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#1 2018-12-14 02:34:57 PM

Rudolfo And Alts
Registered: 2018-11-03
Posts: 77

It's Not Worth It!!- Mossflower Defender's Log

** My squirrel Jaxson has a duel ***


Jaxson- Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Rigel- Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Xander- Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Krisha- Mate to Xander

Ace- Warrior in Mossflower Defenders

Mariposa- Healer and Seeer in Mossflower Defenders


Clearing North of Redwall Abbey..mid morning time


It was a sort of cold day and the light cold drizzle of rain just made it worse. Snow would come soon but not today, the dark gray clouds in the sky only added to the dismay of what was about to happen. The woodlander and the vermin, a squirrel and fox each with their back to one another and about to start a duel, but whom would win and who would lose as it seemed no matter how much others pleaded and begged for them to stop....they did not this was happening weather others wanted it to or not, here and now in Mossflower Woods.

Ace just frowned as he looks between Rigel and Jaxson and sighed “Is this REALLY worth it you two?”

Mariposa was also there, she was unsure why she stayed, to watch or maybe to see what would happen. She looked at Ace and sighed “There is no stopping is only chaos and disaster to unfold.”

Jaxson snorted as he keep his back to the fox, “Your fault you fuzzface vermin”

Rigel  replies “And you be a tree climber woodlander, you are ya. So how we..proceed?”

Xander choose now to come onto this, he frowned as he slowed “What in the seasons is going on?”

Krisha is beside him with Northstar and just frowns “I..should most likely just take Northstar on to the hut or maybe father's forge....not sure it's wise to stay and see results of this.”

Ace looks over at Xander and frowns “ not know sir, I tried to stop them and as you see, I failed”

Mariposa glaces over at Xander “They...choose to duel, a duel I do not understand as one could things over, less stress”

Jaxson speaks “We start at 10...and at 1 we turn and fire!”

Rigel nods, “Yes is...ya...and being sorry sir.”Least he finds time to answer the badger, “Yes yes...the 10 good ya”

Xander frowns”Is this worth it? Is it! Think you two!” He nods to Krisha “Yeah that be best love I will catch up soon as....this is figured out” He sighs, why..why does he even have to deal with this, it was supposed to be peaceful, why can't it stay peaceful.

Krisha nods and with Northstar heads on towards Ferravale, she looks back at the two beasts about to fight and then she goes  on  down the road to Ferravale.

Ace  frowns “Best those lasses go elsewhere this could get..fairly messy, real messy”

Mariposa blinks “This will get messy who ever wins, there is no will get messy and soon...very soon.”

Jaxson begins the counting, “10...9...8...7....6......” As he counts he takes the paces away from the fox.

Rigel speaks”Ya..the..5...the 4...the 3.....and...oh...2....and 1!”

Xander frowns and starts to get in between them and stops himself, that could be dangerous though, he just looks between them and to Ace as if to ask what do I do.

Ace sighs and looks at the fox and squirrel and frowns”Oh my seasons....”

Mariposa covers her eyes “I refuse to look the results are...chaos”

Jaxson spins and fires, his aim mostly is good and nearly perfect..will this end well or bad for him?

Rigel spins, he fires and lets loose his weapon a second or so before the woodlander does.

Xander's eyes widen, “Rigel....Jaxson....”

Ace gasps “Oh...the seasons....”

Mariposa peeks through her fingers and blinks, “Oh....this is...not well”

Jaxson is..HIT..The red quickly stains his tunic and he looks down and droops to his knees with a look of shock, he was not..expecting this.

Rigel yips as his ear is grazed, and his tail...”Me's ruined!!!!!NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!”

Xander goes forwards quickly and looks back and forth “Why..why did you do this? Was it worth it....”

Ace blinks “I..should get something to help back” He will return quickly.

Mariposa just stares, “I..the meaning of what?” Will she help? She....decides she will not, she seems unsure how to help this is..confusing.

Jaxson lays a paw on his chest and looks at his red..paw and finally speaks”'s ruined”

Rigel looks to be in tears “Your..tunic, you can get a new tunic I am not being able to get a new tail!!!”

Ace returns and frowns, he has a couple things he sits down.

Mariposa answers “Its called...soap and water works wonders..”She then shakes her head and walks away, she is not staying.

Jaxson just folds his arms over his chest and glares at the ground.

Rigel seems to whimper and looks at Xander and  Mariposa “My tail can get..better?”

Xander face palms “I need to catch up to Krisha and Northstar...goodbye”He walks off, he just...walks off.

Ace sets down the ..bucket of soapy water and a couple towels and goes to follow Xander “Wait on me sir!”

The fox and squirrel are......the only ones in the clearing now..

Rigel frowns as he tries to  clean his tail..”Was bad idea?”

Jaxson  snorts “You started it...your idea so just....your fault.”Then why did he agree..he licks his paw “Raspberry and Cherry pie is..tasty”

Last edited by Rudolfo And Alts (2018-12-14 02:38:16 PM)

My Alts: 
Rudolfo-LP Hare Private and Fighter
Jarvis-Camp Willow Otter


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