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#1 2018-10-27 09:15:01 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Intresting Afternoon-LP LOg


Zolomon- Private First Class, Runner in The LP

Felicity- Corporal, Runner in the LP

Varus-Major, Fighter in the LP

Dibbun hare-spoofed


Zolomon is up here, fresh air helps one think and he has looked around most of the mountain. He looks down at the sea coast quietly. One noticeable thing, one ear now.

"Lissie, why all da 'awes sad??" Felicity opens the door to the crater and leads her baby sister, Julia, out into the open air. "Well, 'tis 'cause a bunch o' 'ares went with Lord Ciocan t'go 'elp Redwall escape from an evil creature, and many of the 'ares died." "But why?" "Because the evil ones were so strong, they died." "But why they no come back?" The Runner sighs. She's wearing her uniform today, showing that she has now reached the rank of Corporal. But that doesn't mean she's any better equipped at answering Dibbun's questions.

Zolomon hears them coming but keeps his back to them, he then takes a deep breath and slowly turns around, he gives a salute "Hallo..Corporal Felicity"Ok this is so strange to salute her, but he does and stands up a little straighter.

Felicity looks up....and trips over a little dent in the floor, falling and rolling and struggling to not spout profanity. Julia, having had her paw released, watches this wide eyed, then turns to the male hare. "Why you scawe Lissie wike dat?" "'Twas an accident, Julia, love," the Runner manages to grunt as she stands, brushing the dirt off of her pants. "Um, at ease, Private Zolomon, wot! Goodness, it feels weird to be saluted to....." She looks up at him sharply. "Wait, when did y'join the Patrol??"

Zolomon smiles a little"On de well back to Mossflower...sort of a silly...Basic training ha..then started to do good and liked it, so stayed, though can't say me last job best but, I was the fastest left and Mel's arm is..still healing, me I only have a lost ear...bit of a healing side but I took de here, de rest will be here when here" He manages a smile "Never tell Lord C ta..bring it on, trust me he will..Basic is FAR from basic"

Felicity cocks an eyebrow. "Well, yeah, laddy buck, any 'are in the Patrol coulda told y'that, wot! I passed through Basic -- m'Graduation Day was one o' the proudest o

* Felicity cocks an eyebrow. "Well, yeah, laddy buck, any 'are in the Patrol coulda told y'that, wot! I passed through Basic -- m'Graduation Day was one o' the proudest o' m'life, I dare say." Julia walks over to the male hare and gazes up at him with her big green eyes. "Why you gots one ear gone?" "Julia, 'oney, that's not necessarily a polite question, love...." "Buts I wants ta knows...."

Zolomon bends down and smiles "Bad beasts took it away, tis ok though makes me different and different is ok" He chuckles "Yeah but...Sergeant Tarsa sort of..made it even harder.."He frowns a little "Hope she be ok"

Felicity hesitates, and that of course is all her sister needs. "Did the bad beasts die to deaf?" "Oh for th'love, Julia....I need t'stop lettin' y' 'ang out with Kate....." the Runner sits on a bench. "Why would the Sergeant not be alright, wot? Why would y'care since she made yer trainin' worse? I will admit, I find 'er a bit frightenin', meself...."

Zolomon smiles "Well she do have that way her eye twitches and one ear slighter lower when thinking. She's tough but...."He stops and chuckles as he rubs his neck "But tis ok to worry bout de lass."

Felicity's eyes widen, but before she can say anything, Julia says, "Why her eye twitch? She mad awot??" The Runner turns her gaze skyward. "Y'nevah gonna get away from th'questions, I promise you. I wondah if this is why I'm still single...."

Zolomon says, "Tis not wise to get her mad, she'll double your push ups, laps and sit ups.""

Varus makes his way up to the crater, the buck deciding he needs a bit of fresh air while he reads over the reports he's carrying in his paws. Seeing that he's not alone, however, he sighs. There's no way he'll get any reading finished now. "Private Zolomon, Corporal Felicity... An'...child," he greets. "I've been lookin' ev'rywhere for you, Corporal..."

Julia tilts her head to one side, obviously confused. "Waps? Why she doubew waps? Sos more Dibbuns c'n sit on 'em?" Being not even old enough to go to school, the leveret has obviously not encountered the other kind of laps yet. Felicity looks at the Major, standing and saluting as he comes out onto the crater top. "Been lookin' for me, Sah? I told the caretakahs I'd be bringing Julia up 'ere.....seein' as 'ow she got /banned/ from the nursery for a /month/ 'cause she led the DAB inta settin' a curtain on /fiyah/." "TOWD you, Lissie, 'twas Jacob's idear! Dunno /'ow/ 'e knowsies 'ow to makes fiyer...."

