Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2018-11-28 07:37:28 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

I found the Base...- LP LOG


Hanzi Conrad Firepaw Jackson-Me- LP Recruit

Rudolfo Bond Gates Greenpaw-Private and Fighter in the LP

Zolomon Arturo Garrick Anderson IV- Private First Class and Runner in the LP

Stormfang- 2Nd in command of the Blackrose

Melantha- Leader of the Blackrose

Taz-Assassin and fighter in the Blackrose


Hanzi was glad for a little freedom, even if it was with another recruit who seemed all to eager to lose Hanzi and of course Hanzi could care less, everyone seemed to hate him anyways.So why not just flat out away? Just quietly quit maybe...would they even miss him?

Stormfang watched the hare and grinned “Its one of de bunnys....”

Taz rolled his eyes “Your an idiot Stormfang, did you know that...never mind why tell you that even, then we invite him to our base sides the other hare”

Zolomon followed the other hare and catches up as he speaks “So where you going, aren't ya on arrest or sumthing?”

Hanzi spins around and folds his arms over his chest. The other recruit is long gone, the other recruit will likely be fine, they just seriously dislike Hanzi as he tends to make them do extra sit-ups. “Wot now...First Recruit you?!”

Stormfang blinks and chuckles “Two bunnys....two....this is good or bad or..which is it?”

Melantha appears and snorts “Good if we can surprise them that is, bad if you draw attention to us and be foolish”

Taz grins”We could slay them or enslave them....image slowly enslaving all of the Long Patrol, bring them to their knees.”

Zolomon holds up his paws and offers a smile “Calm down Hanzi..calm down. I am not here ta boss ya around, maybe we can go to Halyard...get an ale and chat, chatting helps one clear the mind”

Hanzi snorts “Everyone hates me, no one really wants annoying Hanzi around and don't say tis not true..tis is, no one likes me. I have washed dishes till my paws were so messed up,  may as well be a prune...and I polished so many weapons and armor...I mean I STILL smell like polish and that was a couple weeks ago almost now. All the recruits glare at me cause of extra push ups and sit ups like it's my fault!” Well it is his fault for not speaking up like he should that he messed something up or he did what ever to the mess hall, or he was the one that tried to glue the major's door shut.

Taz steps out with 2 weasels and a ferret “Then why go back and hey if they don't want you around you won't be missed will you”

Stormfang chuckles as he steps out “Yeah...heee hee..what he said bunny”

Melantha sighs as she  slips closer to the hares, she goes to get behind them as they are likely or hopefully distracted.

Hanzi eyes go wide and then he balls his fists up “YOU!..Slavers you should die!!!” He rushes towards them, no plan of action...well maybe what he feels is good...he slips out a dagger and aims to stab the cat,or rat ..whom ever is closer!

Zolomon goes to..oh great he left the longbow at the mountain! Well he does have his saber at least as he draws it and frowns “Hanzi!”

Taz waits and then snaps his fingers as the weasel and ferret lunge for the hare recruit, “Spunk...I hate spunk”

Stormfang gasps and barely manages to avoid the insane hare...his tail however not as lucky as his eyes widen as he sees it on the sand “You cut off my tail, that's my only tail!!!”

Melantha just smiles coldly and dashes towards Zolomon while he is distracted, blade out and slicing towards him!

Hanzi grins “I cut off ya tail, ha ha ….”He waves it around and then  gasps and ducks and rolls to the side to avoid the weasel but the ferret manages to cut his arm, not deeply but still bleeds and hurts

Zolomon looks up just in time to block the blade and jump back as he glares at the feline”Back of kitty not in the mood for slavers...maybe de abbey should of tossed ya back to Ormaz.”

Taz smirks “This one has some skill, but not the best.”He grins at Hanzi and smiles coldly “Face me like a warrior boy and be a hero.”

Stormfang frowns, his tail is gone...oh the hare will pay for that!

Melantha hisses as her ears go back”And maybe all long Patrol hares should die in a bloody battle and evil rule the western shores for once”

Hanzi glares at the marten “Ya want to fight creep..I will fight ya..come on bring it on!!”He holds the tail still and pockets it.

