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#1 2018-12-01 03:26:14 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

When mice don't watch where they're going... (RWA log)

SCENE: The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey

CHARACTERS: Ilari, a male mouse.  LilyMoore, a female mouse.

The great hall is quiet for the time being, the noon meal is past and the dishes and tables have been cleared. The floor however still appears to need attention as a mouse is there still sweeping away without apparently paying much attention to where he's going or what he is sweeping. The silence is occasionally broken as the mouse walks into pillars, smacks chairs with the broom and generally spreads the dirt more evenly around the stone floor. The mouse has a drawing on his mind that he was working on, the first attempt is being held hostage by the brother that has him currently out here wondering about the hall. Ilari really wants to get this over with but at the same time can't muster any enthusiasm for the task, likely meaning that it's going to go on for quite a while, whittling away the after noon.

LilyMoore is also not really looking where she's going, except instead of a chore, she is working on homework. Which can sort of be the same thing, in all honesty. She comes out of the staircase, book held only a few inches form her nose, and she heads in a straight line towards the sweeping mouse, oblivious of all in her path! And she's kicking up the dust, too! The horror! If she tracks that dust into the Infirmary, her great-grandmother will have her hide.....

The second mouse is doing much the same as the first it would seem, just pushing the dust and dirt about, of course it's about to get much worse. Weakly flailing the broom about Ilari is looking straight at the second mouse but isn't seeing the beast, only the growing design that he had in mind, the previous drawing already forgotten as a new mural is taking shape in his head. Hares, badgers, mice, moles, hedgehogs, and more all standing tall on a golden background, maybe if he can get some walnut stain and let the bark paper dry after a light touch up it will turn the paper more of a golden hue... THUMP.

LilyMoore drops her book as she falls to the floor, probably taking the other mouse with her.  "Eeek!  Augh, I'M FALLING!"  THUMP, WHUMP.  The Bellringer takes a breath, then starts sneezing because, well, dust and dirt everywhere!  "Why don't you watch where you're going?"  She was obviously not looking where she was going, either, but blaming others is usually the way to go, right?  Yeah.....

If there is one thing most beasts will agree on Ilari being good at, it's falling down, and he does, spectacularly. WHAP BANG CLATTER describes the sound pretty well, as Ilari hits the other mouse, manages to trip himself even more with his broom, then loses his hold on it and sends it skittering. Ilari looks over to the other mouse from his own tangle of limbs and mutters " Sss-ss-so-sorry. " It takes the mouse quite a few moments to figure out what goes where and disentangle himself from himself. Once the mouse does manage to get vertical again, still covered in dust, he absently goes to find the broom that went on its own little misadventure.

As the other mouse stutters out his apology, LilyMoore's face softens.  ", too.  I wasn't watching where I was going, either."  Standing with much more grace than he exhibits, the Bellringer dusts off her skirt, which doesn't really help anything.  Giving up on that, she instead picks up the book she had dropped, the maiden winces as she finds that half the pages got bent.  "Oh, snap...."

Finding his broom Ilari starts up pushing the dirt around again, going in a straight line back towards the other mouse, already forgotten, as he tries to piece together the image he had in mind... Ilari seems to be leaking dust as he goes, and in the process of weakly shaking a broom about he manages to trip himself, rather well at that. The mouse goes sideways, spinning about the mouse tries to catch his balance, all he manages to catch though is a chair across the shins. Thump.

LilyMoore jumps as the other mouse takes yet another crash to his death.....well, maybe not that extreme, but certainly to humiliation should some certain people see him.  "Hey, are you okay?  ....did you eat anything at lunch?"  Her great-grandmother has told her about how some people get dizzy when they don't eat at mealtime, so that's the maiden's chief concern.  She slips the book into her pocket and offers a paw to the unfortunate clod.

Confused about what the other mouse said Ilari replies " I... ah I'mmm nnn-nn-not-t hun-huh-hungry... Th-th-th-tt-thanks. " Getting untangled again Ilari looks at the proffered paw and stares at it for a moment as if trying to figure out what it's for before he finally does grasp it. Though with his own special form of grace Ilari pulls a little too hard, well, as hard as a fur sack full of elbows and coat hangers can anyhow. What Ilari doesn't realize is that somehow the broom has gotten tangled into one of his sandals...

LilyMoore is rather strong for her age and gender -- being the official Abbey Bellringer, she kind of has to be.  So she doesn't get pulled over, even though she wa staken by surprise.  " you need help up? may want to get that out of your shoe before you try to do anything...."  She points with her free paw at the broom, her eyes widening.  Maybe they should find a chore less dangerous for this obviously clumsy and distracted mouse.

Looking down at his footpaw Ilari wonders how that got there then lifts the foot to try and remove the broom. "Ssss-ss-sorry." trying to pull the shaft free the mouse jiggles his foot and catches the broom against the chair he had tripped over. The chair falls over on his still planted foot paw and the mouse squeaks, then goes down again. The broom decides to pop free from his sandal after he hits the floor for the third time. On the floor Ilari shakes his head, then stops, he doesn't want to lose the image of what he was thinking of... wait... what was it again?

LilyMoore cringes and backs away slowly.  "Um, it''s okay...yeah..."  Frowning, she silently turns and heads back up the staircase to look for her friend Gorvenalus, Abbey Recorder and member of the Elder Council.  Perhaps he can help find a safer chore for the clumsy young mouse....


Thanks for reading smile


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