Zolomon frowns "No not...I mean like running and trust me don't try and sit On T's lap...hee hee...she's not a fan of dibbuns really"

Varus harrumps. "I... see." He looks down at the leveret. "Set fire to a bloomin' curtain, wot?" He files away a certain leveret as a "Future Trouble-maker" in his mind. "I've needed to speak to you, Corporal. Yer in mah unit now."

Felicity nods, picking up her sister, who just scowls. "Why she no wike Dibbuns? We not bad....." Ignoring Julia's remarks, the Corporal nods. "Aye, Sah, I may 'ave gotten that memo....I've 'ad m'paws full, so I may be misrememb'rin'. Oi, stay outta my bag, lassie!" She pulls the leveret's paw out of her bag, which sets the Dibbun into shouts. "Y'can wait to 'ave yer cookies! 'M tryin' to talk to tha Majah, f'the love!"

Zolomon stays quiet as he glaces at the Major and then the hare maid "I can...take her over here maybe if tis important" He smiles, is that wise to dibbun set a short, what few minutes.

Varus can't help but grimace at the naughty leveret. "You probably did get th' memo, wot. Nevah mind... I'd like yah ta look at this list, here. This is ev'rybeast in mah unit. Learn it, Corporal. I intend ta run a tight ship here, wot..."

Felicity gives the Private a 'thank you' look and hands off Julia to him. The leveret scowls at the Major. "What /you/ wookin' at??" The Corporal, free from her burden for the moment, straightens into fine form and holds out a paw. "Aye, Sah, I'll do m'best, wot!" Julia, meanwhile, is trying to whisper in the Private's whole ear...

Zolomon blinks as he quietly listens and hmmms "" He frowns "Not good"He says very quietly.

Varus makes a face at Julia. "Yes, good. I want this unit ta be in fightin' form by th' time Lord Ciocan gets back. You lot 'ave gone soft. First ordah of business: extra trainin'. In fact, I want a trainin' drill this aftahnoon."

Felicity looks offended. She's one of the most fit hare maids in the whole Mountain! Soft? She'll show him! "Aye, Sah, I c'n find 'em an' get 'em rounded up to.....where shall we do the drill, Sah? Do we need anythin' othah than our regulah wepons? Training dummies? Speahs, sheilds, anythin' like that, wot? I c'n bring m' sabre, as well -- 'm learnin' to use it in addition to m'short sword, Sah. Whot kinda drill was this to be?" See, she knows what she's talking about. Julia 'hmphs' and crosses her arms, obviously not pleased with the Private's answer. "But I /wants/ to," she pouts, but quietly. "'E /needs/ a /wesson/...."

Zolomon looks over and speaks quietly "Poor Private V tis old....he might have a bally heart attack, we don't want we?" He tries to be quiet. He then hmmms"Maybe Hot root in his tea?"

Varus pointedly ignores Julia and Zolomon, but he's not deaf. "Regulah weapons, Corporal. In th' Trainin' Room... Say... One hour from now." Finally, turning to the others, he remarks, "I'm not a Private, Private. I'm a Majah. Remembah that..."

Julia gazes into the Private's eyes for a minute, then giggles, covering her mouth with both paws. Felicity gives him a 'what did you just do' look, then nods to the Major. "Aye, Sah, sounds good. I'll go get it all ready, quick as y'like, an' let every beast know." She salutes, then patiently waits to be dismissed. The leveret scowls at the Major. "You a majow --" The word that comes out of her mouth brings a gasp from her older sister. "Julia Rachelle Rosinbloom! I should wash yer mouth out with soap, lassie!!"

Varus gasps, and sputters. "Wot an ill-behaved leveret!"

Felicity cringes. "'M sorry, Sah, I dunno where she learns this stuff. Our parents are dead, so 'm trying to raise 'er, but I go on 3-day patrols a lot....." the hare maid trails off, looking downright miserable. "Should I go organize everybeast f'the training drill, Sah?"

Varus huffs, but regains his composure. "I do hope yer sistah learns some bloody mannahs before too long, wot." He shakes his head, sighing. "Aye, do that, Corporal. I'll be down ta supahvise shortly..."

Nodding, Felicity heads off down the stairs to let everyone know about the training drill. Well, there went her plan for a nice, happy, sweet afternoon spent with her baby sister.....phooey. Hopefully a nice, decent hare who doesn't corrupt Dibbuns can be found to watch the little leveret during the exercise...

Zolomon just quietly stayed off to the side. Then he went inside for cookies, with or without the small dibbun tag a long.

Last edited by oz (2018-10-28 07:00:29 AM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


#2 2018-10-28 07:02:47 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Re: Intresting Afternoon-LP LOg

It was a typo on the him calling Varus a private, but its ok he could of sliped cause he is tried, we can make Zolomon wash dishes for a week and once back on duty a few days of extra runner drills. He is off duty till the 1st november  due to medical leave.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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