Taz grins as he looks at him “Bring it on said the hare to the assassin...”He aims to keep eye contact with him and then grab him by the throat and lay a sword at him if he succeeds.

Stormfang lets Taz handle the other hare as he goes to sneak up behind Zolomon, slowly and as quietly as he can.

Zolomon shoves the cat forwards and sends a strong kick to her chest, he has yet to notice Stormfang

Hanzi stares at the marten, those eyes just seem to...look into your very soul and then he has a sword at his throat and struggles a little.”Let me go...let me go scum!!!”

Taz speaks”Do stop fighting or this one is a head..shorter” He smirks as he looks at Zolomon”Get it..a head shorter...”

Zolomon looks over and frowns, oh wonderful as he backs up and lowers his weapon”Hey, he's just a kid let him go ya creepy eyed marten”

Stormfang stops and waits for any orders before he does anything else.

Melantha just smirks as she watches and listens, they are distracted and a kill be so so easy but she won't, she will wait

Hanzi frowns and looks..scared, this is not what he wants, will he die? Is his life at an end, and he didn't even get a chance to be a private...

Taz smirks, He chuckles coldly as he smirks and covers his mouth nodding for others to do so “It's time to sleep and then decide fates...” The weasel and ferret drops something that causes some smoke of some sort..knock out herbs it would seem but they also know to not inhale the vapors

Stormfang gags and...yeah he isn't too smart as he falls unconscious...why do they keep him around for again?

Melantha is smart and quickly covers her mouth and nose and glares at Taz, a warning would have been nice.

===3-4 HOURS PASS==

Zolomon wakes up with a groan and a serious headache as he looks around and his ears droop, “Well...this isn't bally well good...Hanzi?” He looks around and frowns, please say the recruit is here and alive

“Hanzi is over there..”A voice says, it's Rudolfo  as he frowns.

Hanzi is in a corner, arms behind his back as he stares at the wall”I'm....sorry..I messed up and put you in danger, I am an idiot and a fool I know...please hate me”

Zolomon blinks and sighs “No one...hates you tis not your faulty about this” He looks at the recruit”Hey hey...relax ok, we can get out of this, we can......well...others are sure to know we are missing” He smiles when he sees the other hare “Private R...hey see told them ya was alive and be found, though ok not de best way to be found”

Rudolfo  just smiles slightly and looks at Hanzi”Why hate you for? Things happen”

Hanzi frowns “Yeah things always happen to me, bad things..I am worthless, a worthless hare that cant do anything right...short temper, cant read or write “

Hanzi frowns and then starts to try and get loose, he manages to dislocate his own shoulder and slip out of the ropes and …..wait did he just get loose and now he goes to the corner to just sort of sit there!

Rudolfo  just has one of those jaw drop moments and stares at Hanzi......

Zolomon eyes widen and he speaks “Hanzi....Hanzi your not worthless, your your paw on your chest...feel the heartbeat, that's called a purpose..ya are alive and have a purpose in life...also how did you do that, you just got out of the ropes and your...loose?!”

Hanzi blinks, he lays a paw to his chest and is quiet and then seems to think on the words “I am...”He blinks and holds his arm “Double jointed...”

A guard comes to the room and stares, before he can react Hanzi makes a fist and punches the guard's lights out and then runs, “I'll be back with help!” He somehow, by sheer luck in fact gets past 3 other surprised guards and out a back door, he keeps running till he is out of breath and trips and falls flat on his face in the sand. He shivers and spits out sand as he slowly stands and looks....the mountain, it's..he has to go back inside, he has to get the promised help..ok maybe he is not the best hare and his skills..well...they are bad, so bad but hey he can at least get help right as he makes his way slowly inside, and towards the sounds of training.....yep he is about to make an...epic entry?

==Will he make it? How will others react? Will slaves be rescued?? Does he still have the rat tail??Find out in other logs I am sure will be around!!!! ====

Last edited by Karth Riverbark (2018-11-28 07:41:10 PM)

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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