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#1 2018-10-09 10:50:42 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Camp Chaos!-Fate Of Marek TP

******I went ahead and posted this now so didn't forget as I am busy today and most of tomorrow...but this also happens before the final fight so! ******

******ICLY this happens after Ciocan and his hares, Minsc,Flea,The Guoism with Log-a-log, and who ever else head to Redwall. The LP camp is just North of the River Moss,by that bridge area I guess...anyways it will take like anywhere from like 1/4-1/2 of a day to get to Redwall..probally closer to 1/4 a day as those hares can march fast, also anyone in the group going to abbey HAS NO CLUE WHAT HAPPENS IN THIS LOG! THEY WILL FIND OUT AFTER THE FINAL FIGHT.******



Zolomon- Private/Runner in the Long Patrol and Archer

Tarsa- Sargaent/ Drill Sargent/Fighter in the Long Patrol

Ewan- Private/Fighter in the Long Patrol

Kenya- Novice of Redwall Abbey

Rayen-Master Healer of Willowbark Abbey

Chip-Hamster and member of Willowbark Abbey(Spoofed by Minsc)

James-Private and Fighter in The Lonbg Patrol(Spoofed by Kenya)

Ferro-Blacksmith of Ferravale

Markalaway- Undertaker of Ferravale

Spoofs of Long Patrol Hares, Some Vermins in an Assssin group, A couple Willowbark beasts....


Tarsa was tired as she walked along but focused, she was ready or  hoped that she was.

Zolomon walked along side her, quiet and focused as well, but his mind not totally clear, one thing he decided he worry on later..well maybe, another he decided to tend to now as he slowed to talk to Tarsa.."Umm...Sergeant.thar was..something needed to tell you before we..ya know battle and everything."

Tarsa looked at Zolomon and back to the path "Unless its battle related it can wait till later when we are resting and recovering, alright"She looked around and frowned, she had not liked the idea of being in the back of the patrol that left, "And shouldn't you be more..up front of in the middle or something..."

Zolomon frowns "I..don't think any in line was stated, its just ..I need to..clear my mind a little before fighting as you said that's important right?"

Unseen by most of the hares was a group of figures, but they were not heading towards the hares, more like headed away and as that would be good in most eyes some may wonder..why?.

Tarsa sighs "Then clear your mind Private its fairly easy....excuse me already...."She goes to get more towards the front, seems she is not in the talking mood, then why be this was serious tine, this was...well it was war not chit chat time.

Zolomon blinks and frowned,"Its just ..Tarsa I.."He takes a deep breath "I lo----"He blinks.....and she walked away as he could easily catch up to her he decides it can wait, sides seriousness time as he sighed and blinks as he catches movement,he stops a Private who glares "Tell Sergeant Tarsa had to check on something at camp..I'll catch up"The Private grumbles and just nods"Best be important or..." .."Yeah yeah extra sit-ups"He pats the fellow hare on the shoulder and just walked back the 1/4 mile to camp, he wasn't sure why just..something was off and he could of sworn he seen something, someone..ones..moving back towards camp? Why?

Ewan sat on a log and looked..bored, he looked around "So..wot do we do...wait till they are back?"

Kenya frowns"Yeah..they will come back right?I mean they will beat up the vermin and..and then we celebrate with...pie maybe?"

Tarsa meanwhile got the message and sighed "What ever"She tells the private and walked a little faster, knowing that hare he forgot his lucky arrow or something.

If only it was that simple, not that the hares know what is about to happen....what most went to help at the abbey, some stayed at camp to wait for messages, 5 healers got ready what ever was needed, a couple even was..arm wrestling...ok that looked fun, basically wait for messages, and a few were guards for the camp just in case...4 guards on one side, 4 on the other...always alert and ready to defend the camp...if it wasn't for the hidden enemy archers in the trees that waited for the right moment, when all were discussing plans, a foolish 15 minutes sealed time to get hidden. A trained call , like a woodpidgion, it was just a wood pidgion or sounded like calls another, then.......

Ewan smiles "I like cake...maybe the abbey has cake, you think?"

Kenya shrugs as she laid back and looked at the clouds and frowned a little.

The arrows hit two of the guards rather quickly and before the others could react too quickly the arrows were launched a 2nd time, they were trained in what they did and the 4 guards on this side were....dead before they even hit the ground, more wood pidgion sounds and all would soon not be so quiet, even if it was a mere group of like 20  beasts, they were still skilled..led by a fox, a few other foxes, 4 couple monitors , a couple ferrets and a lone weasel. The fox spoke quietly" 3..2....1...."

