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#1 2018-09-30 04:51:11 PM

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 38

Your In The Company Of The Guosim-Fate Od Marek TP LOG


Kenya- Novice of Redwall

Zolomon- Private Runner in the LP, and Archer

Some spoofed Guosim shrews!


Kenya slipped out of bed and moved slowly and went to be up on the main deck. walking towards the railing she looked at the water and then back to when she was sleeping and then quietly slipped off the boat and too the shore while it was docked.

Zolomon is on night watch but decides to wake a squirrel, an hour early yeah but hey he needs to do something, like follow the otter.

Kenya made her way quietly down the bank and keep an eye out for any dangers, she decided to not take anything with her as it would just slow her down, something she rather not need to deal with.

Zolomon follows as he then speaks "Sort of late for a walk lass, isn't it?" One ear sort of flicks up and the other stays slightly curled as he stands close by.

Kenya gasps as she sees the hare and just frowns, "Go away, its not a walk."And she turns around and continues walking away

Zolomon tilts his head "It would seem your walking now lass, one foot in front of the other and all that wot" He grins

Kenya glares but then frowns and shrugs "WHAT ..what ever I'm going away, so leave me alone and go back to the hares or something"

Zolomon gets to where he is beside her and speaks "You see...I can't go away, tis my job to jolly well protect anyone on that boat and you were on the boat, so..and a walk alone is bad right now, too close to our final stop now."

Kenya frowns "Well I am not on the boat and..don't care..Dad wants to help fight and...and he is probably just gonna end up my real parents and I'll be alone again and I don't wanna be alone but its probably gonna happen so why wait around till it does."

Zolomon looks around and speaks "I don't know lass...this is something that's even big for me, horde and all that..seen large vermin groups but this one..well a LOT worse and maybe the one before this, some insane squirrel of all things would of been bad too had we not be warned but some were starting to dislike the chap even before that"

Kenya sits down finally "How can a bad?"

Zolomon shrugs "How can a stoat be good? It..happens and I have learned some be in between or...well not too sure of, but I try to figure out by how they act"

Kenya shrugs "What ever, so what this haf to do with me running away and leaving....its still gonna be bad stuff coming and no one can stop it...not like everyone gonna be like yeah lets not fight and go away or go home, they still gonna fight anyhow till..till they are stopped or the other beast is dead"

Zolomon ears droop"I..rather not fight myself lass but sometimes you have to."

Kenya looks at the hare "But my dad don't, he..he keeps saying he wants to go back to being a novice and oh he would of already but he just wants to fight beast and..and get revenge and revenge only gets you killed, and revenge is not how a Redwaller thinks...he can let the long patrol or others fight, but..but not him...he wont listen to me, or Xander and..and he is gonna die I just know it, but oh that's fine he will just get even with all the bad beasts" As she cries tears go down her face.

Zolomon frowns "I..would agree, if its for revenge. I had another beast tell me revenge leads to anger and that clouds the mind. beasts don't think clearly and I have seen it happen...friends hurt and almost dieing, one dying in grandfather was trigger happy me mom always said, he finally retired but he was hurt, only thing is he didn't tell a beast till it was too late and the wound was infected....and he died, he could of gotten healing help and been fine, but he didn't"

Kenya frowns"Was he in the long patrol?"

Zolomon nods "So was my mother, and an uncle lived at Redwall in fact for a bit of time and....well no one knows where he went off too..supposedly southward"He shrugs "I don't think he knows bout me and that's fine"

Kenya asks, "What happen to your mom and did your uncle leave the LP?"

Zolomon says, "Mom got ill and died...and my uncle did leave the Long mom said he didnt like it and barely got into basic training and was kicked out, so he left for southward and me mom stayed...till a patrol she was in..was attcked and she and another surived, she left and meet me dad in Mossflower..lived south of the father died when I was very young, me mom before I was 6 seasons old..sort of was on me own after some friends...lost soem frends...still have some friends.."He shrugs " Adventures here and thar, and here I am today with the jolly Long Patrol""

Kenya listens as the hare talks of his past" the Long Patrol now?"

Zolomon nods and grins.

Kenya says, "And your gonna go live in the mountain...well if you don't..die""

Zolomon frowns "Well not me plan to die lass but yes..."He blinks as he starts thinking.."Yeah and de Lp likely wont jolly well stay long.."

Kenya shrugs "Oh well...."

