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#1 2018-10-14 08:34:31 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Shareing News-Redwall Log


Gorvenalus- Redwall Abbey Recorder

Xander-Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Sinway-Fighter in Mossflower Defenders

Ace- Warrior/Fighter in Mossflower Defenders


RW Abbey: Great Hall
The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here. A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance. The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist. The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger. The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze. Soft light is slowly beginning to filter in through the stained glass windows high above your head.
Gorvenalus was sitting in a chair writing in his log book, some tears in his eyes and every so often he wiped them away.

Xander came down the steps and then walked over to Gorvenalus"Brother want some company? Guess you heard about chip huh?"

Gorvenalus was here earlier, he waves to the badger and looked back to a book he was looking at.

Ace steps into the room, he had sleep outside by the fire pit "Ello friends is..all ok?"

Xander sighs and goes to be by the beaver, he can wait to talk if needed, he nods to Ace and blinks "You sleep outside? Its starting to get cold"

Gorvenalus finally looks up "Hello Xander, I was just looking over old logs and updating for newer ones...yes its sad but life goes on and news to update."He frowns "Minsc has left, he left after telling me the news, along with Flea and the hamster Ximena decide to go as well since the abbey of Willowbark lacked healers she will be training more under their Master Healer Rayen who also was going back to Willowbark of course. "

Ace says, "Willowbark...I thought it was destroyed?"

Xander nods and turned to Ace " was repaired, and like 15 of 700 survived, its still fairly small or so I heard." He looks back to the beaver "Sorry Minsc didn't stay long and..about Chip....we could of had a funeral here but maybe that's not best."

Gorvenalus speaks "No..they will have one in Willowbark, there is a way make sure Chip's body gets there safe and stays...well enough for the 3-4 week trip. One of the refugees had a boat so they are using that to get back to Willowbark and some of the refugees went with them to live at Willowbark, and Minsc said they would get their own supplies from what was left of crops the refugees had at their homes and to not worry on taking from the abbey, about 20 went with Minsc and Flea, the 20 included..5 voles, 3 rabbits, 3 hamsters and 4 moles and 5 mice. and I will update Benar when he wakes, he has been catching up on sleep and I told him I would do his duties for the next couple days"

Ace says, "Rest is important"

Xander nods as he sits down and sighs" So..Ximena went with them...ok, that's fine...though Mossflower Defenders sort of lack for a healer now. Had hoped Rayen would of...stayed but its understandable"

Gorvenalus says, "Too many memories she said, her mate is presumed dead so why stay..and she got some herbs from the woodlands and streams, again not taking from the abbey..the only other things she got was a couple boxes of some things that belonged to her and her former mate.""

Ace says, "Can't say ever meet any other foxes....nice ones anyways" He stands and nods "I am gonna go help with some chores, good day""

RW Abbey: Infirmary Recovery ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This comfortable but spartan room has several small alcoves lining the wall. Infirmary bunks with resting and recovering patients lie in these alcoves, each cordoned off with a gossamer drapery of linen for privacy. The room is lit with oil lamps and the pleasing warmth of a small hearth fire. This room is kept quiet, except for the occasional snore, hacking cough or sniffle of its sleeping infirmary occupants.

Gorvenalus follows the badger as he checks on a couple beasts.

Gorvenalus looks to Xander "Death is sadly a part of life....I only wish Minsc had stayed longer and not just went off so quickly, but losing Chip has sadden him and he just wanted to get back home."

Xander nods and briefly checks on Sinway before sitting down, "Minsc is champion of Willowbark so he is needed there and they will have some more members since 20 refugees went you have extra duties for how long?"

Sinway yawns waking up a few seconds after Xander gets done checking on him taking a few seconds to sit up choosing not to speak yet

Gorvenalus speaks "2-3 days and I already offered my healer wasn't up to me on being in charge of the abbey for 2-3 days, that was the elders decision they felt Benar needed the days off and get so very much needed sleep in his quarters and not be brothered."A small smile "Beasts can bother me for the next 2-3 days and its not like I have never had this sort of duty before..I was Abbot of Willowbark after all."

Xander nods "I remember..."He smiles as he sees Sinway awake "Hey doing ok?"

Sinway shrugs a little "More or less, layin' around all day be borin' though." He yawns and stretches a little which causes him to wince "And how about ye, did ye and Zolomon finally speak to each other......if not I'm not afraid to walk over there and give the back of yer head a good smack like I did his!"

Gorvenalus walks over and smiles "Its good to see you awake Sinway, do be careful though please."

Xander smiles "Zolomon and me talked...also some other good news which is likely needed right now."

Sinway gives a dismissive wave to Gorvenalus "Don't be worrin' about me, iIgot off easy, I just got to sit here and wait fer me leg to heal, some aren't so lucky." He looks over to Xander and smiles "Good, I was ready to kick both of yer tails if ye didn't talk to each other."

Gorvenalus nods and chuckles, he checks on a couple other beasts and then sits down nearby them."I may need a rest after this...juggling 3 jobs at once for the next couple days but it is fine....i like to be helpful"

Xander smiles "Don't overdo it Brother Gorvenalus..oh yeah the good news...Ace is back"He smiles "And also last night something else happen, my daughter said her first word, she said Dada.."He smiles more, very happy on this, "Last night was great..Me,Ace,Zolomon together, and me and Krisha and Northstar..and Northstar saying her first word."He chuckles "Zolomon might get into trouble as he did take two pies from the kitchens, think he ate most of the pie"

Sinway smiles "While iIdo not know who Ace is, sounds like tis good news that he is back." He stretches some more and again winces "All this layin' around has gotten me muscles all stiff....."

Gorvenalus says, "Well resting helps with recovery after all"

Xander nods, "Ace had..gotten captured by Ormaz and was sold to other slavers..I tried to find him and felt like I failed, but I never gave up hope...Ace managed to escape and make his way home. He still has the tattoo the slavers gave him but I am unsure how to help him with that."

Sinway shrugs a little "Nor am I, I know of beast who can give tattoos, but none of can remove them.........sadly tis goin' to be somethin' he is goin' to have to live with." He tries to stretch one last time before just giving up and laying back down "I can't wait till I can walk again, wish Angela would do like she threaten yesterday and drug me till I get better, if I be asleep I wouldn't be so bored." He chuckles a little

Gorvenalus says, "I don't think being forced to sleep would be any good Sinway, a lot are likely bored of the infirm"

Xander nods "Likely the infirm will be busy a few fays, some less injured will leave...even some that likely shouldn't"

Sinway shrugs a little "Never know, could be the best sleep of me life." He yawns "Speaking of I'm feelin' a bit tired so  I think I'll take a nap, tis nice seein' ye two."

Gorvenalus nods and smiles at Xander "Your resting..correct?"

Xander blinks and nods "Yeah..I am not to worry, I wasn't that bad hurt..a slice to the lower leg, its bandaged and wasn't new armor helped a lot. I sprang my left arm but its feeling better now."

Gorvenalus nods, and speaks to a couple healers before going to head out "Tea in the great hall?"

Xander smiles "Tea is good..can I make it? It was one of the first things Uncle Zee said I needed to learn cause tea making was important for the Winters Clan"

Gorvenalus smiles "That sounds like a wonderful idea, let us go"He will Lead the way to the kitchens and then him and Xander can have some tea in the Cavern Hole and talk of things that's happen over the last few weeks and then the beaver needs to finish updating the logs.

Last edited by oz (2018-10-14 08:35:56 AM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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