Zolomon frowned as he walked back and his ears drooped, why was he feeling so...uneasy..well he did want to tell Tarsa something and now he was forced to wait, he stopped "No..I am telling her now"He was the fastest runner there was...then he thought he saw the guards..on the ground?He slipped out his saber and went forwards and frowned..guards..dead...this is not good, and its way to quiet as he now looks to the tree tops and gets that edgy feeling even more so.

Kenya grins "They have cake, and pie and..what ever..well almost what ever you want."She chuckles a little.

Ewan nods "I still like ...cake...."He frowns, ok birds we making noise and now they are not as he looks around,"Stand up.."He says quietly, but the way he says it might make one...worry, course few pay attention to this hare he is..strange lately and too jumpy over little things.

Suddenly there was noise alright but not what one may warning, then the warning system was taken out, course there is the 4 guards on the other side of camp but they are there and not here when..CHAOS ...pure and simple..happens. The fox and his 19 sidekicks enter the camp and right ..2 others are close by, but have noticed the lone hare. They are armed with cutlasses and throwing daggers, a couple have cross bolts..and all attack just suddenly! Some hares fail to react in time, others do and start to fight. One seems in shock and..well monitors are scary and it costs him his life. Another monitor grabs a hare and kills it qucikly. One monitor is killed, but there is like 3 more still....some hares didn't have time to react to the sudden invasion of camp!

A hamster, Chip is here along with a warrior squirrel and a vole as well. They join in on the fight almost right away, sadly the vole is killed by one of the monitors as a frown forms on Chip" We can handle this!"And his father Minsc was...well off with the hares heading to the abbey it would seem. Not that they had a clue what was going on now anyways.

Kenya screams and panics as she looks ready to run, the camp was supposed to be safe..wasn't it? Stay in camp and be safe..this was far from safe.

Ewan quickly acts and backs off "I..oh...this..."He starts to breath in and out and whimpers, ok blood and fighting...he wanted to avoid this, why is it here, why oh why is it here. He looks at the otter and gulps..""He gasped as a arrow grazes his arm, ok his own blood is going down his arm, but he can't faint he has panic. But also how?

The two in the tree one drops down, the other fires an arrow at Zolomon, also by now the 4 guards on the other side enters the camp.

Zolomon slices at the one that drops down first, the weasel archer dies, sadly the other one arrow sinks into Zolomon's upper left arm as he yelps out in pain but he isn't gonna back off, he is gonna ..first move and then help the camp .

Chip is backed into a tree but manages to stab the fox in front of him as he jumps and rolls out of the way of the cross bolt just barely, it misses his chest and hits his foot paw.

Ewan somehow manages to avoid a monitor from grabbing him when another hare shoves him out of the way "Just run Ewan..go...tell the others!"

A monitor looks at the otter and hisses...”Snack...pack!”

Kenya looks near panic and bolts, she starts to struggle when she feels someone grab her till a voice calms her "Tis ok lass..Private James at ya service..hold on!" There is always time to run and times to stay, this was a time to run.

Most likely the best course of action there was as the leader beheads one of the hares and stabs another, some hares have managed to kill 5  more of the vermin, leaving 15 now...make that 14, but  two monitors are still there"No one leaves breathing...follow the hare leaving with the novice!" He missed Ewan...wait no take that back he didn't, a nod and an archer fires a bolt at the hare..

Zolomon gasps as he sees the sight before him, a quick scan..there was a good 40 hares here, a lot yes but more so on the way to the abbey, he backs up and doubles toward the other side of the camp trying to go around, got to be someone to get out of here and take..he isn't sure but there is Ferravale and he is a fast runner, but help is needed now.

Ewan panics as he panics and runs, the bolt does hit his back and the only thing saving him is the fact the chain mail is under the bark lather and..the bolt somehow managed to get sort of tangled, from a distance it looks like a sure fire dead hare, he isn't dead but it will leave a rather nasty bad scratch down his back some and serious bruising but he will live, the force still knocks him down, he tumbles and he rolls..halfway down into the ditch and shakily crawls out and whimpers, holding his breath when a couple of the vermin pass him and decide he is dead, then the mud and leaves sort of help and the fact they don't take a closer look at weather the bolt did damage to like...the hare. He waits till they pass and crawls a short way to a fallen hollow log and crawls inside shivering and muttering to himself, it will be a couple hours till he calms down enough to venture out, it will be clear then but likely he is gonna be thought dead...till he well...shows he isn't

The vermin get knocked down to 9 out of 20, but all the hares...40 and then 4 others are all dead, there is two, in there view point, that isn't dead..Zolomon and one Private James, who has some novice..well they are next on the list"After witnesses...all get a ticket to the dark forest" As he says this he slits the throat of a hare maid, a guard it would seem and drops her dead body to the forest floor.

