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#1 2017-03-18 06:16:39 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 212

Chat In The Prison-Missing Abbot Log

Underground Prison
This is a small prison cell, large enough to fit several beasts. A light comes in from an unknown source above, but the area still gives the feel of dark, damp and death, as if it is meant to extinguish all hope. Whatever beast finds themselves trapped here, is likely to meet their demise within these exact same walls.
Captives are: Minsc, Benar, Lilymoore, Marek, and Gorvenalus

Marek is pacing, he was in and out of unconiousness for almost 4 days before this. One time a rat  backed off from the door when he growled low, oh yes they made a mistake, a deadly one making him a captive.

LilyMoore has been sleeping. She was filled with joy and sorrow to see her friend in prison with her, but she is confident that they will be rescued. Right now she stirs in her sleep, whimpering a little as her dream turns into a nightmare.   

Marek glances over at Lilymoore and walks over to sit by her. He gently rubs her back to try and calm her and glances at the doorway as if daring some beast to enter or show their face.   

LilyMoore twitches and moans, then she gives a cry and swings out with her arm, risking bopping the stoat on the nose. She suddenly sits up screaming and flailing wildly, not aware of where she is and who's with her. "MOMMA!!!"   

Marek goes to try and calm her "It is alright Lilymoore, if one of these...scums try to harm you they die instantly and very painfully."   

LilyMoore whips around and looks her friend in the face. After a couple of seconds, she bursts into tears and goes to lean on him. "I...h....had a...a.d...dream th....that....they k....k...killed.....M....Mom an....and everybody!"   

Marek hugs her and holds her close, "We will get out and do not worry. Quade will not win so long as I draw breath. He took over my group and trust me I am sure there is beast who don’t totally trust him already" Least he hopes so.   

LilyMoore sobs into his tunic. A beetle, about 4 inches long, comes trundling out of a crack in the wall, looking for crumbs. The mouse maid, doesn't notice him yet. After a few minutes, she quiets down and whispers, "Momma and Nana and Dad and Uncle Emyuil are smart. I know they'll see through his lies...."   

Marek nods "Yes as will some of the members of my group...they are not fools as Quade says they are, he will slip somehow...somehow" He frowns a little now, but still he will protect his friend best he can and anyone else in here as well.   

LilyMoore sits up and wipes her cheeks. "Even if he doesn't, they will figure it out. And even if he kills them, we will be rescued. Nothing can stop the light, and justice can't be thwarted forever." The beetle trundles over to the mouse maid, who goes to pet him. "Hi, Malchizidek. I'm sorry, I don't have any crumbs for you." The beetle just crawls into her lap and lets her pet him.   

Marek raises an eyebrow, ok well a pet beetle can least distract her he thinks as he stands up, "Not much light in here...."He is starting to sound tried "And knowing Quade...he is ruining everything I worked hard to in me"   

LilyMoore stays sitting, snuggling her little pet. "Yes, but there can be light in our hearts, and that light can only go out if we let it." Looking up at him, she adds, "Mom doesn't exactly trust you, but she knows you well enough to not believe everything she hears. And I think Dad trusts you. And once Quade is found out, any trust you lost will be easily regained because he will be shown to be the liar, not you." She is full of hope and faith, and it shows.   

Marek says, "I am unsure of that....I do not have all the main abbey's trust and by now that little bit may be lost now"   

LilyMoore stands, still holding Malchizidek, and walks over to her friend. "You just have to hope. I believe that you will be able to get it back. If you can't hope on your own, at least trust me." She goes to lay a paw on his arm and smiles. "I have great faith in the goodness and light that's in your heart. You can get that trust back. I believe it."   

Marek smiles “I am glad to have your trust and I will try and, best I can"   

LilyMoore grins and goes to hug him. Malchizidek decides that her apron pocket looks cozy, and so he crawls into it. The housemaid sighs. "I wish I had my crocheting...or my's hard to not get bored in here....although my friends are making it better." She smiles up at him as she pets the beetle in her pocket.   
Marek allows the hug and manages a smile, "Well we can plan an escape, even if just one beast escapes and how to get others here"   

LilyMoore nods. "I'm not good at planning things, but I may be able to come up with some ideas.....maybe we could.....I don't know, keep a spoon or something and us it as a weapon?" Yeah, she's not good at making plans.   

Marek nods, "Hide them "He looks at the small light that shows above  and hmmms "There is always a way out, one way or another"   

LilyMoore nods. "Maybe Malchizidek can hide them in his hole for us." The beetle peeks his head out, antennae waving eagerly. "...I think that means he's okay with it." She has only known the insect for a couple of days, so she hasn't yet figured out what all his little motions mean.   

Marek manages a chuckle, a small one and looks at the door sending a guard backing up some.   

LilyMoore peeks out at the guard. "Hi. My name's Lily; what's your name?" She smiles. She's trying to break down barriers and show forgiveness, but what she's accomplishing is probably just scaring her friends and irritating the guards.   

Marek sits down by Lilymoore and looks like he is trying to think, to think on a plan to get them all out of her safely.


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