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#1 2018-11-13 07:36:52 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 212

A Collection Of Various Chats Marek Had Before His Death

Nightbreath/Marek chat:

As the sun sets on another cold Ferravale night, the wind blows calmly through the streets, Marek Redthorn makes no secret of his presence but seems to walk with an odd stoic calm as he approaches one of the only homes in Ferravale that scant few come to visit. He raps three times on Nightbreath's door and stands still, waiting for an answer he knows he will dread, but perhaps now it is time.

The door opens almost before the third knock's echo fades away on the wind. Nightbreath doesn't seem particularly surprised to see Marek. He is a Seer, after all. "Enter," he says calmly, gesturing for Marek to make himself comfortable in the main room. Flames crackle innocently in the fireplace, staving off the worst of the cold. Two chairs are already in place, each facing the fire. Eerie shadows play across the Seer's face briefly as he stares into the flames.

Marek walks into the house proper and simply takes a seat, unphased by his strange surroundings, he removes his cloak and hangs over the fireplace. "I see you've been expecting me, perhaps my brother's presence has amplified your senses. We are doing our best to monitor his actions, but have yet to receive any word on the matter" he folds his paws and looks into the fire intently. "Strange as it may seem however, I'm here about another matter, one that has plagued me now for a few seasons. Though perhaps you may be aware, the fates have more in store for me than an unexpected reunion, and I came here praying that you could shed some light on the situation, though perhaps the shadow speak deeper than even your own light can perceive". Throughout his speech his eyes refuse to budge an inch from the fire. "For these shadows I fear, run deeper than us all"

"No shadow can hold out the light forever. Not as long as I live. I swore it when I took up the mantle of Seer, and I renewed that oath several times throughout my life." Nightbreath stares into the fire as well. "The more things change, however, the more they stay the same. Existence is cyclical. Night follows day, but gives way to dawn. " He pauses, mulling over his next choice of words. "I have an inkling of what you have come here for, but for efficiency's sake, speak regardless. What drove you to seek me out tonight?"

Marek is quiet for several minutes before he actually speaks, in fashion not typical to his normal demeanor he doesn't turn to face Nightbreath, but continues to eye the constant embers of the fire. When he finally speaks one again he turns to Nightbreath with a barely noticeable shift in the unnaturally calm tone of his voice. "As you know, after Quade was defeated I took some time to find myself. I returned not too long after, having decided to put away the sword and become an agent of peace; but more happened during my self-imposed exile than simple self-meditation' he takes a deep breath and returns his gaze to the fire. "Before I encountered Ms. Angela and took it upon myself to return to Mossflower under her company, I spent a great deal of time in the Southlands, where a clan of sages spoke to me. They chanted for hours about my past, my present, my future. But it was the latter that I came here to discuss. For one of them told me that I would soon face my death". Once again, Marek remains silent for a few minutes before holding out his paw to the fire. "I know it to be true, I have extended my youth far beyond the time I was allotted, I can feel it slipping away. But is it true, my friend? Is my end truly on the horizon?"

The fire is warm. Radiant, even. Nightbreath's eyes slide out of focus, seeming to mist over. Or is it a trick of the light? Finally, after a few more minutes of silence, he nods. "It is. I can feel it in the air. I am sorry."

Marek smiles faintly and sighs, returning the silence if only for a moment before piercing the sullen veil with a single word. "When?"

"With summer's last breath," the Seer answers. "More than that, I cannot see or say."

Marek nods, his gaze finally parting with the fire, though perhaps unwillingly. "I see. Well perhaps it is overdue, I shall have to see what i can do until that moment comes to pass. Thank you for honesty, Mr. Nightbreath. It is...refreshing"

Nightbreath nods. "You are welcome...Though I am merely doing my duty in the end. I'd suggest you put your affairs in order. And when the time comes...die well, my friend."

***Many, Many weeks passed and Marekfound himself in Redwall Infirmary after a take over of Ferravale, After he blew up the Ferravale Tavern in order to place a dent in his brother's horde, but he did not expect to come out alive ***

Speaking to Benar:

Marek layed in the infirm quietly and looking as if he had a lot on his mind, he had not expected to survived the tavern explosion. He asked one of the novice to find the abbot and not he simply waited.

Benar walked in slowly and sighed “What is it you need Marek?Shouldn't you be resting right now, in your condition you very well could of died, it's going to take a while to recover from this.”

