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#1 2018-08-20 05:27:20 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Birds Attack!-Fate of Marek TP

****First found the first bird attack so included it,  then the log jumps to today so like a few days from first bird attack...Oz doesn't show up till later on in the log, but all the log is still important.!  I do also spoof a guard, some others are spoofed by Benar*****


Atvi- A dibbun shrew

Falk-Evil Messenger bird from Blackrose

Kiishiko-teenager otter/novice

Sinway- Fighter in Mossflower Defenders

Maltilda- Redwall Abbey Champion

Oz- Badger Mother of Redwall, AKA Papa Oz

Benar- Abbot of Redwall

Rigel-Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Spoofs of birds, guards and a few abbey beasts...


Atvi is where he shouldn't be, the wall tops as he sneaked out of class...again and he is up here as he is chasing hopper the grasshopper."Hopper you being bad...come on!" The grasshopper lands on a small edge.

Kishiko followed curious "Why are you up here.."She frowns and looks around then smiles "Wow its neat up here you can see a lot!"

Falk is on his own, then he looks down when he sees the two beasts and dives down to land, and he lands on poor Hooper the grasshopper is smashed in his talons. its safe to assume its dead now.

Atvi backs up and then gets brave "You is a made Hopper dead.."He goes to throw a rock, he has a lot in his pocket at the bird.

Kishiko gasps as she quickly backs up and frowns, "That's a bird....we neeeds to get away from it"

Falk stays still as the stone hits him in the beck, he yawns large "That ya best shot....."He smirks as he starts to get ready to lunge at the dibbun"Well here's mine..."

Atvi frowns, ok this is bad as he now whimpers...afraid and one of those can't run away times.

Kishiko just screams and goes to rush towards the steps, tripping over a novice robe that's a little too big, still needs hemed.

Sinway comes out of the abbey to see a big bird attacking some dibbuns, quick as he can the otter makes his way up the ramparts behind the dibbuns loading a sling, with a sure paw and the skills of a seasoned warrior the otter lets loose a rock that wizzes right over the birds head "Ye best be steppin' away from them dibbuns feather brain, or the next rock wont miss." His voice is low dangerous and growling moving to step in front of the dibbuns

Falk moves slightly as he looks at the otter and smirks "Or what river dog? Maybe you should just leave how that for a reply?"

Atvi gets another rock from his pocket but doesn't throw it yet, he just gets a little bit further away, for now.

Kishiko frowns, she gets to the steps and just watches, large birds scare her. She looks at some dirt on the robe and sighs, great she messes it up the first day she wears it that's a good way to show you can be a novice.

Sinway steps in front of Atvi, a dangerous grin on his face, twirling his loaded sling he gets ready to strike again "Ye be the one who should be leavin' bird." With his strong rudder like tail he scoots Atvi behind him "Come on lad, back up to the stairs but stay close to me." he keeps his eyes on the falcon

Falk watches the otter and looks like he could be ready to try and attack"You know....been a while since I attacked anything but fish, oh I could of went with those ..Assassins but why brother, its gonna be fun here too sooner or later"

Atvi frowns "He made  Hopper dead" He does allow himself to be pushed towards the steps but still stays on the wall by the steps"He's a meaner"

Kishiko frowns, she looks at Atvi"It killed a grasshopper...we need to get down before it kills us"

Sinway knows the bird is trying to taunt him but he wont let it work, he justs keeps scooting Atvi back towards the the stairs picking up the pace to catch up with Kishiko "Stay close to me both of ye." He says calling to Kishiko, no point in hiding what he says, birds have great hearing. the whole time he keeps his eyes on the bird with deadly focus

Falk watches them"I could easily slay one of you, but lucky not that bored...Ormaz will kill beasts here soon enough I am sure. And there will be no one to help the poor beasts here"

Atvi gulps and decides stairs are good, in fact back below is good as he frowns "Me sorry fer skipping Brother Fred's not do again"

Kishiko shivers as she is too afraid to move very fast, she has no real reason to be up here either, curious of the view maybe which she liked but she may well not go back up here till its safe again...when ever that is,

Sinway grins widen showing his teeth as he looks at the bird, the otter is pretty sure he could slay the bird before he even have a chance to strike, but now is not the time to worry about that, he finally scoots Atvi so they are close to Kishiko "Stay right up against me little ones hold on to me tail and don't let go, now walk down the stairs slowly." He keeps his eyes on the bird "if he moves do not leave my side, got it."

Falk spreads his wings as he gets ready to fly, but he doesn't just yet as he seems to find fun in scareing them right now."Fear..such an interesting thing. I may just go but I will be back. I am a messenger after all and maybe if the one group is successful in their mission I will bring you all a lovely gift"

Atvi pokes his head around the otter and sticks out his tongue but does stay close to Sinway.

