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#1 2018-11-21 01:44:28 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

The Blackrose Has Plans- Blackrose Log


Melantha- Leader of The Blackrose

Stormfang- 2ND in Commnad of the Blackrose

Tarsa- Sargeant in the LP

Hawkeye-Old Otter that works in The Tavern


Melantha walked along the path and smirked "Life is beginning to look good again Stromfang, maybe we can do well in this area"

Stormfang frowns "What bout those long ears...or the stripedog? Especially the stripedog, you have yet to see him up close, trust me ya don't wanna boss"

Melantha chuckles "I don't fear badgers, they can be killed...Ormaz killed two badgers..proves they can die...everything can die Stormfang and everything can fall"

Stormfang frowns"They are gonna find out, if don't already we have a hare of theirs....and injured another one"

Melantha says, "Yes yes I know ....would of been better to injure a higher ranking one but..."She shrugs and chuckles "Don't matter..injure..kill, one by one maybe..they slowly fall...lose hope as numbers go down times""

Stormfang asks, "what about those foxes? Wont in the way or take slaves we might want?""

Melantha shrugs "Who cares...let them kill some hares, less work for us huh"

Stormfang says, "So...what do we do then? Like try and injure more long ears from afar? Get more slaves...what"

Melantha says, "from a distance is good, reminds me we need some more archers we have like 2 that seem to follow Taz around"

Stormfang says, "Taz freaks me out boss...his eyes are just....freaky, why keep him around?"

Melantha says, "He's good at getting slaves and info when wanted, and I like for one day the Blackrose to be feared, like it was in fathers day..and grandfathers day""

== An Hour or so later==

Melantha steps into the tavern and soon finds a chair and sits down. She yawns as she is a little tried but not as tried as she was and seems ready for what ever the day brings her, and to order a drink, maybe a nice dark ale.

Hawkeye has only been working here maybe a couple days so far, mainly tending to the bar and sometimes going a short distance to set an order on the table. He happens to be the one to sit the dark ale in front of the cat."Need the coppers now miss."

Melantha takes the ale and does indeed lay out the needed money and smirks"This place usually has some long ear serving or a ferret...not one of those uniformed hares...not that I care rather dislike those long ears annoyances" She sips the ale slowly.

Hawkeye frowns and nods "Well....the Long Patrol is going to be around miss, they live on the shores after all and come into town a good deal"

Melantha takes a long drink of the ale as she chuckles "They been told to leave Halyard..seems they are low in numbers now a days, such a pity really..guess more are needed elsewhere hmms, then I heard..unless its rumors....a lot of hares died, I did see, along with a friend, a very short among returned with the badger, odd if ask me"

Hawkeye shrugs "I don't pay much attention, thar be the foxes heard a lot of...maybe some slavers around, that's about it"He shrugs again "Need anything to eat?"

Melantha grins "Maybe pay more what are the specials today?"

Hawkeye rolls his eyes and answers " Some baked fish with rice, and..yeah think some wild greens with it, they also have clam chowder of some sort."He sighs "Excuse me..."He limps slightly over to a rather loud rat and soon gets them an ale, he has his cane or it's likely he would have a lot more trouble walking than he does.

Melantha watches the old otter closely, studies him and when he does come back over she nods "Clam Chowder sounds interesting I think I will try it and some more ale"She is already laying out needed coins.

Hawkeye nods and goes to get the clam chowder and ale and gets the coins, he gets around fairly well, a slight limp yes but he does have the cane now.

Melantha takes another long drink of the ale as she watches the otter go to serve some other beasts, she tries the clam chowder, it' so but hey one doesn't have to like everything after all. She does like the ale and has started on her 2nd mug of it.

Tarsa makes her way into the tavern, it looks like she hasn't had the best night, but she still managed to get cleaned up and right now is in some regular clothing, not her uniform right now. She finds a chair and sits down with a groan, a mutter and snorts..ok moody right now as well.

Hawkeye makes his way over to Tarsa "Ello miss...anything I can get ya, it seems your already having a bad day and its just barely begun"He offers a smile "Gonna be sunny...maybe slightly cold, but sunny all de same"

Melantha glaces over and frowns, oh joy it's a hare. She just eats the soup quietly and sips her ale, ever so often she looks at the haremaid as she keeps an eye on her.