Marek sat up with some pain “Mr. Benar, I did not expect to live, I fully expected myself to die along with half the horde, so I figured if I was to die take half of them, or what I could, with me. It ended up being 40% of his horde, a rather sizable dent but perhaps...perhaps it will still help”

Benar sits down in a chair by the bedside “Marek....well it looks like fate had other plans now please just try to rest and recover. I can allow visitors soon.”

“Mr. Benar....I did to tell you something important, there was a reason I did not expect to live “Marek begins “Mr. Nightbreath is the only one who knows...I am to die with summer's last breath, if fate is allowing me to live its not for very long Mr.Benar. I fear my brother will soon be at your very gates, I have no time to wait to recover, I need to seek aid elsewhere..Willowbark, they owe me a favor from a long time ago”

Benar frowns and sighs “Marek, your in no shape to travel.”

Marek gives the abbot a pleading look “Please..share what Mr. Nightbreath told me with no beast.” He stands , a lot of pain”I need to make plans, time is racing towards us Mr. Benar...Summer is over sooner than you think.”

Benar starts to go forwards and sighs “Fine...I will speak to no one of your words, perhaps they are wrong or you misunderstood the words, but if they are true careful, but waiting another day or two will not hurt. I can ...have a pack made for you and whom ever else is going”

Marek nods “As far as I know only Patch “

Benar nods and heads out of the infirm, “I wish you...well on what ever happens”

**OOC NOTE: Marek found out 3-4 days later that also Lilymoore, Rigel and Rayen would also tag along with him and Patch on the trip to Wlllowbark ****

Marek/ Oz talk:

Oz stood quietly at the grave of Maxtor, it had been a little while since he visited, though it was unwise to be on the abbey grounds, he still was. He had also spent a little time by Zork and Zinnia's graves.

Marek limps over to the badger and frowns, “Mr. Oz...”He says quietly. The stoat had decided to seek out the badger and speak with him before he left.

Oz turns when he hears Marek's voice “ I thought you would be in the infirm recovering”He walks towards the stoat slowly”Likely we both should head inside, not really supposed to be on the grounds. But I wanted to visit and have had a lot on my mind the past couple weeks”

Marek nods before he speaks “I have had much on my mind lately as well Mr. Oz, more so after speaking to Mr. Nightbreath. He told me something I already knew but needed confirmed, my death is coming before the end of Summer..Summer's last breath. I did not expect to survive an explosion, more have what little energy I have to move around..perhaps its to get aid to the abbey, I plan to go to Willowbark and bring back help, I plan to leave sometime tomorrow. I fear this war is about to get a lot worse Mr. Oz.” He sighs “I also wanted to say how sorry I am, your family had helped me a lot in my life..yet when I was in darkness..I killed a member of your family and for that I am sorry. The mouse Maxtor died at my paws, I later learned he was adopted after looking into a couple things. The sword Mr. Xander carries..I seen it when I was barely out of my dibbuns seasons, your father carried it and I seen it again many seasons later when your brother Mr. Zork nearly slayed me with the blade. I deserved death at the time”

Oz frowns and speaks “I..forgave you Marek, if you don't remember this is a reminder..I forgave you for killing my adopted son Maxtor...yes at the time it happen, I did wish to slay you and I might have or least tried but I was sort of knocked out and forced to stay in my room a good few days till I calmed. You have changed Marek your not the same beast from those days, far from it you have come a long way to return to the path of good as it seems you once were as if you knew my father as a young beast and he helped you then.....”He stops and then goes on “I am not sure what led you down the path you choose but I am glad you found your way back to the path you were meant to have. As for your predicted death...Nightbreath is usually always right, have yet to see him get something wrong”

Marek nods “Thank you Mr. Oz..I am unsure what else lies on my path, I suppose I will find out very other thing do not share what we spoke of, it shall be kept between me, Mr. Benar, Mr. Nightbreath and yourself.”

Oz nods and then heads back inside.

Marek sighs and heads back slowly to the infirm, he has a lot to think on, and some things to do before he slips off to Willlowbark, he stops a novice and asks for a quill pen and paper. He spends some time writing and then folds it and places it in his pocket, he then sleeps and gets some rest. The next few weeks will be long indeed.

***OOC NOTE: The above  was the day before he left for Willowbark ***

**Marek/ Lilymoore talk**

*** The night before the Final Battle agaost Ormaz's horde ***

The night is calm. Quiet. Lit by stars and a partial moon. In the camp of the allies of Redwall, the creatures are asleep, save for the sentries and those to nervous or afraid of what might happen the next day. LIlyMoore is one such creature. She is sitting by a fire which has died down some. She has her cloak drawn tightly about her as she stares into the flames, worry and fear lining her young face as her thoughts take her on a scary journey of 'what if'.