Chip managed to fight the vermin but the squirrel  fighting beside him is killed, he screams and stabs the monitor wounding it more, the monitor then slams the poor hamster into a tree, and unconscious.

Kenya frowns as she is carried by Private James and then screams again as those vermin from camp..found them and fire arrows into the hare's back causing him to stumble and slow, he pants and tumbles down a small little sloped sort of hillside, Kenya whimpers and looks like she wants to just run, heck she knows the way to Ferravale or the abbey from here.

Zolomon didn't need to be long to see the chaos, something he is not long forgetting and speeds up in time to see" Private J!" He gets to the hare and checks on him and looks at Kenya "Lass?"

Kenya has tears down her face and slips from the other hare's grip and rushes into Zolomons's arms as James looks at Zolomon "R..Run..tell..tell my her..she a mountain...."And his eyes close in death. The otter clings onto the other hare and shivers .

A voice chuckles "How sad.....the mighty Long Patrol..not so mighty, they leave the camp so easily...defeated and the others march off to save the abbey...I must admit they did fight well at camp..what 20 counting me..down to a mere...9 now..pity"He singles the cross bolt beast and the archer with him"Kill them.."Simple command, fairly simple and the fox sounds bored.

Zolomon frowns and scoops up Kenya and just bolts with all he has, the arrow and bolt slice into his left ear and he grits his teeth in pain but keeps running he is gonna keep running,he can out run them, he has to.

Kenya just grips onto the hare as he runs, her eyes widen as she looks at his ear and frowns, shivering and afraid she just frowns.

The fox growls and looks to the 8 with him "Go report to Ormaz he has less to worry on....but you"An archer nods "Stay and hid and pick off any returning long ears."He salutes and is gone, he smirks at a monitor "Follow me lets go...after them"

The fox catches up and fires another bolt at the hare.

Zolomon pants and frowns " ya.." He tenses up as the bolt hits the same..darn..ear, he needs that ear as he tenses in pain and a wave of dizziness threatens him, he almost trips and slows, he may be fast but he can only go so fast as he looks around quickly and sits the otter down ....""He is worn out, bad.....he draws his saber and glares at the monitor and fox.

Kenya whimpers as she is sat down and then backs up to a tree when she sees the fox and monitor and shivers.

Ferro is out as well, he slows when he hears voices and sees the fox and ..great another monitor he hated his own kind..wait was that..Zolomon?His eyes narrow as he slips closer.

The fox smirks as he walks over, how...nice, kill him Deadfang" The monitor grins and hisses and attacks the hare, clawing, snapping....

Zolomon blocks a couple times, he even gets a couple slices in and a stab, narrowing avoiding a slice himself, but the teeth get the ear, oh how much damage can an ear  take!He kicks out at the monitor and rolls away, stabs backwards just as a claw slices into his side and he shivers and drops the saber.

The fox frowns...the monitor looks in shock as the saber stabbed it in the heart just as it racked its claws across the hare's side...not nearly as powerful as it could of, or as deep..the monitor is dead as the fox growls and walks over "You killed my matter"He glaces at Kenya and smiles coldly"Your next and please do run..I love a good chase before death comes, but first.."He goes to draw back his long sword, his aim finish off the hare.

Ferro steps forwards and grabs the arm before the fox swings and hisses low, if the fox turns around he will see one peeved off monitor in his vision.

Kenya whimpers, too afraid to run and whimpers and then sees Ferro..she has seen him before but he is still..scary to her.

Zolomon looks at the fox..the monitor as he forces himself to stay awake..."Might...want jolly well turn around..ya scumfur"

The fox growls and then just laughs "Friend of yours...well they can.."He turns around and..a look of fear..did he just wet himself as he stares at the monitor that's really not his pal....words are loss.

Ferro hisses and snaps the fox's neck..well it died as he looks at Zolomon and Kenya, yeah try to look friendly after that "I..won't harm you..isssssssss friend....   I am Ferro, my adopted daughter isssssssssss Krisha" He studies Zolomon "Zolomon?" And looks at Kenya "Your a novice of Redwall...yesssssssssssss?"

Kenya whimpers but shivering steps over to the lizard "K..Novice Kenya..."She looks at Zolomon and tears go down her face, "No..don't die no...not like the others...not like the others no..."She shivers and coughs a couple times and hugs her knees to her chest.

Zolomon is gonna pass out "Hey...tharrrrr.......tell Sinway...keep"And he passes out, yeah a healer be good and NOW!

Ferro snorts and picks up the hare carefully in his arms and looks at Kenya, will she trust him? "Onto my back..child...we need a healer..fassssssssst"

Kenya sniffs "Is he..dead?" She does get onto the monitor's back and sniffs, shivering..scared...."I..I want my daddy....want daddy..."