Kishiko frowns "What is he talking about? Is someone gonna get hurt?"

Sinway just keeps backing up leading the young ones down the stairs "Don't listen to that feather brain young ones, just keep walking, I'll protect ye." The whole time his eyes never leave the bird and his sling is ever ready to fire, soon they are down the stairs "Keep a hold of me tail now." Finally he dresses the bird "Go on, leave yer message is delivered, now get out of here."

Falk grins as he takes flight, circles them just to cause more fear as he speaks "Oh someone is gonna get hurt...die, or their leader will the rest will just get enslaved....if they survive...and no rescue will happen as they will be long gone somewhere far from do have a lovely day"He then sneers and flies off, if a stone is throw in likely misses or just hits his talons.

Atvi eyes widen and he ends up clinging onto the otter as the bird circles and whimpers afraid the bird is trying to make him a snack.

Kishiko gasps and watches the bird closely, when it flies away she is still shivering "Is it coming back...please say it isn't coming back"

Sinway doesn't flinch or take his attention off the bird even when Atvi climbs on top of him watching as the bird flies off "I don' know lass, but we best get in the abbey”  He lifts his tail up to keep Atvi in place and quickly scoops up Kishiko dashing towards the abbey building his strong swimmer legs and adrenaline getting him to the abbey building in seconds

Falk does not plan to come back, right now, he is off flying back to where ever his master is.

***A Few days later ***

Rigel is up here, watching the woodlands and the road, he yawns as doesn't seem like much is going on right now, which should be good. He does watch a couple sparrows and shakes his head, one sparrow looks at him and the fox just nods "Sorry just seems ya birdies use de word worm a lot..." The sparrows seem grumpy at this and fly away as the fox shrugs "Yeah yeah...go worm whatever"

Another guard is nearby and smirks, “Yeah sparrows are odd.”

Benar is doing an inspection tour of the wall tops, the abbot accompanied by two guards, a sparrow from the Abbey loft and a raven who arrived with the refugees from Ferravale. He slows as he spots Rigel and raises a hand, "Good afternoon there, how are you doing? I hope you are not finding guard duty too boring up here."

Rigel turns and nods a hello " must be the abbot, or have meet already? I am Rigel not to worry I am a friend to the abbey"

Benar smiles at the fox, "We have not met before in person, but the Champion Matilda keeps me informed of everyone who is helping out in our defense," He looks over the edge then back at the fox, "It is quite a pleasure to meet you and to have the chance to say thank you in person"

Rigel smiles 'Good...good yes, not much seems to have happen really which could be being bad or being good depending on how look at it"

Benar says, "Well that is goo..." The abbot starts when with a caw and a plump of feathers a larger bird slams into the raven and knocks them spinning into the Sparra. Both birds go backwards into the orchard trees below as another bird dives at the Abbot. The hawk has its claws stretched wide and is diving directly at the startled squirrel."

Rigel may not of seemed not too  alert, but he was and when he heard the bird he stepped in front of the abbot and fired off an arrow at the hawk diving downwards, he mutters a sorry for basically most likely making sure the abbot was behind him as he keeps an eye out for any other birds and frowns, he always did dislike things that could attack from the air.

The hawk caws and turns, taking the arrow in the wing and limping off toward Mossflower, the second hawk spirals back in however and dives at the abbot again, coming from behind the pair. The Abbot's guards move to defend him but they lack bows and arrows.

Rigel is the only one with a longbow...ok he fires off another arrow as he stays very alert and focused on his job and that's defend the abbot and help the guards. He can speak later as his eras flatten slightly.

The second arrow misses its mark and the hawk spirals back around, several more birds are descending on the wall, dropping from on high and diving the various beasts and birds on the wall top as the small force attacks.

Rigel frowns "Maybe it being best we get the abbot inside yes?" He keeps an eye on the bird nearest to them and narrows his eyes, he can fire off another arrow but he only has so many.

"Yes," One of the guards says, "Come on sir, down quickly." The abbot starts to move and the other guard motions to Rigel to follow, the birds continue diving toward the abbot he is clearly the birds have been waiting for the abbot.

One guard barely gets out of the way of one of the birds talons and gulps.

Rigel nods as he stays close to Benar, another arrow is fired off at a bird as the fox growls a little "Annoying birdies....not liking this at all." Another gets a bit to close to the fox and he takes a quick moment to get a dagger from his side belt and flick it at the bird which does cause it to back off as the dagger is stuck in its side.

Benar ducks as a hawk gets way too close for comfort and almost slips on the steps but one of his guards grabs him.

