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#1 2018-09-06 06:49:12 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Chating Before and During Dinner-Fate Of MAREK TP


Benar-Abbot of Redwall

Kenya-Novice of Redwall

Gorvenalus- Recorder of Redwall

Mary- Now Novice of Redwall

Spoofs of abbey beasts and a couple guards...


RW Abbey: Great Hall

The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here. A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance. The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist. The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger. The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze.

Gorvenalus walks into the room from the library, he has been in the library most of the day so has not heard of much happening yet. But the logs are updated , as is any supply list , least updated for now.

Benar is standing by the tapestry looking well worriedly toward the doors. Several guards are loitering nearby as the abbot stands and watches. The alarm bell has just started ringing and beasts are hurrying in from outside, he glances at the recorder and beckons him over, "I think it is starting my friend."

Gorvenalus frowns as he walks over"That horde is here isn't it?" He stays calm but is worried "We are good on supplies, there was note of some beasts outside the gates but they should be somewhere safe...lets hope so anyways. Well there is least some good news from this morning to maybe overcome the bad a little"

Benar nods to Gorvenalus, "Yes they are here, Matilda is on the wall now," he frowns, "Marek has left.. .with Lilymoore to race for Willowbark to see if they can get us any more help. For now though we can only hope we have done enough to prepare."

Gorvenalus nods "It will be alright my friend, have faith and if they get inside...then there is safe places to be, lets hope they don't get inside, as for me and you we stay inside the building, I believe it not wise to go outside the on the grounds"

Benar says, "Oh I have faith," he reaches out and touches a paw to Martin's tapestry, "I have all the faith in Martin and our Champion. I am still worried about the friends we may lose before it is safe however.""

Gorvenalus frowns, "There will be lost, that is true...."He will try and brighten the mood, if he can "There is good news as I said, this morning a dibbun was born unless you have already heard this news, maybe not the best time for a birth but still some happiness is still around"

Benar says, "Oh my," he smiles, "Well that is most wonderful news my friend, I am so glad," he smiles wider, a proper smile for the first tie in weeks, "That is fantastic news.""

Gorvenalus smiles "Tassel had a baby girl..."He chuckles "Of course heard the father fainted but Anatole is ok...he was supposed to take some time off the walls."He goes on "I do not know if a name has been picked yet though for the newborn"

Benar says, "Well fathers often faint," he smiles softly and then chuckles, "I am sure I would faint if I was ever to become a father. but that is most fantastic news.""

Gorvenalus says, "Maybe a way to see things are not going to be as bad as we think. The walls and gates are strong, we have friends to help and friends on the way back home as well.""

Kenya walks down the stairs and into the room, most likely crowed as it usually is. She dusts off her robes and makes her way to a chair.

The Alarm bells have been ringing, the warriors are on the wall, the horde has arrived. But Benar is looking thrilled as he stands with Gorvenalus, "Did Tassel pick a name?"

Gorvenalus shrugs "I do not know, we can see later she and Anatole is in Oz's room, supposedly he is using his brother's old room for now till Tassel can find another room, I can help her find one I think"

Kenya over hears a little, it distracts her from those bells "I seen Tassel's baby its real real tiny...and cute...think she let me help name it?" She smiles a little.

Benar moves to sit in his arm chair then pauses as four guards hurry inside. Two of them split off and head toward Oz's room and two more move to the Abbot. They salute him, "DoraRose sent us sir, we are to stay with you at all times." The abbot sighs and nods to them and leans back in his chair, trying to focus on the conversation, "That sounds lovely Kenya, I will have to drop in and say congratulations when I have time."

Gorvenalus does note the guards but stays calm, its likely best guard are around, he nods "Maybe you can help out Kenya. any help around the abbey is good now"

Kenya frowns, why guards? "Why are.."She then stops and smiles again "Its a girl..maybe Rose, or...Possy..or maybe like Streamfur..Honeypaw?"

Benar asks, "Guards because Ormaz's hoarde is outside the walls Kenya, did you not hear the alarm bell?" He shakes his head and smiles at Gorvenalus, "Thank you my friend, that is wonderful news.""

