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#1 2017-03-13 02:47:39 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 212

New Leadership?-Defenders Log and Missing Abbot TP Log

Defenders Headquarters: Training Ground
This is an intricate and well crafted training ground. A large square area has been sanctioned off using large rocks as it's boundary. Inside the area are several wooden practice dummies, a few archery targets, some cloth punching bags and what appears to be a hand-operated rigging system for firing crossbow bolts into the air. A smaller area marked off by stone circles has been quartered off so as to allow for both sparring and paw-to-paw combat training. It would seem Marek has thought of everything.

Marek had an extra crossbow, he destroyed his large one but keep a smaller one just in case something major came up and that something major was now. He keep the crossbow and bolts close and his twin blades were sharpen and ready to go. He worn some armor he got from a beast, as his own was gone and he needed more than just bark leather armor for this fight.

Edson walks up and nods a hello, “So..sharpening a weapon then sir?”

Marek looks up at the hedgehog and stands adjusting a couple  things , he sits the crossbow and bolts down  by the tent before he goes to head back to Ferravale “Yes, so we are ready for battle. I will be back shortly”

Edson just nods and goes to the training area for some sword drills.

Quade watches from the sidelines and then after the stoat leaves he walks over and picks up the crossbow and a bolt and walks away.

==A short time later in the woods=

Ivy was scouting around for signs of vermin, so far having no luck as she sighs.

Quade walks into the area and studies the otter maid “A new member of the defenders…well that’s interesting, isn’t it Bolt?”

Bolt walks out of the woodlands and stands beside the squirrel quietly.

Ivy jumps “Oh your Quade…you scared me a little and yes I am a member of the Defenders.” She frowns at the fox and looks confused “..W…Who is this, why is he here?”

Quade answers “Cause he is my 2nd in command and your time in the Mossflower Defenders has come to an end” He raises the crossbow, bolt he took loaded and fires at the otter maid before she can reply or react.

Bolt just grins and watches, he could of fired off an arrow but there is a purpose to this and so he waits for any orders .

Ivy eyes widen and  the next thing she feels is burning pain and then nothing as she hits the forest floor, dead before she even lands onto the snowy ground.

Quade walks up and double checks her for a pulse and smirks “Dead….”

It’s about now someone shows up, he was to check on his new member and slows when he sees…”Mr. Quade what is the meaning of this and why do you have MY crossbow?”

Quade slowly turns and smirks at Marek ”Oh…is this yours? I will make sure to let the others know it’s your crossbow” He snaps his fingers as a couple foxes, about 4 rats and a couple ferrets come out of the woods. Also a rather tall marten.

Bolt aims his longbow at Marek, but he will only fire if told to do so.

Ivy lies dead on the forest floor, the cross bolt buried in her neck and some blood has coated the snow red.

Marek draws his twin swords and growls low, “You will explain yourself now Mr. Quade and why you have THAT fox there” He recognizes the fox clearly as his eyes flash a warning.

Quade just smiles “He works for me…now as I see it, you’re about to die or maybe I will just have some fun. After all that’s your cross bolt in that otter’s neck, one can’t say it’s not..but who fired it, surely not me why would I kill a fellow Defender..why would anyone?”

Bolt blinks “Cause ya hate them boss, remember?”

Marek looks ready to charge Quade “You..your behind this..this trouble that’s come to Mossflower..” He growls as he barely controls his urge to just rip the squirrel apart “Where is Abbot Benar and Lillymoore, I SWEAR IF THEY ARE DEAD…YOUR NEXT!!” His voice raises and it full of cold hate towards the squirrel.

Quade just frowns “Do control your anger Marek, you’re a little like Xander…he has anger issues lately then who is to blame him…his mother was killed after all, and I plan on killing the blind badger as well…his father had the right idea, to leave the area while he could….that’s one smart stripe dog. See I have a plan even for the Defenders…I will be leader”

Marek shakes his head “Not after I tell them what happen here and what you have done, that you’re the reason for the disappearances….now Take me to Benar and Lilymoore or else”

Bolt stays off to the side, he simply waits

Quade narrows his eyes “Is that a threat?” His voice is dangerous as he raises a paw for his band to attack, “See you won’t be there, and the way I see it I won’t be lying when I say you attacked me…I will take over your precious Mossflower Defenders and one by one..they fall…they die….Xander, Dorarose, Zolomon, Brookshire, Lee, Edson….and that stupid bossy healer mouse, she should be easy to kill….and speaking of healers I think the abbeys Master Healer will have an accident soon, see I can’t have him around healing injured beasts…that reminds me he will most likely be with the eagle Thunderwing, I think I will have that eagle shot down…with Brother Leon on him…fall from that height be rather painful and…deadly” He then lowers his arm and smiles coldly.

Marek right away is charging towards the squirrel, he is stopped by a ferret and quickly beheads the ferret and slices at a fox. He tenses up as he gets a slice to the leg, and one to the side where some armor is loose.

Bolt fires off an arrow towards Marek’s shoulder, no killing yet he wants to have fun first.

Quade watches his beasts attack Marek and then gets in front of the stoat and slices at his leg that’s already injured.

Marek growls as blood forms and then slices at Quade looking to cause a painful wound. He gets a cut on the arm, the arrow in his shoulder and knocked down by one of the martins that showed up, he kicks a rat away and beheads another rat.

Quade  jumps back, but he has a good slice on his lower arm, he then pants and gives the single to stop, “You win Marek I will take you to Abbot Benar and Lilymoore.” He then smirks as he looks to Bolt, whom is hopefully  ready to knock Marek out cold “My way…”

Bolt smirks and uses his fist to punch Marek in the face, hard enough to knock out, but not kill.