Then Matilda is there, the Champion leaping up the steps and joining Rigel, the worn bow pulled back and leasing an arrow at a diving bird, "Good job Rigel, you two take the abbot down, into the gatehouse, everyone follow Rigel's example, bows and arrows up and loose!"

Rigel nods "More archers be nice..."He makes sure to stay close, when needed he will fire off an arrow at a bird and frowns as one guard just barely avoids serious injury.

The hedgehog champion moves herself so she is back to back with Rigel without stabbing him and laughs, "Well I am glad you where up here Rigel, the Abbot will insist on being seen and not hiding away, now let's show these birds that Redwall will not be cowed."

Rigel nods "Thinking he shouldn't be seen..."He fires an arrow at a bird and snorts, ok that one was WAY to close to him. He moves along "We should be walking towards the inside of the abbey main building faster...thinking yes faster"

Matilda laughs and launches another arrow up and watches, "Well I have to admit I agree with the Abbot, hiding away inside is not good for our morale and lets the vermin think we are scared," She knocks another arrow, moving backwards, a ring of archers now firing up in all directions as a cloud of Sparra dive out of the loft led by their King, "But these birds are most persistent"

Rigel frowns "Yes...they are.....maybe he can do good for moral...inside as well?"

Matilda smiles and watches, holding her bow at the ready as the hawks fly off, abandoning the attack now the Sparra are in the air over the abbey, "I will speak to him about perhaps not coming up onto the walls, but I doubt he'll stay inside," The hedgehog smiles and puts her arrow away, "Good shooting though Rigel, I am glad to have you on our team."

Rigel smiles "I am being glad as well."He relaxes, a little "He can be staying off the walls yes? The walls seem dangerous for anyone, even skilled archers can get hurt from attacks from above, and it is being not possible a sure thing this evil will come and try to get inside, the enemy may well indeed have their own archers then."

Matilda nods her head and frowns, "I will have a word," She slings her bow over one shoulder and turns as the Sparra king flutters down, "Nasty stabclaws attack wormbeasts! We come, we chase, King Nutterclash's warriors harry tyhem beyond walls! But we not go far far after as SpikeWorm says."

Matilda bows to the King, "Thank you King Nutterclash, the Abbey is in your debt,"

Nutterclash flaps his wings and chirps, "Worms good, nice loft, not want verminworms!" He then looks to Rigel with beady eyes, "Except this Redworm, he good worm, fought Stabclaws! Is good worm, can keep him!"

Rigel frowns do they have to call everything worm, he just keeps alert as he looks around"Let's hope those evil birdies do not return soon...the abbot is ok correct?"

King Nutterclash chirps and flaps his wings, "Many fights for all the worms and Sparra alike! Much glory!" He chirps and flies back up into the air. Matilda shakes her head, "They sure are... unique creatures, but thank you Rigel for joining our team."

Rigel nods "Yes everything is a worm to these sparrows." He frowns "These...evil birds though could be after more than just Abbot Benar..other leaders too maybe me thinks"

Matilda nods, "I think they will grab anyone they can but we can't all lock ourselves away we will just have to be vigilante but I will see to it that none of the Elders or Papa Oz are out unguarded," She frowns, "Oz should stay inside if Birds are attacking"

Rigel nods "I am knowing whom that blind watcher of the dibbuns....brave beasts as he has what is basically a mini horde...dibbuns can be sneaky you know."He frowns "I think they are being the reason my socks are missing...and careing for all of them....must take skill as well." Seems he is unsure of...dibbuns, they are fine from a distance.

The hedgehog smiles and then starts to laugh, "Oh stars you are a Redwall Newbie... if your socks are missing then the DAB have marked you for mischief my friend," She shakes her head, "I may have only been here for a short while but I know of the DAB and they are mischief."

Rigel tilts his head "What is being DAB...sounds most odd"

Matilda smiles, "The Dibbuns against bedtime, the DAB, they are mischief, it is nice to know that all of this isn't affecting them and their mischief."

Sinway makes his way over to everyone sighing some "Seems every beast be ok.......sorry I  wasn' here to help." He looks out at the sky "What happen.....the beast who woke me only said something about another attack by hawks."

Rigel nods "Yes they were after Abbot too..way too close a couple of times but the evil featherbags were stopped"

Matilda turns and nods to Sinway, "Aye, Hawks bombarded the wall trying to snatch beasts whilst the Abbot was in the middle of an inspection tour," she nods to Rigel, "Rigel here helped rally the guard and then King Nutterclash and his Sparra drove the hawks back."

Sinway frowns looking back at the sky "They are becomin' more active. I have a bad feelin' about this mates." He turns back to Rigel "Thank ye fer actin' so quickly messmate here I thought they only had one hawk on there side......but tis seems like they have many."

