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#1 2017-03-11 09:00:45 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Takeo's heading Back To His Homeland-Redwall LOG

***Oz shows up a little into the log once Takeo and Xander talk a little, and at the end I spoofed an otter guard who decided to also go to the ship and back**

Oz-Papa Oz and Dibbun caretaker
Xander-Warrior in Training and Nephew of Oz, son of Takeo
Takeo- Healer badger and Ship captain
Thunderwing- Eagle and member of Mossflower Defenders
Rayen-Mate to Flicktail
spoofed otter guard, a couple novice healers,spoofed Milo and Ottis(otter friends of Takeo), Hare-Harry(New Member of Takeo's Ship Crew), and some random abbey beasts

Takeo is working in the infirm, he right away is liking the ABC order of things and so far it’s been an easy day. Some beast had a headache and he checked on Rayen a couple times, and helped a dibbun with a skinned knee.   

Xander opens his eyes and notices he is in the infirm and out of the armor, he sniffs as a couple tears go down his face, he has no clue, he remembers the monitor and the fighting, but the rest is a little blurry after that.   

Takeo hears the sniffle and walks over laying a paw on Xander's arm, "Son...your awake, feeling ok? Want anything to eat...drink. I can get it for you"
Xander closes his eyes till he hears Takeo's voice and opens his eyes, right away he is sitting up and hugging him “Father.....I...I thought you were dead...I thought..."He hugs him tightly, "Your alive.." A thought "Where is...Zolomon?"   

Rayen  lays quietly in her cot , still in a deep faint.

Takeo allows the hug "Not..too tight son, cracked rib but tis ok....and Zolomon is sleeping over there" He points "He is fine...claw marks on his cheek but otherwise fine. You saved him and beheaded a monitor"   

Xander eyes widen "I..I won..I..I did?" He tries to remember, it’s still a little blur but he mutters a "Sorry " And leans back "Little bit of a..headache but food sounds nice, but only a little and water"
Takeo nods and goes to leave, he returns with a mug of water and some potato soup with finely diced potatoes and a little cheese, "Here...and Brother Leon suggest you rest for a few days, and I think that’s a good plan also"   

Xander drinks the water and eats half the soup before he speaks "Sounds...ok with me" He watches the older badger "I am glad you’re alive, I looked dead" He frowns.   

Takeo says, "I..fainted. I have never seen a creature such as that with...teeth" He shivers a little "It was a bit...easy to lose one's bravery and I rather use my healing skills, not my fighting skills which are not the best, I need practice...a lot of practice"

Xander says, "Fainting isn’t bad...well guess could of been if me and Zolomon didn’t show up. I was told by Uncle Zee its ok to run from a fight if it’s needed."   

Takeo says, "Your uncle Zee was wise then, but from what I heard he rarely ran from a fight. Your mother spoke of him often.." He frowns.." I miss her, maybe if I had just went with her that morning..."   

Xander says, "You could of been killed too or became a captive."   

Takeo shrugs "Maybe, maybe not. I am staying till this danger is over, then I will head off home...with the twins and Milo and Ottis."   

Xander nods sadly "Ok...but we can try and keep in contact, with letters..Thunderwing can fly them to and from us and he flies fast too. He could even carry other things too"   

Takeo nods "Alright"   

*couple hours later *

"Xander are you still here?"  Oz asks as he walks into the infirm.
Xander sits up "Yeah Uncle Oz...most likely a few days, but I would like to help look for Benar."   

Oz walks on over as he nods "Wait who ever said to rest, then listen to them. Rest would also help you be prepared to go back out, always recover from a battle even if no wounds are to be healed, being worn out is something as well”

Xander says, "I have some bruises, a cut on my paw...cut on my chin but otherwise fine. Guess the armor helped..was in like scratched...up, never mind"   

Oz shakes his head "I asked, just dusty but you can polish it in a couple days"   

Xander says, "Wait...does that mean, you’re ok with me having the armor?"
Oz nods "I don’t think Zork would of wanted his armor to sit around and slowly rust due to no one careing for it, and you have his blade...sort of goes together." He sighs and adds "And you can help look for Benar, long as you are not going out alone"   

Xander smiles "Thanks Uncle Oz and I can take Zolomon or father maybe, or..well someone. Marek has the defenders looking for both Abbot Benar and Lilymoore."   

Oz says, "As they should be, guards and Magramba is also looking for them, Ferravale as well most likely by now"   

Takeo steps back from where he was helping to dry some herbs "Hello Oz, how are you?"   

Oz nods "I am as well as one can be"   

Xander smiles at Takeo "Hey father, you still helping in the infirm?"   

Takeo nods "Tonight is being last night...I found Thunderwing and he agreed ta something" He steps into the hallway "I will be right back"
Oz tilts his head "Agreed to what?"   

Xander says, "We discussed letters and things for when he heads back to that island him and mom lived on"
Takeo steps back into the room ...the twins Zork and Northstar with him, "Yes that as well...thought you could say goodbyes, Thunderwing is to help me get the twins to the ship, Ottis and Milo is already there and will watch them till I get there. Thunderwing watching me from above so...should be fine"   

Oz blinks, he then goes to hold the twins "Your...leaving Takeo?"   

Xander frowns, " can't leave, why would you do that..what if your hurt or...what about helping..."   