Zolomon folds his paws in his lap"Oh well? I have yet to tell..Xandy, I mean at first it was just a..yeah yeah basic easy, trust me last far from easy...but now I am..I like it, made friends and feel like part of a..sort of team/ family and thar is Tarsa..."He smiles but still..he has yet to tell his best friend, he plans on..leaving Mossflower, like forever.

Kenya says, "Then tell him, he may think your in trouble if you suddenly disappear..least you would be not around cause of leaving with the other hares...some beasts gonna be gone cause they went to the dark forest""

Zolomon frowns "Lass..."Ok he wants to cheer her up but is failing ok think clearly and not on news to anyone yet "Look lass...yes beasts will die in this battle but not everyone...some may be hurt even but.....and if one does die it doesn't mean your alone"

Kenya frowns "Yeah it does...cause someone else just get dead one day why brother"

Zolomon frowns "Lass.....look being alone in life is not good one needs friends and those"

Kenya frowns "No they don't cause...cause you get someone in life that cares and then they just die...and you never see them again"

Zolomon frowns "I.."Sighs "I am not good at this, I admit..usually I am, I usually do me best to cheer one up and I have gotten beasts cheered even if its for a short while, but your..difficult to cheer up..but I shall not give up, me best pal I even managed to cheer up and he had some fairly bad times in life, one was a bit hard for me too though..but I helped him out and would like to think I am part of de reason he never..went insane or left or..maybe even..who knows...became some in between beast."He smiles "I remember when I first meet him..him and gramps and this eagle were fighting vermin and I helped and we went to the tavern in Ferravale...hee..Xandy is like....oh 4..or so seasons younger than me...we be best friends"

Kenya frowns "So...I don't have any best friends"

Zolomon says, "Well..make one..Xandy even....or..maybe Ewan or..well someone , another novice?""

Kenya frowns "Least I am...bit more on harm and no fighting unless life is in danger...then dad isn't a novice right now but he wants to be...but why if he wants to fight, and ..oh cause of losing friends isn't that revenge? Isn't that fighting for the wrong reasons, he says he isn't ready to be a novice..maybe he just doesn't want to be one and just stay a warrior all his life..I..I don't want him to stay a warrior..I..I just want things to be normal again and him...him to be my dad not..not some fighter..or warrior in a battle and want to go off to battle no matter what I say...I though he cared cause he came to find me and he keep me safe till we found you guys and finding you guys seems to just make him want to fight even more...and..and he shouldn't, he should just lay down his blade now if he really really wants to be a novice but he wont!"

Zolomon frowns as he stands "Lass....look maybe we can talk to him together, wot do ya say?"

Kenya tears go down her face "NO!!!" She suddenly screams, "No..I..I HATE HIM!!" Words she likely doesn't mean, but words come out and she bolts away from the hare.

Zolomon gasps as he jogs after her, like she could run that easy from the hare, he is a skilled fast runner and easily catches up as he runs along side her "Lass..lass we can chat...chatting is nice...whoa your quick arnt ya a good good skill ta have."He somehow avoids trees as he runs after her.

Kenya easily avoids trees also and she glares at him as tears go down her face and she dives into the river..yeah follow her now!

Zolomon slows and frowns, ok just follow the river as he keeps an eye on her,he frowns to himself.

Kenya is a little unused to the river current, the sea sort of stays in one place, yes it has undertow in storms and sometimes without storms but she is fighting a current upstream that's is going downstream, she frowns and manages to go sideways and gets back to shore and shakes herself dry.

Zolomon catches up and grins "Hey..lass...can ya stop"He looks around..ok how far are they from the camp and boat?

Kenya frowns, she is tried as she sits down and rubs her eyes, still some tears under her eyes.

Zolomon sits down beside her"Ok..lass...first listen we sort of went a good distance and need to get me..where are we?Does it matter?"

Kenya shrugs "How should I know..I don't think it does"

Zolomon frowns " bally well does wot am I thinking...ok went more up river...lets see.....umm...yeah"He could run if needed but...well not as fast most likely"

Kenya watches the hare as she looks around and frowns, a little worried "Are we close to the LP camp?"

Zolomon wont lie "No lass....or the boat...."He thinks where are they, well least he has his longbow and arrows.

Kenya frowns and no looks scared,"Where are we?"

Zolomon frowns "Umm...don't know just yet lass"

Kenya sniffs and then starts crying, yep now you have a crying otter on your paws.