Tarsa sighs "yeah yeah sunny ale would be good sir. And nothing can get worse than last night I am sure and rather not do that again either"

Hawkeye chuckles a little and gets her an ale" And no charge...I can pay fer it, for ya lass...maybe to cheer you some."He sits on a bench by the bar and looks around as he speaks "Never really too busy right now, lunch time it is and again at dinner usually"

Melantha just listens as they talk, one never knows what kind of info they can get from listening to others chat about how their day or night went. Another sip of ale as she listens but acts as if she doesn't.

Tarsa shrugs "Not busy is good."She drink half the ale before she speaks "Those...crazy ghost what ever foxes are gone...killed..slain wotever ya call it. They injured a couple hares but the hares should be fine. I can now try and see about finding some other troubling vermin. Then again knowing my luck it wont be easy, trouble just going to be around"

Hawkeye nods "Well one less trouble around then, that's good lass and sadly vermin will not go away..some stick around,others leave...some never leave. This town has some bad between ones and very few good ones, pirates come and go..lucky mainly they just go...some don't even come into town and just stay at the boat dock till its time to leave"

Melantha listens, oh so no more foxes...that spells good news for her as more beasts will venture out, more slaves and possible new recruits for the Blackrose.

Tarsa sighs "No such thing I think as a good vermin..I mean"She frowns, "Ok maybe a rare case..there was a stoat, Marek..that was one of the very rare few, like 1 in thousands of vermin"She snorts "Good a very small needle found in a field of haystacks"

Hawkeye has to chuckle at this and smiles "I adopted a fox cub..well teen and he is a good lad and I aim to keep him good. He is my son...I think if one can get to them when they are a dibbun....there is a chance, yes not so likely once they are grown up, but some vermin do respect woodlanders and rules..some are just annoying, others pure evil in all it's finest"

Melantha just listens as she hmmms...a good fox cub, interesting but she could care less she needs not so good foxes right now, or least those looking for some extra or a lot of extra gold, she has it to give from stealing or maybe earning.

Tarsa asks, "A good fox cub? Wait a moment think I meet him on the beach your the one with...yeah the cane was from the armory""

Hawkeye smiles "Yes and tis been very helpful lass. Now I will have some issues still all me life but that's ok..I can live with a slight limp after all."

Melantha clears her throat to speak "A limp can't always be good though, seems like me, and it's trouble most should avoid"

Tarsa slowly looks at the cat, where has she seen the cat before as she looks so familiar. She frowns as she must be more tired than she thinks, "Trouble is best avoided cat, trust me and ..who are you, you seem familiar" Nope she isn't afraid to state the cat is familiar.

Hawkeye tilts his head at the cat and shakes his head "I rather not have trouble and ya best not be offering any cat, trust me ya will regret starting any trouble"

Melantha smirks "Is that a threat old one?" She looks at the hare and finishes the ale as she smiles, not a good smile either "I do hmmm...and why share a name, I don't usually share my name very often and not usually ta hares"

Tarsa studies the cat closer and then her eyes narrow " were with the rat and I have reason to believe a marten works for ya too..your a slaver" A couple beasts glace over, one beast seems to care less and just eats their brunch.

Melantha chuckles "You long patrol hares are smart aren't ya..but not that you want to fight me, in here right now? Might be an interesting show...oh yes a name, ya asked earlier and I am in a good mood..Melantha leader of the Blackrose and I don't like hares, I would of loved to stay around Mossflower and just watch how some of you stupid hares breathed your last cause of insane Ormaz and if rumors are true his own brother killed him, not a hare or even a badger.....the day was saved by his own brother, vermin gone good...load of fool as see where going good got anyone"

Hawkeye frowns "I heard of the Blackrose and not good things"He may not be able to fight much now a days but he can try if needed, but tries the nice way first "Leave cat...just go"

Tarsa says, "Yeah leave....not in the mood to fight you, but doesn't mean I won' have one of our hares and I aim to get them back, also note the Long patrol wont let a slaver stay around long.""

Melantha just chuckles as she stands and seems to think this is funny "Oh I should fear the long patrol..really? Me and my friends could take you out one by one if we wanted to, it would be fun target practice..maybe tell them to try and luck on the stripedog too, that be more fun...see all have weaknesses and so does you goodie goods....wear out from fighting and attack again...use long distance weapons, heck a plan from those foxes attack at night."She looks between the two and smirks"Watch your backs....or don't"She smirks and walks out, leaving a gold coin as a tip..isn't she nice , or insane...who knows.

Last edited by oz (2018-11-21 08:38:41 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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