Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-10-18 10:38:35 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

We Shall Remember Them-LP LOG


Ciocan-Badger Lord

Ewan- RW Abbey LP Residental Hare


==Rw:Great Hall===

Ewan seems to be feeling a little better and not as jumpy as he looks around the abbey, he even nods to a passing beast and for now stays by the steps.

Ciocan looks over from where he is sitting and smiles a little "Private Ewan, come sit by me, we can chat a little while"

Ewan spots the badger and walks over sitting down, a small salute first of course, "Halllo...sur, and chat of wot?"

Ciocan clears his throat "Me and the others will be heading back soon, Private Zolomon will likely be at the mountain in a day or so, or could of gotten there by now, hopefully some news will come about that."

Ewan nods as he sits quietly "News is...well sometimes good to have and sometimes not good to have, they won't like the news he brings them but they would want to know wot happen."

Ciocan sighs as he closes his eyes "No they wont like the news but they need prepared before me and the others go home"

Ewan frowns, "Yeah grim news..of wot happen."

Ciocan stands and goes to walk to the entry" Come with me Ewan there is one thing I do want to do before I go and later I may not have the time to"

Ewan stands and nods "Sure..where to sur?"


Ciocan walks to the graveyard and goes to stand in front of the grave marked Zinnia, quietly reading over what it says on the tombstone.

Ewan follows, but keeps his distance till curiosity gets to him and goes to stand beside the Badger Lord “Someone you...knew sur?”

Ciocan nods “She was a friend, helped me  learn more of the abbey and helped me at the time find some history in the library at the mountain. I didn't talk to the hares much when I first came. Now there wan;t as many as 300..that was built over the seasons and I am sure can be again. She and a couple others from this abbey spent the winter season at Salamandastron She was eager to learn Badger Script and see much of it, so I let her go into a place only badgers go a couple times, let her read some script that was copied.”

“Badger Script..sur?” Ewan asks, now he is curious, course just slightly.

Ciocan nods again”Yes..ancient script badgers can read..sometimes a hidden message written seasons ago only to be found in a more recent time for future badgers to read, maybe a quest or riddle..the future at times, its a strange thing. Zinnia was recorder here and an Ambassador to the mountain at the time she was there, she may of even placed her own script on the wall, I do not know..nor asked and even if I had she may not of remembered, another odd thing about it. I well could of added something that seasons later will be read, perhaps by me or a badger lord..lady....seasons and seasons from now. I saw script telling of a new Champion and of this battle”He closes his eyes” Of one symbol I didn't understand, till after the battle..a lone hare returning..clearly a runner..with scrolls to give to one of my top hares, the scrolls of the news and the lone hare is Zolomon.”His eyes open again, the fur under them wet.

Ewan stays beside him and his ears droop a little.”I..guess..could of been seen as anything...are you ok sur?”

Ciocan wipes away a few tears and finally lays a flower on Zinnia's grave and looks to where a memorial will go for the hares that died in battle.” I just need a few moments..then we can go inside.”

Ewan nods and just stays beside the Badger lord quietly, he looks around from where he is at the graves, a couple newer ones and he frowns even if he didn't know them, its still sad.

Ciocan is quiet, letting some tears fall. For the hares that died in battle. For Zinnia. For any alley that died in this battle. He clears his throat “Let's head inside Ewan.”

Ewan nods slowly and speaks softly “I heard they have tea and its good and blueberry scones, we could have tea and scones by the fireplace, maybe it would..cheer us up, or maybe not....well maybe some and maybe the other hares could have tea and blueberry scones as well..all the hares that came and...ummm....well..”He shrugs “ Just sit and enjoy company and the abbey before you have to head back”

Ciocan manages a smile “That sounds nice Ewan, see whom can be in the Cavern Hole and see about the tea and scones I will see you there”He then heads back inside.

Ewan nods and follows him, then heads off to fetch that tea and scones.

Ciocan will be in Cavern Hole with the hares left...19 hares in total, and  2 recruits will also head back,..21 hares...they came with 300 but will leave with only.....21. How this news will be taken, he has yet to know but it will be hard for all of them, but together they will get through this hard time, together.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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