Marek pants and growls, its short lived as he is knocked out, he is lucky to not have a broken snout but he will bruise badly and bleed a lot, but it’s not broken. He has cuts on his arms and legs, and one footpad may be broken. He has a cut above his left eye and that eye is swelling shut, when he wakes up he will have one very bad black eye.

Quade sits where he is and pants, worn out “Marek is a good…fighter” He chuckles as he looks around 2 rats and a couple ferrets and a fox is dead, the rest that came is alive. A couple injured as the squirrel signals them to carry Marek to the base as he leans on a tree” Go help them Bolt and meet me at the clearing later…phase two…begins” He limps away.

Bolt nods and goes to make sure the others get Marek to the base and in a cell.

===Near the Ferravale path a short time later==

Xander has on his grandfather’s armor and has his blade at his side as he walks along the path.

Zolomon stays beside him “So ya fought a monitor and truly kicked its tail, in fact you beheaded it I mean how many can say I fought a monitor and won!”

Edson rolls his eyes, “Brag much? It’s not good to brag…its dead leave it dead already”

Thunderwing has tagged along, ever the badger’s guard and has only left his side a couple times or when he was in the abbey. No one touches the badger!

Quade takes this time to limp into the path, right in front of them and falls forwards. Blood soaked his clothing and his tunic is torn up, he has cuts on him in a couple places, one is fairly bad…” me…”

Xander rushes over quickly “Quade?!..What happen?”

Thunderwing lands near Xander and tilts his head, “Squirrel beastie be hurts bad ya”

Zolomon gasps and looks around “We should get him into the village and get a blooming healer”

Edson frowns and nods “I will find one!” He rushes into the village that is lucky not too far away.

Quade shivers “Marek…a…attacked me….bad guy…his crossbow bolt was in Ivy’s neck..s..she’s dead.” He then passes out, and he isn’t faking it he is truly passed out.

Xander looks like he heard that wrong “What…but why would Marek…Quade?!”He checks for a pulse as he at least knows how to check for one “Ok he is alive still”

Zolomon frowns “Mr. M…evil again….but…that don’t make any sense…where is Mr. M anyways?”

Thunderwing puffs up and  looks to be debating on searching but first he makes sure they get to the village ok.

Xander sighs and lifts Quade up and runs on to the infirm.

==An hour or so later in the infirm of Ferravale, Quade slowly awakens==

FV:Infirm:Main Room
This is the infirm. The far walls are lined with simple cots with clean sheets and pillows. The sheets and pillows are mainly white and blue.The room is keep clean and well sweeped. Cabnets are agaist one wall full of healing supplies and herbs,each marked in its own jar. A examineing table is seen and a wash basin.

Quade groans and sits up, a bandaged chest and arm He looks at the beasts in here.

Xander speaks forwards “Where is Marek?”

Edson is there and nods “I agree with the badger…where is he?”

Zolomon folds his arms over his chest “Mr. M is not in the tavern, nor around the village. I blooming asked around no one seen him since this morning.”

Quade frowns, his voice so calm and simple “Dead….he was killed” His voice monotone, he stands “The Mossflower Defenders will need a new leader and since I am most skilled and have had leadership skills before I think I am best fit.”

Zolomon blinks “Well….I suppose Q….I mean I am not interested”

Xander frowns, he is the youngest but he has his own thoughts still “But when the dibbuns were taken you just sat in a tree, and I think you did when we went to find them also….and you were not protecting Benar  too well…..and an abbey beast said you were grabbed too, how did you escape that was never explained.”

Edson shrugs he could care less whom leader is. ”Seems fine to me”

Quade clears his throat “I led the search party, I tracked vermin to the hideout and scouted around. I took the dibbuns home when the others stayed behind and finished off the vermin. And at the river I protected the other abbey beasts,…..yes I was grabbed but not taken too far before I stabbed the one ferret in the chest and he died, I escaped and sadly was too late for Benar and we needed to get back to the abbey as soon as possible to tell them about Abbot Benar being missing. You were knocked out so how would you know what happen and didn’t happen, sides if your trying to say you make a better leader….ha, you’re the youngest member. You have anger issues and don’t say ya don’t. You have recently lost your mother..why any fighting you do may well be for revenge only, a poor thing to have and be a possible leader at the same time, so…” He stands “I take leadership, anyone agasit that?”

Thunderwing shakes his head, but he still seems to dislike the squirrel for saying mean things, ”Thunderwing need fishes” He then flies away.

Xander frowns and looks down, he is near tears as he sniffs and then bolts back towards the abbey, even if its further away.

Zolomon frowns as he looks at Quade “Ok Q…ummm I mean…sir” He then goes after the badger “Xandy wait for me!!”

Edson just shakes his head, “Nope” He then nods, “I will be in the training yard sir, good day and how you recover well from the fight” He then turns to head off to the training ground of the Mossflower Defenders.

Bolt slips into the infirmary, a dark blueish green cloak on, “Boss…Marek is at the base now.” He says quietly.

Quade nods “Good” He makes sure no beasts are around and slowly stands, he tenses up a little from his wounds and “ I am leader of the Defenders now that Marek is…out of the way.He got his wish to see the abbot and his little mouse friend again. Now Bolt I need you to help me plan, each Mossflower Defender to be..sent to the dark forest, one way or another. But also I need to get rid of those 4 at the abbey…Oz, Lacota, Magramba and Leon. Not all at once…no that would just be too bad.” He grins “My main ones to take care of first is the blind badger and the Master Healer, just as I slayed the Master Healer in my former village, so I shall at Redwall…without a skilled healer a lot of wounded beasts won’t be helped as well, some could surely die with a lack of skills…come let’s return to the base while the Defenders are at their stupid  headquarters.” He then walks out the door.

Bolt follows obeying orders as the two head back to Quade's base.


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