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#1 2018-12-05 01:01:36 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

They Missed Him-Redwall Log


Oz- Badgermother and AKA Papa Oz

Krisha- Helps with the dibbuns and  she is Badgermother in Training


Krisha sits in the Great Hall just finishing up a lesson with the dibbuns, she has been doing fairly well with them the past few weeks, well more like 3-4 months now. She watches them and then clears her throat "I have some news so please pay attention young ones."

The dibbuns all look at her, one keeps paying attention to a stuffed mouse toy, another smiles "There snow nows?"

Krisha smiles "No but snow will come when it comes no..I have to go somewhere for a couple weeks with my mate and child, but I did manage to find someone to keep an eye on you young ones."

The dibbuns frown, one pouts as another speaks "Buts.....why...they just round for..week?" They seem concern "We wants no one else...we likes you"

Krisha smiles "I am glad I am liked and I am sure your like who I found, now it took some talking to a couple others and you know what...may just hand the job over to them for a lot longer than a couple weeks." She looks over towards the hallway and back to them as she stands "I should get I do need to get going soon, me..Xander and Northstar need to get to Ferravale before dinner"And yes they sent a note to Blisa to expect them.

The dibbuns grumble, one cries"We no want anyone else for longers..." A few dibbuns just look at the floor, one looks over at the door"Who it is?" And others curious it the abbot? Is it someone new? Who is it for crying out loud!

Krisha smiles "Oh I believe your very much like who I got to watch you...for long term" She smiles as she speaks a little louder "That's if they want to watch all these...seemly sad, sometimes naughty dibbuns"

"I..don't know Krisha....should I take my job back?" A voice asks and before he can get around the corner and into the room dibbuns are already rushing towards him and hugging his legs, as he bends down they hug him around his neck and arms too or engulfed in a large badger hug."Papa Oz! Papa Oz!"

Krisha smiles as she watches them, yes they seen Oz like once a few days after he woke, briefly in the open ground but he wasn't really in great shape to visit. She chuckles "I think they are happy to have their Papa Oz back..."She also goes to hug Oz "You sure your ok enough to take this back?"

Oz hugs the dibbuns "My dibbuns...I missed you a lot..and yes Krisha I will be fine. Sister Ginny can still help as she always does....I can walk a lot better and have the walking staff" Which he does as he then walks to his chair...dibbuns follow him and even fix a couple pillows for him before he sits down, he smiles"Missed the chair you and Xander will be away a couple weeks, did you tell Benar and Doarose?"

Krisha nods "I told the gatekeeper and Abbot yes. They know as well as Gorvenalus even and if we are away longer than a couple weeks to send a message...Blisa also knows we are heading there, there is the hut that Zee once's Xander's now and we will be there to see how the tavern and Defender's base rebuilding is going"

Oz nods and smiles as 3-4 dibbuns get into his lap " worries are needed, still be safe on your trip."

Krisha nods "We will  be fine no need to worry...sides Xander wouldn't let anything happen to us, he will have his blade with him like he always does when outside the abbey"

Oz says, "Also maybe you can see if they have any chocolate...I know Scioto sometimes had it and would let the abbey have some at a lower costs, it would be good for the mid-winter feast to have hot cocoa or maybe a night or two before."

Krisha says, "I can see and if they do,  get some,  and bring it back with us here in 2...maybe 3 weeks. I also thought of seeing in Friar Lacota was interesting in this Mint-chocolate cake sounds good and some vole family said where they came from they made it, they were traveling and stayed here like a night before heading further north of all places to head."

Oz says, "well maybe, could be a new treat and we do have a good amount of mint, Brother Rick and Brother Gorvenalus found some like a week ago near the meadow and picked some, left some for later growth and a little grew in the gardens we are good on mint. Some are upset we don't have pumpkin much but"He shrugs "It's not one of the great abbey fave foods...maybe half like it. I don't think Benar likes pumpkin..I don't.."

Krisha smiles and chuckles a little "I better go..Xander is likely at the gates with Northstar and if we are to get there by dinner.."

Oz nods "By all means go..I am fine"He smiles he is back with the dibbuns of course he is fine, he smiles and seems the dibbuns have helped with his feeling a little down as he is far from feeling it now by the looks of things, the dibbuns don't even seem to mind when he mentions it's time for Math and he even already has that box that has the seeds,buttons, and beads to use for counting..adding and take away and no he KNOWS how many are in a paw or was placed on a table.

Krisha smiles and slips out the door, then the dibbuns all have their attention on Oz...yes she will miss the almost all day dibbun care but she is glad to hand it back over to Oz and the dibbuns for sure are glad of it as well.

Oz listens to her head out and smiles, "Ok where were we...oh yes...I have how many beads in this paw?"

Last edited by oz (2018-12-05 03:33:25 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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