Marek steps across the camp to the fire and sits next to Lilymoore. "Deep in thought are we, child? I understand. We face great uncertainty in tomorrow's battle, none of us can certain of survival. For many of us, this will the last moonlight we will ever see. It scares me too"

Jumping, LilyMoore looks up at her friend, then goes to hug him. "You're scared?" She pauses, then asks more quietly, "Do you think everyone's gonna die?"

Marek smiles faintly, his face a barely concealed mask of troubled waters. For the past several seasons, Marek's age has been showing more and more and today it is more apparent than ever in his tired eyes. "Not everyone, my friend. But it will be a difficult battle, you must be prepared to once again face the deaths of those you know or love or perhaps...perhaps even yourself" he frowns as he sits next to the fire. "I do not discuss this often, Lilymoore. But you are aware that i am quite old, yes? I've forgotten myself just how old, but many seasons older than Mr. Oz. I'm tired, my friend. More tired than I ever been before, and yet I am somehow at peace"

Concern combines with the worry and fear in LilyMoore's young face as she listens to her dear friend. "I....I don't want any beast to die." Her voice has started to choke up with tears. "I don't want to die." She pauses a moment, looking into his face. "You....*sniff* you don't look that old."

Marek smiles. "I appreciate that, my friend. I sincerely do, but my time is long overdue" he takes a deep breath. "I will do everything in my power to ensure that you survive this battle and that we do not lose more friends than we can afford, but sadly fate does not always deal us the cards we wish" for several minutes, Marek is silent and then finally he turns to Lilymoore and hugs his friend. "I am sorry, I should not have been so cross with you. What I am trying to say my friend is that I cannot guarantee my own survival in the coming battle, for I have already given nearly everything I have to continue fighting my brother. I am only alive to speak you through sheer force of determination. The last time I faced my brother, I barely escaped with my life. We were both much younger then I fear the battle will not have the same conclusion. If you must face the worst my friend, this may be the last time we speak"

The mouse doesn't really have time to be hurt or anything before she is getting hugged and an apology. As tears start to course down her face, LilyMoore goes to hug him back. "'re one of my best friends. You hel....helped me be okay after Lorimis and Butterclaw and the bellringing lessons." She starts to really cry. "I don't want you to die....promise me.....if you see a way to not'll take it.....Zork died, Daddy died....I don't want any beast else to die....."

Marek does not say much for a time, choosing again to remain silent. "I will make every effort to remain alive for as long as I can, my friend but death is something we must all face and whether I fall here or live another day mine is sadly on the horizon. I have been in the winter of my life for far too long, child" he places a plate of scones near the fire to warm them in hope of providing the two with a meal. "My time here is nearing it's end, but I promise you that I will prolong that end for as long as I can"

Continuing to cry, LilyMoore nods and watches him start to prepare the food. "O....okay. *Sniff* I know that every beast....has to die.....but.....but I don't want anyone to." She wipes her cheeks on her sleeve, which turns out to be pointless because she's still crying. "I wish all the bad beasts would....would just s......stop an'......and grow up and every beast c.....could live in peace."

Marek nods. "Peace is a good prospect, and I hope one day we can have it too" after a few minutes he hands Lilymoore the plate and takes a scone for himself. "But my friend I want you to promise that if I should die tomorrow, that you will be strong. We must remember those we lost not for the way in which we lost them, but for the times in which we spent with them and the noble sacrifice they made to protect us" he smiles. "in the end, that is how I truly remember my brother, not for the monster he became, but for the kind soul who once helped me to face those who would harm others. I remember those times and hold on to them, for the brother I knew may be gone but he will always be in my heart, and that is where those who loved us will be my friend. Remember that and treasure your memories, promise me that"

Accepting the plate, LilyMoore takes a scone and nibbles at it. "I....I'll try. I'm gonna be sad......but I'll try. I try that with Zork and Lorimis and Dad and......and Caleb, and every beast" She glances up at him, smiling slightly through her tears. "I think it'll be easier for me than for some other creatures 'cause I only remember you as nice. I never knew you before....y'know?"

Marek nods. "I understand, my friend. We can only hope that things will turn out for the best but if not it's been a pleasure being your friend. Now perhaps you should get some sleep, it won't be long before we return home and this conflict ends for better or worse and we will need all the energy we can get"

Nodding, LilyMoore takes 2 more scones. "Okay. Good night, Marek, and thank you for being my friend. No matter what, I'll never forget you." She goes to give him another hug, then heads to bed. But, alas, what sleep she gets isn't restful, for she cannot escape the nightmares that haunt her.....


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