Gorvenalus keeps the smile, keep the mood calm as he nods "Its ok Benar...and the guards are to help keep an eye on Benar, not to worry mist are still on the walls or around the grounds when needed"

Kenya frowns "I..heard the bells...I'm..sorry"She sits down and frowns as she folds her paws in her lap,"Did they try and hurt Benar...why don't they just go far far away and leave us and the abbot alones"

Benar motions to a chair, "Come sit Kenya and no, no one has tried to harm me yet but we are worried Ormaz will try to kill me"

Gorvenalus says, "I believe Benar is safe, no one will let anyone get to him or any of the leaders."He frowns, sighing but he isn't sure they want the recorder then he mainly stays in his room or the library most of the time. anyways" try to not worry too much child"

Kenya goes to sit by the abbot, too worried to try and correct the beaver in the fact she isn't a child now, she looks near tears but wipes them away.

Benar says, "All we can do now is wait for the all clear.""

Gorvenalus nods "Just stay inside and not go out to the grounds, unless we know its safe"Though he is unsure if its safe till the horde leaves.

Kenya frowns but nods, so no tree house right now."Ok...wh..what can I help do? I want to help somehow"

Benar says, "There isn't much to do up here," he looks around the Great Hall which is still filled with cots and beds and beasts and refugees, "You could see of Lacota needs help in the kitchens, he always needs extra help.""

Gorvenalus says, "there is still cores as well"

Kenya says, "I am..a little interesting in learning to cook, but also want to learn healing"

Benar says, "Well healing is an important skill, I am sure the infirmary needs people to help fetch and carry and help with supplies""

Gorvenalus smiles and sits down beside Benar"Maybe she could help serve meals even."

Kenya smiles a little again "I could help with that or something."She is a novice now, "Papa Oz let me read a story to the dibbuns, I could do that do and keep them..ummm...keep the dibbuns happy." She is unsure of the DAB staying happy and likely may stern clear of them and she once wanted to join them too, not so much lately.

Benar says, "Well Kenya, perhaps for now you can help set up the next meal in Cavern Hole," he stands up, "I think I might help too, I need to do something other then sit around here waiting.""

Gorvenalus nods, "I will need to update the logs again looks like, i try my best to keep logs up to date"

Kenya smiles "I can help set up tables for dinner. I know how to place the forks and spoons and things"

Benar says, "Well Gorvenalus I will leave you to update the logs, you are our resident expert at writing things""

Gorvenalus chuckles as he nods "I will just need to..."He sighs "Add about the horde at the gates"Not that he wants to add it but its important.

Kenya smiles as she goes to help set the tables for dinner.

RW Abbey: Cavern Hole
-------------------------------------------------------------------- This room is slightly smaller than Great Hall, but still of a size large enough to accomodate a great number of gathered beasts. A large fireplace is set into one of the walls, and there are a series of small tables and chairs near one end for beasts who are eating late, or simply prefer the smaller tables for their meals. Cushions and blankets have been set in one corner. A short flight of steps leads up to Great Hall, and along the walls of the stairs, going both ways, the word 'Redwall' has been carved into the stone. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Benar sits down at his place and sighs, he is eating dinner but not really enjoying it right now.

Kenya has helped sit the tables, even if it took a while she at least had some help from another couple novice.

Gorvenalus gently pats the abbot on the shoulder "It will be ok my friend the abbey will get through this"

"Hello again, Brother Gorvenalus! And... Ah..." Mary didn't get Kenya's name from the birthing incident, but one can hardly blame her. Tensions have felt higher in the Abbey lately, but even with the rumors of vermin floating about, Mary hasn't felt at home like this her whole life. It's a special kind of belonging that only Redwall has a way of offering. "Father Abbot?" The spoiled former lady shuffles behind the little knot of beasts gathered for vittles, scuffing a foot paw on the floor.

Benar looks up at Mary and offers a smile "Yes, what is it..sorry if I seem a little distracted its been a ..long afternoon and seems it will be a long evening as well"

Kenya waves and goes to get some food and a drink and sits down with a smile as she chats with a novice, a vole maid..maybe she is finally making a friend.