Zolomon blinks, "No no don't cry, we aren't lost...we just don't know where we are and crying isn't a good thing now"

Kenya frowns and just looks at the ground and sniffs.

Zolomon says, "I bet his Lordship is like oh hey Zolomon..he isn't here I shall look for him and the otter""

Kenya frowns "No he won't...your like one hare and your supposed to be on the boat with me"

Zolomon sighs "Well then lass guess me and you be stuck with one another then huh..we can walk a little more, not sure sitting around be good or really walking but...we should figure it out sooner rather than later"

Kenya frowns as she sniffs "I'm...scared, its creepy here in the dark I don't wanna stay here"

Zolomon nods and speaks "Well then we walk to a non creepy area and be careful lass..never know dangers around here"

Kenya frowns "Dangers?"

A voice speaks"Dangers they say?" "Hey don't speak".."I can speak it I wants ta ya annoying pest!" And another voice "Shut up de both of you.."Out steps one..two..three shrews with brightly colored headbands, small rasipers and simple tunics,short pants and no shoes.

Zolomon lays a paw on his saber and blinks as he sees the shrews "Well..tis be..good"

Kenya frowns and looks back at the creatures and sniffs as she rubs her eyes, still upset.

"Great now she is crying" .."Do tis your fault Groundfoot.." Naaa uhhh Swiftpaw" The 3nd just sighs and glares at them "Shut want to attract the wrong attention you two?" He turns to the two beasts and smiles "Greetings your in the company of the Guosim "

Zolomon frowns "Fun...they argue among them selfs.."He looks around and back to the shrews "Look nice to see ya but 3 little shrews...don't think you should be out, dangerous and all."

One smirks"Your out..."He just chuckles "You joke right...3 of us?" He grins and cups his paws "Loglogalogalogalog!!!" And the 3 seems to grow to about 50 shrews, one has much brighter clothing, a more colored headband and a black stone on a chain around his neck as he studies the hare "Your a Long Patrol member...and the otter is a Redwall novice...first follow us to camp..we were about to have dinner"

Zolomon smiles "Dinner?"

Kenya giggles a little as she follows the shrews to their camp, not too far away and hidden behind some tall reeds and bushes.

Zolomon follows and looks around "I say...nice"He sits down.

Log-alog nods "There is many vermin around, near Redwall in fact so why is a long patrol hare and a Redwall novice outside, then again one did say the abbey was surrounded not a good thing"

Kenya frowns""She frowns"I was running away and then we got lost and Zolomon was only going after me and we didn't see any bad beasts."

Zolomon frowns "Well...we heard the abbey was Long Patrol and his Lordship is..not too far down river, likely coming this way, also me friend Xandy and some Mossflower Defenders."

Log-a-log nods and smiles " is shrewbread and skinny and duff...and some nice friend fish with rice, he also have a nice apple/cheery drink for young ones and ale for no so stay,eat..drink and rest. I can get word to the Badger Lord...we Guosim we shall jjoin the fight agiast this horde"

Kenya smiles and gets some apple/cheery drink, some bread,rice and fish and happily eats and drinks, she yawns and goes to lay down to sleep.

Zolomon grins, he clearly enjoys the food but manages to not eat a lot..even if he is a hare, he drinks down the ale and smiles "This be SO much better than rasions trust me friends"He looks to Kenya as she falls asleep and sighs "Her likely worried about her"

Log-alog nods "Then we send word and find him and get a meeting with...whom is the badger lord?"

Zolomon sips some ale "Lord Ciocan..tall fellow cant blooming miss me, has a large blooming war hammer"

Kenya whimpers a little in her sleep and curls up shivering a little,

Log-alog frowns, he motions for a blanket for her and sighs , he nods to the hare "Then first light we try and find this Lord Ciocan, let him know we join you guys in battle soon..we all be ready to help Redwall Abbey anytime."

Zolomon nods and sits by Kenya and looks around "We are...close being careful is more of a thing now."

Kenya calms a little and seems to go back into sleep.

Log a log nods as he yawns "Yes...careful is the rest I have night watchers here, not to worry."

Zolomon nods and decides ok..sleep is good, he is likely gonna need as much sleep as he can get.

Kenya curls closer to the hare and drifts in and out of sleep through out the night.

Last edited by KenyaAndJacenta (2018-09-30 05:03:47 PM)


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