look at Zolomon "Sorry lad...rash describes half the patrol sometimes when things like this happens. Tellin' hares not tah do somethin' stupid...well that's my job...I don't like that they've spread from Mossflowah though. There's the possibility that the groups are copyin' the ideah from the Mossflowah group but I don't suppose it mattahs, it's a vermin group on the shore eithah way"

Zolomon nods slowly he is...controlling his temper, "They need..slain..they k..k..killed..."But he knows not to rush off and he won't, but he wants to. He looks a bit lost "SO more patrols on shore..maybe a couple go to halyard and ask some beasts then?"

Rudolfo says, "I can help fight. They had me off duty for a little while but back on now. My leg is healed up enough to fight again, still doing some exercise to get it stronger but not limping like was and can run better now than couple weeks ago""

Gregorian looks thoughtful as he tries to think what his old superior officers would have done or did do in similar situations "We don't have an official ordah on the action tah take yet, I think they're discussin' it...If it was up tah me I'd say no recreational visits and largah patrols...It was a group attacked, not a single hare. We need tah assume they have the numbahs tah match up tah a small patrol at the very least...I think this whole pullin' out of Halyard has been a disaster" He glances back to Rudolfo and smirks faintly "Well they let me fight aftah some convincin', I'm sure yah will be fine. So long as yah can run if yah need tah" Greg is missing half a leg, he retired for years, has only recently returned to active duty and usually limps a bit. He knows much about the pain of leg injuries.

Zolomon sighs, "I..I need to get some rest excuse me...sur"He then walks out slowly, he does need sleep that is true, not that sleep will totally help but it may help somewhat.

Rudolfo nods "I fight well..."He watches Zolomon walk off before he quietly asks "Think he will be alright? He doesn't seem to be having a good day at all"

Gregorian watches the hare go and again appears to be thinking carefully before he replies "It's hard tah lose someone and every hare reacts tah it differently. He doesn't seem tah be tryin' tah throw himself tah the flames which is good but only way tah tell is with time"

Rudolfo nods "I..never lost anyone..well close except my father..he died in the horde attack in Mossflower. My mother lives in was hard news to hear, still sad but...yeah it does take time to get over something like that and depends on guess...who it was"

Gregorian finally notches an arrow to his bow and draws it back far "Hm. Sorry tah hear it. Mossflowah claimed a lot of good hares this time. Lost a few friends tah that battle...Yah fathah why yah joined the patrol?" he asks as he lets the arrow fly. Power he can do, accuracy less so as it hits the target but far to the left.

Rudolfo nods "Yeah and, well didn't want ta dis honor him by leaving de patrol. I would of gone to Mossflower soon but was involved in a fight with some vermin in Halyard and broke my leg....two weeks later when when the group from Mossflower came fer help and..well course I had to stay behind with the...think 30ish hares that stayed here"

Gregorian squints at the target and carries on with another arrow "30ish includin' myself. I was retired at the time" he taps his metal peg leg with the arrow before notching it to the bow "Also on account of leg problems. Nevah imagined the fight would go that way... can't sit around on my tail while the patrol is in such need for experienced fightahs though"

Rudolfo says, "No and we are still low...we lost a good fighter and officer yesterday. There is some good fighters and some need work, we also need healers and runners too, not sure how many runners we have but not too many healers I know unless some recruits are looking into that as an idea""

Gregorian sighs quietly as he fires another arrow "Yah don't need tah tell me. I know wot we've got and it's not much. Sergeant Tarsa will be missed, we needed good hares like her, good officahs. Moral is goin' tah be shot because of this, as if it wasn't low enough already. We need tah get this sorted as soon as possible. We need a win"

Rudolfo says, "A win would be good." He thinks quietly before he speaks again "But..sur...we should still try to not let this get us down, this..vermin group that did this need to know we can't be messed with, that you hurt one of us...your gonna pay for it somehow or other. We need to somehow show the Long Patrol is still tough and not to be messed with. It's likely they ...know by now we are short in numbers and think maybe we fear them when I am bally well sure we don't fear them at all.""

Gregorian stops firing and leans on his bow for a moment "I'd been thinkin' that too. Even if we wipe this one out we need a show of force or there's just goin' tah be another group of vermin tryin' their luck. We need tah stop this but..." he's thinking it through "Not quietly...Yah right. We need tah make an example that'll put the rest off and show them we'll put up as much fight as we always have"

Rudolfo frowns "I..don't know...a meeting of like officers and talk about it? Maybe ask his Lordship about it? Sorry..guess I could never be like a leader type"He chuckles faintly "Then I don't expect me to ever really become one, or least not for like many many seasons from now"

Gregorian chuckles too as he puts the bow away again "Nevah say nevah. Half of it is just experience. Yah stick around long enough until yah know how everythin' works and that's probably half the job, wot do I know, I've only be an officah for a month or so" Though he's been around the mountain longer than most of the current patrol has been alive "I'll see wot the officahs say. Try tah come up with a few suggestions. Primary objective of course bein' a rescue mission but aftah that these vermin need tah stay dead" he says as he heads for the door.

Rudolfo nods "Yeah the vermin do need dead"He decides to try some archery later, sides last time he almost hit his own foot paw, he barely missed it. He quietly heads out as well.

My Alts: 
Rudolfo-LP Hare Private and Fighter
Jarvis-Camp Willow Otter


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