Zolomon is..passed out, his left ear is basically unsaveable with two cross bolts, a couple arrows...torn by teeth and claws of the other monitor....a couple claw marks on his shoulder...other wound a slice to the side and oh yeah an arrow in his upper left arm, what fun.

Ferro frowns "I sssssssssshall get ussssssss to a healer....we leave now." Sorry any finding of this Sinway..daddy?..will have to wait till later so looks like the otter's father will just know she is missing for now as the monitor leaves the area before they are seen, he manages to be seen by no one and slips down a path and to a place no one in their right mind is gonna go to search for two woodlanders, let alone look for some monitor.

Kenya just  shivers and hangs on tightly as they travel to...where ever they are going, it can't be worse than where they have been.

It may be as its through the back way of the..Ferravale Graveyard! And to the hut, the monitor carefully knocks and steps back.

The door opens and...Markalaway..the rat, the creepy one eyed rat from your nightmare,he looks at the monitor, the hare, and the otter and in a raspy voice “Enter my home “He lets them enter and shuts the door as he looks at them.

Kenya whimpers a little and then sniffs. She looks at Zolomon and the rat..she hides behind the monitor  and peeks around, She then finds her voice”Z..zolomon needs he gonna die”She whimpers and shivers a little.

Zolomon has lost a good deal of blood, his left ear is..well its worthless now and he surely looks like he will enter the dark forest soon.

Markalaway takes one look at him and speaks “I wounds...but a healer he needs to stay alive and not join the realms of the dead.” He looks at the otter”She has...fear in her eyes..something a child should not have, it is deep...what happen tonight?”

Ferro finally speaks “ not  ssssssssssssure..”He excuses himself as he will go find a healer.

Kenya sobs, “They..they all....d....d..died....40 hares, and ..a couple w..willowbark beasts, and and they were..were gonna kill me and Zolomon too but Ferro stopped them.....”She lays down on the old couch and cries herself to sleep.

Markalaway listens and narrows his eyes “This horde  has cause an imbalance of life and death.”

==Couple Hours Later==

Rayen right away disliked this place, two if she hadn't stay on the boat she likely be one of the dead beasts...well maybe. She  looked around the camp..eyes wide...”What the...seasons?”

A couple ferrets chuckle “ Dead hares...even a couple others who came, fools” “ Yeah dead fools.”

Rayen looked calmly at the two ferret, “I don't think any fools are dead..” A quick slice of her blade left, then right and she looks at the headless ferrets  “Oh...never mind...the fools are dead now, my mistake gentlemen” She looks around for survivors and finds..none, her ears flatten.

Out of 20 vermin that ambused the camp the only ones left alive were one monitor, one weasel and a couple foxes..4 and they sliped back towards the abbey.

Chip is not a hare, but he also isn't dead, he is barely alive and gives a weak groan.

Rayen spins around and quickly checks on the hamster “Chip...I got you..lets leave here” She heads towards Ferravale, its closer and likely a lot more clear of any chaos as she knows the abbey will be, that's where the horde was mostly, seems though some was here.

Ferro is along the path, seeing the vixen he walks over “Your needed healer..”

Rayen looks at the monitor “Figured...lead the way...”

The group gets to where the one eyed rat is, he waits for them “The otter child is she needs, the hare needs..aid”He sees the hamster”Another...near death?”

Rayen frowns “The Long patrol camp is wiped out...45 hares...dead, 2 dead squirrels, and a dead vole.”She lays Chip down and works on him as she looks over at Zolomon and sighs, good thing she has her healer's pouch full. “The hamster Chip is barely alive...” She does a quick cheek on Zolomon and frowns “Least he isn't as close to death as Chip..ok gentlemen weather you like it or not your my helpers tonight.....the hare's ear, needs off....need to resew his side...ok Chip has a broken leg, broke wrist....lost an eye most likely,  bad gash on the leg..arm....yeah....lets get to work this is gonna be a long night...if beasts are looking for them, too bad..they will just have to wait.”She looks over at Kenya and sighs “She is likely to sleep all night...sadly news about her will have to wait as well....ok time to save Zolomon and Chip as I rather not deal with any more dead beasts.” And she is serious, she is a skilled healer and with the help of Ferro and Markalaway she will keep the hare and hamster alive, and likely pass out a few hours afterwards from exhaustion.

Last edited by oz (2018-10-09 10:51:24 AM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


#2 2018-10-10 05:29:35 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Camp Chaos!-Fate Of Marek TP

.......oh my cow D:

Edge-of-your seat battle!  Rayen is flipping terrifying!  I'm glad for the survivours.  Maybe they would tell Blisa on Saturday?  I can try to have her on then, if y'all think it's a good idea smile


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