Matilda sighs, "Makes sense to hide them from us, that attack took us off guard as we where't expecting so many, didn't get a good look, seven or eight at least..."

Rigel nods "Yes..maybe thinking, should anyone be out of doors then? Maybe just guards and fighters be out if doors.....or if chores needing done make sure hove guards with whomever"

Sinway nods "That was the rule I so hmmmm forcefully suggested.......though ye can't blame me walkin' to yer cottage Matilda to put me sling away after trainin' some beast because i forgot to only to find two dibbuns up on the wall top being attacked by a bird, and so far that's how tis been no beast outside that doesn't needs to be.......but this was just the abbot doin' his job......hopefully twas nothin' more then unlucky timin' on the abbot part."

Matilda nods to Sinway, "Aye we already have most beasts not going outside unless they have a guard, and I had sparrows with the Abbot..." The hedgehog frowns, "But they seem intent on reaching him, we may want to up his guard."

Rigel nods "Sounding wise idea to me"

Sinway nods to Matilda "Aye they are......I met one of the Blackrose, a cat.....they believe if they take down our leaders then we will just roll over and surrender."

Matilda nods, "It is a sensible tactic, but one that will fail now we know of it. They took Blisa and that gave their plan away, there is no way they are reaching the Abbot."

Sinway nods "even then it wouldn't work, we aren't like some vermin horde who needs to be told what to do by a master.....we be woodlanders who have homes and families to defend they don't know what they be talkin' about if they think we would just roll over after that......but either way best to make sure father abbot be safe all the same, but that also means ye need to be ever watchful yer self marm, ye be as much of a leader as the abbot."

Rigel nods in agreement"Tis true...they may go after de champion"

Matilda chuckles and places a hand on her sword hilt, stroking the red pommel, "I know but I am but one beast out of many, the sword of Martin will always be raised when it is needed."

Rigel nods " be careful lass is all I will say..should we head inside more here"

Sinway shakes his head "Still be careful, just because a new beast would rise up to take the blade doesn't mean ye should be careless." He looks back at the abbey building "i think we should head inside fer now."

Matilda shakes her head, "No I must continue my patrol and see that the wall guard is reset, but you two head inside I will speak to you soon." She nods to both and walks off back toward the wall.

Rigel nods "We can make sure Benar is being ok...right?"

Sinway watches as Matilda walks off before turning to the fox "Aye lets go see how he is doin'." With that the otter makes his way down to the ground below and back inside the abbey

**Into the Great HALL **

Benar is sitting in his chair by the fire listening to the reports of casualties and injured taken to the infirmary after the hawk attack. The great hall is full of beds and worried looking beasts as everyone waits for word to see if this latest attack on the abbey has been driven back.

Rigel makes his way inside and looks around, seeing Benar he heads over to him "Are you being ok sir abbot?"

Sinway walks in after Rigel following him to the abbot's side "Yes Benar, how are ye holdin' up?"

Oz is beside the abbot and also listens to any updates quietly.

Benar smiles at the two warriors, "I am well, they did not harm me and thank you Rigel for your swift actions," He frowns, "Not everyone was as lucky, the infirmary is filling up, it is quite alarming."

Rigel nods "You are being most would seem the evil birds have left for now"

Sinway frowns his tail twitches trying very hard not to slap the ground with it out of frustration "Aye tis a sad thing.......but it could of been worse had more been outside.....I don't like that they have Ferravale all there attention be on the abbey now." He says that last part in a hushed voice no need to make every beast in the hall upset

Oz frowns "We can just hope some help comes to the abbey...sooner rather than later"

Benar leans back in his chair and sighs, "We have done all we can, with the abbey so full of refugees from the woods we have plenty of hands to help man the walls," He frowns, "But there is little more we can do, we cannot take the fight to them.... your reports Sinway say they are too many"

Rigel decides to slip off to the kitchens maybe get the staff to bring some tea and muffins, food and drink is always good right?

Sinway nods his head "Aye but it just still doesn't feel like tis enough.....but there be nothing else we can do but sit and hope Xander brings help in time.....and that's what frustrates me the most, being stuck in here not able to act while those vermin run around Mossflower and soil it."

Oz stays beside Benar " Wish it wasn't so...dangerous on the grounds. I have yet to let the dibbuns have a bit of a camp out, thinking the attic or maybe just forgetting it and doing something else that's inside."

Benar shakes his head, "As much as I want to let them camp Oz, the attic is being used to store spare arrows and where the fletcher from Ferravale has set up shop to make arrows," He frowns, "I fear a dibbun camp out must wait until this is all over," He stands up and shakes his robes out, "I need to speak to the Friar"

Last edited by oz (2018-08-20 05:31:14 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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