Gorvenalus nods "Hello..Mary was it?" He has finished updating the logs before dinner was ready and has put them away, he will likely update more in a few days.

Mary returns Kenya's wave with a shy one of her own, and she flashes the beaver a grin. "Yes! We met over lunch when I was cleanin' tables and you were writing in your logs. I do love writing, it's m'favorite thing to do ya know. I can be of help if you ever need it! Pa used to say-" She catches herself babbling, as she tends to, and she coughs into a paw to still her rants before her gaze goes back to Benar. "Er, ahem. Sorry... Yes it seems like there's been a lot of those, lately." Mary agrees, waving a paw in a dismissive gesture. She looks nervous, bouncing on her footpaws before she blurts out: "Father, I would like to join the Order!"

Benar smiles "Well your welcome to join, your start as a novice of course, have you studied the charter?"

Kenya listens a little and then eats some dinner quietly, she knows the charter and even looks it over sometimes so she remembers it at all times.

Gorvenalus nods"I remember. It is good to keep the logs up to date and they are once more..well for now"

"I have! I've looked over it many a time in the library. I've been living here a season and I've thought it over and just... This is my home and I wanna stay." Mary nods eagerly. She peers over at Kenya, obviously a novice like she'll be soon. She should get her name after this - and she can always bother Gorvenalus, she's sure that she'll badger him into letting her help one of these days!

Benar nods "Then you know as a novice your to forgo all forms of weapons and there will be lots of chores to do, more so with this horde at our gates now"

Gorvenalus sighs as the horde is mentioned , he dislikes it as well but tries to keep a good mood with all beasts here, keep the worries down if he can.

"I'll give my sword away and do all m'chores, I will!" Mary feels a twinge of regret at this, but the weapon hasn't done her any good here and won't moving forward. She is done running away, that much is for sure. "Horde or no horde!"

Benar says, "No blades at all, or be anywhere near the wall, leave that to the beasts whom are fighting for us. No order beast fights..fighting is a last resort only but our walls and gates are strong, no one should be able to get inside. So are you truly willing to not ever touch a blade again Mary?""

Gorvenalus quietly listens and sips some drink. Others chat about this or that , some worried and some not so worried about the days events.

The mouse is silent a long moment before she nods. "I can't stand the sight of blood anyhow. I'll give my sword to Fig and never touch it again long as I live."

Benar watches and listens and then nods" I am not sure who Fig is...but I am going to trust you"He smiles "You can see about getting your novice robes after dinner, just remember study your lessons, help others, being a novice is not going to be easy but it will be worth it and who knows one day you may become a Sister in the order"

Gorvenalus says, "Novice have a lot of studying, and chores to do"

Mary nods eagerly and beams at the abbot. "Thank you! Of course, I'll head there as soon as dinner is up!" She bounces and grins over at Gorvenalus. "I'll do my chores, I will. I spend enough time reading already, it won't make much difference if I'm studying, and... And..." She bounces again with a happy little grin. "Thank you!"

Benar smiles "Your is good that some good things are happening today as well...a dibbun was born, and we have a new novice as well"

Gorvenalus nods "Yes that is good. I say focus on the good things not the bad things right now"

"Always some good to focus on." Mary hums, clasping her paws behind her back, she dips her head in eager respect to Benar and then Gorvenalus. "I am going to go tell Fig and then get my robes!" She beams, and like a tiny, excitable arrow, shoots off towards the stairs.

Benar smiles and looks to the Recorder "I may head to bed early tonight, I am very tired my old friend"

Gorvenalus says, "I can keep an eye on things Benar, get some rest"

Kenya sighs as she decides to help clear the tables as well.

Gorvenalus makes sure Benar gets some rest and walks over to Kenya “You ok  young one?”

Kenya shrugs and sniffs, but asks “Is it safe to sleep?”

Gorvenalus nods “I believe so, all will be well, try to not worry too much. Think good not bad..ok?”

Kenya nods and   then “May I go to my room?”

Gorvenalus nods “Some others can help clear the dinner table...good night Novice Kenya.”He will watch her go to her room and then go to his own room.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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