Takeo sighs, “I will send word back I arrived safely and Milo and Ottis are fighters, so is a hare named Harry whom has decided to join us, he is an archer and not a bad ship beast either" He frowns " heart can't stay. Zinnia is...all over, the library has her logs, the room we had...still has her scent, just barely but memories there..memories of the cubs birth, her doing chores, the where can I go without hearing about her or a memory. I know tis important to keep her memory alive and I vow to do it."   

Oz hugs the twins and sighs "You will be missed, as will the twins. Maybe one day you or them could venture back here one day and visit, the gates are always open to the pure hearted"   

Xander just looks at the floor, silent and looking so unsure.   

Takeo sighs as he goes, if allowed, to hug him "I will miss you Xander. I am proud of you...your be a great warrior one day, you already are. You fought a monitor....few can do that and survive, even fewer can kill one and survive. You saved my life and ya friend's life, who knows how many others, most likely Rayen's life as well." He motions for the twins to hug him as well, again if he is allowed.   

Oz stays where he is and listens. “Just be careful and send word as soon as you get to the ship, and once you get to the Western shore as guessing from there, you should be fine"   

Xander allows the hug from Takeo and from the twins, he then looks at Takeo "I am glad you’re alive, and want you to remain alive...and I understand you needing to go and did know you would but didn’t expect it so soon was...was all" He wipes away a tear.   

Takeo nods, he then hands Xander a log book "Your mother...did some writing, you can place in the library...Her recorder pin, and abbey robes she worn when she was laid to rest. But there is...this" He places an amulet, his family crest and it’s like the one he wears around his neck." This was her'’s yours now, along with a dagger she had kept, that was with you when she first found you. I am guessing it belonged to your birth Mother or Father"   

Xander takes the log book and sits it on a bed to take the amulet as he looks at it "Your family crest sir?" He glances at the dagger and then holds it before sitting down"I..don’t remember my birth parents much..Sunflower was my mother, my father died shortly after I was born...and a bad storm..shipwrecked and that’s, Zinnia...found me, Zinnia became mom that day and adopted me"   

Oz says, "Zinnia will be missed by many"   

Takeo says, "She loved you very much...and all her family and friends." He leads the twins outside, and is soon inside again "Thunderwing has them now, the twins...and then he will come back in the morning to lead me to the ship and we set sail for my island right away" He sounds sad. "I will miss the friends I have made but friends always stay in contact, as do family and you Oz and you Xander are my family as well and always will be."   

Xander goes to hug Takeo again "Love you Father, please stay safe...any way I could tag along, just to the ship" He looks at Oz "Please..Thunderwing will get me back to the abbey safely Uncle Oz."   

Oz nods "You can go, I trust Thunderwing with my life, and with the lives of family and friends. I know he will make sure you get home safe, or die trying"   

Takeo at first frowns and then nods "Alright son...bring The Blade Of The Northwind Storms and wear that armor again"   

Xander nods "I will and thank you Uncle Oz" He adds "Don’t worry Uncle Oz I will be back, most likely by dinner time tomorrow."   

Oz nods "I trust you, when are you heading out Takeo?"   

Takeo says, "Before dawn, before the sun very early, an hour before the sun, he should be back by dinnertime with Thunderwing's help. Any talking we have quietly on the way he gets to ship with me, then right away heads back"   

Xander listens "Sounds good, I will be ready" He hugs Oz "I promise to stay alert and come straight back"   

Oz hugs Xander "I believe you"

**The next morning, 1 ½ hours before sunrise.**

Takeo is ready to go and on the road. His knapsack with him as he walks along

Xander is quiet the first half of the way. He is very alert and has on his grandfather’s armor, and he has The Blade of The Northwind Storms with him, and…an annoying otter guard. He then starts to talk to the older badger.

The otter guard came along to make sure the badger got back ok, the eagle made him slightly nervous but he stayed quiet.

Thunderwing stayed close, mostly flying high above and a couple times not too far above them. Ever the protector of his badgers, no one better  even look at them wrong or this large bird will have a serious word with you.

Takeo sighs , he has talked quietly in return to Xander ”Almost there son. Thanks for coming along it seems we have learned much about one another.

Xander smiles “I have liked our talk and thanks for letting me come along”

The otter guard stayed quiet the whole time, seems he rather just go back to the abbey, and they missed lunch, he barely had breakfast.

Thunderwing leads them to the ship and once he knows they are there he goes to hunt –fishies-.

Takeo  shows Xander around the ship and then lets him have lunch with him before giving a hug to him “Stay safe son”

Xander hugs his little brother and sister and enjoys a tour of the ship and lunch. He then hugs Takeo as he nods “Yes father.” He waves a goodbye

Takeo nods and then looks to Milo and Ottis, as well as the short hare Harry, ”Set  sail” He then goes below deck for some quiet time with his twin dibbuns.

Thunderwing nods to Xander “Home going now..ya”

Xander watches the ship and then nods “Led the way Thunderwing”

The otter guard follows, yes home…home is good.

The trio arrives at home right when the dinner bell is ringing and  after taking off the armor and placing his blade in a safe place, he goes to have a good dinner. Xander then heads to’s been a long day.

Last edited by oz (2017-03-11 09:20:38 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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